
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Message of Reassurance

Periodically we all have days where things become overwhelming.  My husband was having one of those days.  He works as a parole officer which is a spiritually draining job.  At least half of his cases are pedophiles. Being a father of 4 daughters and 3 granddaughters this is heart wrenching to say the least.  To add to this stress job changes are being made daily, 9 days without pay, they take the money in advance and you can take the time when you are able to depending on your caseload, higher contribution to health insurance, retirements in his office without filing the positions (this has almost tripled his caseload over the past year).  The final straw was being told to remove any spiritual symbols from his office as the pedophiles were complaining!  He fights a spiritual war with the dark side on a daily basis while trying to protect our states families from these monsters. 
Knowing the situation I understand how this can bring a dark cloud over your spirituality.  We spend every weekend we are able to at our 44 acres we recently purchased, reconnecting with our angels, making angel healing stone jewelry, meditating and planning our angel retreat.  The angels have guided us to start this venture and are showing us the path we need to follow. We attend fairs as often as we are able to and are reenergized by the people we meet and minister to.  Our Divine Plan is to reacquaint people with their angels, by making healing angel jewelry and creating a place to have angel retreats.
Considering the situation you can see how it is sometimes hard to stay positive in your thoughts.  On this particular weekend I listened to him vent, which is sometimes necessary in order to release the frustration.  I am a firm believer in you get what you put out there and getting stuck in this mind frame is not healthy or helpful to our divine plan. 

The angels told me to “Send him to the prayer circle” This is the place where we bless the angels we create asking Mother Mary, and all the White Light Angels to empower the healing properties of the gemstones, find the people who need them and answer their prayers as ours have been answered”   The place we are dedicating as our prayer circle is definitely blessed already and this spring we are reinforcing it metaphysically with healing stone markers, crystal and copper. 
Noticing my husband was having a hard time letting go of the negative feelings this particular week, I listened to the angels and sent him to the prayer circle to ask the angels and Mother Mary to help him let this go and recharge in order to face the upcoming  week.  He spent some time there and then took a walk around our property, envisioning the retreat we are planning.  The meditation pond, the angel garden, a live rosary path to follow as you pray, Arch Angel stations (first as stations with benches and information about each Arch Angel, with cabins built later for angel readers to use).  He returned from this time of meditation with a blessed new outlook!    Later that day we took the  angels we created over the weekend to the prayer circle to bless as we always do. As we walked out of the circle we passed by one of our wind chimes which in confirmation chimed 3 times.  There wasn’t even the slightest breeze and my husband said to me “Real funny Diane, I get it the angels are reaffirming they are helping us”

I had to smile as I confessed I did not touch the wind chimes, for one they were higher than I am able to reach and secondly the center part was wrapped around a branch.  The impossible is possible when you ask your angels for help.  Thank you angels for always being with us and guiding us on our path of reacquainting people with their angels. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My 11-11-11 Angel Experience

On 11/11/11 I took the day off of work so I could spend my day meditating and opening myself up to moving on to the next level in my spiritual journey.  I spent time alone in the spot we are creating our prayer circle and asked the angels to help me on my path. I used my angel cards to do a divine plan reading for myself.
Current Reality Card:  Passion – Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love, life and career.
The Challenge Card:   Sensitivity – You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings.
Angel Mind Card: (helps overcome challenge) Moon Cycles – Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations and capitalize upon these cycles.
Letting Go Card:  (What holds you back)                Take back your Power – Use your God given power to manifest blessings in your life.
Wisdom Card:  (claim your wisdom/acknowledge progress and talents) Clairvoyance - I am helping your spiritual sight awaken fully so you can clearly see heavenly love.
Talents and Abilities Card: Spiritual Understanding – I am bringing you esoteric information and symbols and helping you understand spiritual truths
The Message Card:  (Reminder/message to encourage you) Courage – be courageous and stand up for your beliefs
The Gift Card: Prosperity – Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.
Below is what I am manifesting:
I spend my days spiritually fulfilled reacquainting people with angels by making
healing angel jewelry and creating a place to have angel retreats. 
This has become my full time job – thank you Angels for recruiting me!

Archangel Jophiel, the angel of beauty, please beautify my thoughts
about my desires so that they’re completely based in love.

 It was a very peaceful, loving and reenergizing day.  Later that evening, one of my daughters asked me to give her an angel card reading. We sat together to do the reading, which was very emotional for her. Actually many of the cards were repeats of earlier cards she has received and been hesitant to take action on.  Needless to say it was emotionally draining for both of us.  We took a break and went outside on our deck.  It was a very overcast night, with a full moon.  The outlines of the clouds were glowing in the moonlight.  We were commenting on the shapes we were seeing, when all of a sudden the open spots between the clouds moved in front of the moon, which glowed divinely in the shape of an angel.
I am grateful the angels have chosen me to be the bridge people recognizing their angels are right beside them waiting for them to ask for assistance.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Angels to the rescue! Thank you for the change in thinking

I work at the University at Buffalo, which has thousands of employees.  Unfortunately, my office has many people who are self appointed “better than everyone else”  I was having a challenging morning dealing with one of my critical co-workers and kept thinking what the heck am I doing here. 
My future, my path is to spend my time reacquainting people with their angels by making healing angel jewelry and creating a place to have angel retreats.  Last weekend we attended an Expo which was the most spiritually uplifting one we have ever been to.  I started my week on an “Angel High” by Wednesday I find myself grumpy to say the least.  I decided to take a break and go outside.  As I was walking towards the door another employee who I see occasionally in the hallway and exchange “good morning” with stopped me and asked if I was the person who owned land in Lily dale. I said no, we do own land in Friendship, NY and she went on to explain another co-worker had shown her the healing angel pendant I gave her.  She too is a spiritual person and we chatted for about 10-15 minutes about Angels and what has happened to bring me to this point on my path. 
Thank you Angels, for putting this spiritual sister in my path – to offer reassurance, love and peace when I needed it most.   I know soon I will be doing the work I am supposed to do as my main focus.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why we do what we do....

My Mission is to reaquaint people with their angels.  I have been recruited to do this and have never been more at peace.

No matter what we may be experiencing in our lives, angels are here to help. Angels are divine beings who serve as messengers from God and are able to facilitate healing and transformation in our lives.  Their purpose is to fill our lives with love, offer guidance and protect us.  All we have to do is ask for their assistance.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that wearing gemstones can have positive effects on one’s health.  Light enters the gemstone and changes its wavelength.  When different wavelengths of light interact with skin and blood, they have different health effects on the wearer.  Gemstone healing angels are created with love, have been blessed and are waiting for you to name. Hold your angel, pray and the correct name will come to you.  It may not happen instantly, so be patient.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Archngel Oracle Card for Today 9/24/11

Take Back Your Power!  Archangel Raziel:  "Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life."'
Additional messge: You are a luminary: a sage, a wise one, a high priestess, wizard and a supreme manifestor.  Now is the time to summon up your spiritual strength and power and put your authority into action.  Lovingly and firmly transform you intentions into reality.  Say prayers about your intentions, and ask for guidance and signs to shape your manifestations to the highest possible level.

Working with Archangel Raziel: Archangel Raziels's name means " Secrets of God" and this archangel will help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. Call upon Raziel to assist your alchemical work - to turn ideas into gold.

Today we did the final walk through on our new property - will be ours in a few days.  My intentions are to be able to focus my full time efforts to making our angel jewelry and spreading the word to those who need it most in these desperate times.  We are going to turn our new 44 acres into an angel retreat.  Where anyone can come to reaquaint themselves with their angels.
Our angels are right by our sides, waiting for you to ask them for their help.

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Archangel Oracle Card for Today

Counselor - Archangel Azrael: "You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance"

Your life purpose involves counseling people in ways that uplift, motivate, comfort, heal and inspire.  You're a true spiritual counselor and people find you to be a trustworthy confidant.  Expand your counseling work to the next level, because you're about to help greater numbers of people.  Call upon me for guidance and support.

Working with Archangel Azrael:  Azrael's name means "Whom God Helps", and he helps those who are helpers.  He's particularly interested in helping counselors who work with the grieving or dying.  Ask Azrael to guide your words and actions during counseling sessions and he'll help you remain patient and compassionate.  He can also help you enter the counseling profession and guide you toward schooling, internships and a wonderful counseling practice.

This fits my path once again!  We are working on opening up a place for Angel Retreats hopfully within the next year.  I have been looking for my niche in this.  We made healing angel jewelry  but I feel amazing when we attend events and I am able to interact with people regarding their angels.  I may look into the angel therapy courses.

Thank you angels once again for guiding me on my path.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What people are saying about Gemstone Healing Angels....

Just thought I'd share a little feedback from some of our customers:

scarletxstar says:
An amazing seller. Great communication and fast delivery. Truly goes out of her way to make the customer happy. What more could you ask for. The pendant is beautiful. I love it.

Aug 25, 2011

diva2thedanceflr says:
Beautiful piece.. My friend loved the gift..

Aug 8, 2011

nbellos9 says:
Thank you! My mother-in-law LOVED this!

Jul 9, 2011

SweetAnnaCakes says:
Beautiful! Thank you!

Apr 7, 2011

katie5555 says:
This was a gift for my very spiritual mother. She adores, says it is gorgeous. The seller was very fast and an all around easy transaction. I plan on coming back to add more pieces for my mom. Thanks!

Mar 20, 2011

KerrBear17 says:
Perfect. Thanks!
Feb 21, 2011

fARTss says:   
I love it so much. Love the card that explains the meaning of the stone.

lyamiranda says:
i'm in love with the angel. thank you!
Dec 17, 2010

ebbandflowbirthing says: Sooo sweet... thank you !
Nov 4, 2010

karenc82 says: Love the angels!! Thank you so much!!! hugs ^_^
Sep 17, 2010
magicfairydust says:
Super cute! Love it! Fast delivery and great communication. Aug 23, 2010

magicfairydust says:
Love it!!!! Exactly as described. Super cute!!! Fast delivery and great communication.
Aug 23, 2010
Check out our site, let me know what you think!


Was she an angel?

Was she an angel?
A few weeks ago we participated in the Journey Expo at Lakeland Community College in Ohio.  It was approximately a 3 ½ hour drive from our home in NY.  The first thing I needed to do was visit the ladies room when we arrived.  When I entered the facilities I was alone in there.  When I came out there was a very blonde woman, with teased hair, adjusting her make-up and hair; I said “hello”, and she asked me if I am Native American.  I told her a tiny bit on my grandmother’s side.  She said she sees me in Pennsylvania/New York border area. 
I told her we were in the process of selling our cabin, and purchasing 44 acres in Friendship, NY which is close to the PA border.  I showed her my gemstone healing angel pendant I wear and shared that we make and sell them, combining the metaphysical with the spiritual and that we are planning on holding angel retreats/workshops on the acreage we are purchasing. Part of our mission is to reacquaint people with their angels.
She touched my arm and told me this will be more than you can envision, and that we are on the right track.  I looked for her over the next 3 days we were at the Expo, as I wanted to introduce her to my husband. 
She was nowhere to be found – Was she an angel with a special message just for me?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Angels Plan for Us

We participated in the psychic fun fest sponsored by the fellowships of the spirt in Lily Dale, NY on July 16, 2011.  We had never been there, but have heard endless stories about the spirituality there.  The stories were and undestatement!  Our vist completely changed our lives!  At the festival I met a very special friend who gave me some Doreen Virtue angel cards to use and a Journey Magazine to look at.  She also taught me how to try to move forward more quickly on our dreams of spreading the word about angels being with each and everyone one of us waiting for us to ask for their assitance.

After the festival we went to our cabin for the evening.  Our neighbor came up to visit and told us about some property he was working on to prepare it to be sold.  44 acres of land with a mobile home on it.  My immediate thought was wow! what a great place to have angel retreats. Now we are at a point in our lives where we are knocking on the door of retirement, and have started making gemstone healing angel jewelry, hoping to raise awareness of angels at a time where so many people are struggling emotionally as well as financially.  Help give a little hope and be a part of the spiritual movement that I believe will bring peace to this world. So basically at  a comfortable place in our lives. 

I couldn't stop thinking about an angel community, a spiritual place to have fairs, classes, etc to meet the spiritual needs of anyone who needs it.  We talked about it on the long ride home.  I contacted the realtor that sold us our cabin only 3 years ago asking her to find out information on the property and to see if she could give us an idea on what we would be able to sell our cabin for.

On August 13th we met with our realtor and looked at a few other properties, and decided to list our cabin for sale.  Knowing we would need the additional funds to add to our savings to purchase the land. We wanted to go from just under 4 acres to enough land to allow us to build our dream.  Our cabin had been up for sale for almost 2 years when we purchased it, and we were well aware of the fact that so many people are struggling to keep their homes, much less have money to purchase a vacation place. So we prayed for our angels to guide us, and help us if this leap was what we were supposed to do.

Needless to say this is what the angels want us to do.  Before our cabin was even listed, it was sold. In this economy that is a true miracle!

The property we had heard about was finally listed and we went to look at it the following weekend.  We put a bid in on it and it was accepted.  Today was the closing on our cabin, and September 29th is the target closing date for the new land. 

We will begin to build our angel sanctuary, the place we are dreaming of that will bring hope by reacquainting people with their angels.

Thank you angels for showing us the path we need to take, and for your support and angel magic in making this happen in just over a month.

This is true angel magic.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Angel Guided Birds on a Mission

If you have read some of my blogs you know we spend most weekends at our cabin near the top of a mountain, making angel jewelry.
We have heard the mountain range referred to as the enchanted mountains, which they seem to be - just outside of Angelica, NY
The land is so blessed and angel communications come through so much clearer. It may be because of the peacefulness, or having fewer distractions, but it certainly is a very spiritual place.
We have grandchildren who come to visit, and last summer at the beginning of August we noticed a huge wasp nest (probably close to 4 feet in length and 2 or 3 feet across hanging near the deck. Being at the top of the mountain, it was in a very difficult place to reach with anything that might destroy the nest. We did not want to use any chemicals to damage the earth or the animals that roam the land - I was very upset about the possibility of our granddaughters getting stung, as it would have been many times with the size of the nest. I asked the angels to help us find a way to take care of the problem. Keep it safe for our grandchildren to visit.
The following weekend, as dusk enfolded over the valley, 50 or 60 blue jays came like bomber pilots attacking the nest. They were screeching and definitely on a mission they did not stop until they totally destroyed the nest.
Our angels worked with Mother Nature to keep our land safe for our family.
Thank you Angels!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Journey Continues...

We spent Saturday this past weekend as a vendor at “Psychic Fun Fest” a fundraiser for the “Fellowships of the Spirit Learning Center” in Cassadaga, New York.   This is located just outside of Lily Dale, which is a spiritualist community located in Chautauqua County, New York.
What divine place!  I was approached by one person after another telling me that my work is so much more than Angel Jewelry and that I am seen as a bridge to bring people back to their angels for help and told that there seems to be an urgency in this task. What an amazing compliment.   I was also shown how to ask the angels to speed up the process.   
I have struggled with how to promote angels to a larger group than I am currently reaching and have been asking my angels to continue to guide me on this path.  I have read Doreen Virtues column in Woman’s World Weekly magazine for as long as I can remember, and have longed to meet her, knowing she will fully understand my intentions and hopefully become an advocate of my mission.  A vendor at a booth next to me shared Doreen Virtues “Saints and Angels” tarot cards with me and a copy of The Journey Magazine.  After reading the beginning of the book that comes with the cards, I attempted a quick reading.  I had two guardian angel cards for my past and future and a card for miracles for my present, upon reading the information about how to interpret the cards I am to watch for repeated signs from my angels, and miracles are there for me.  RIGHT NOW!
A sense of peace filled me as I smiled from my soul.
I began to browse through the magazine she gave me to read, and the issue was dedicated to Angels.  I have posted on my website a quote from St Thomas Aquainas that says: "Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy and every creed.  In fact angels have no religion as we know it; their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth" there are many articles in this issue of the magazine about Angels & Christianity, Angels and Hinduism, Angels and Judaism, Angels and Islam – so cool! 
As I read on I saw an advertisement for “The Journey Mind, Body and Soul Expo” in Kirtland, Ohio September 9-11, 2011.   We have yet to venture past the state borders of New York and Pennsylvania.
The advertisement stated that there were few vendor spots still available.  I called to inquire and have secured a spot at the Expo.  Doreen Virtue is giving a seminar on Saturday, September 10th.
I am so excited about this. Thank you angels, for making it possible for our paths to cross and assisting me in accepting my mission, I am staying on the path you are carving out for me.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Beginnings

Last week I turned 51, but it feels like my first birthday. A year ago I received a message from my angels. Telling me that this earth needs to come together in peace and love! We are in trouble and our angels are here to help. "Angel = Always Near Giving Everyone Love"
It is has become my mission to reacquaint people with angels.
"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy and every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it; their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth"
St Thomas Aquainas
I have asked the angels to show me the path I must take to do this. My answer came and "deJAS Gemstone Healing Angels" was created. Angel jewelry made from gemstones with healing properties.
We decided to donate $1 from the sale of each angel to "BRAINS" A pediatric brain tumor research fund  started by a friend and co-worker of mine after her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor and all available treatments were exhausted.
We opened a web store on ETSY ... a site for handcrafted items and started taking our healing angel jewelry to craft shows and bazars. The Angels guided us to a psychic fair; and we found a home.
We started spending much of our time at fairs talking to people about their angel stories, which is so uplifting. This guided me to starting a blog for information on gemstone healing properties and a place for people to share angel stories
At a psychic fair in Rochester, New York our angels guided us to a very special marketing person, Katharine McMahon ... who has faith in us and our angels she offered some advice, starting with having our own website to establish a stronger web presence. It took me a while, but I created our new website which went live about a month ago.
I ask the angels for guidance every step on my new path the next step in raising angel awareness is finding places (spiritual and metaphysical shops, stores...) who are interested in joining my quest.
I have received overwhelming messages from my angels and readings with psychics have confirmed this is what I need to be doing with my life, and that I must make sacrifices to succeed. I am asking the angels to show me how to be able to devote my full time attention to promoting angels, raising awareness of them, helping people in these trying times, and raising funds for pediatric brain tumor research.
Please spend some time viewing my websites and blog! If you are interested in being one of the first to help promote Angels, by carrying deJAS Gemstone Healing Angels in your establishment, contact me at:
If you know anyone who may be interested, share this post.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Carrot Top Angel

A cool story for a hot summer day…

Today as I was filling up my gas tank, due to once again running on fumes reminded me of situation I ran into last winter.  While traveling on a rarely traveled dirt road in the middle of winter, I passed by a motorist, pulled over to the side of the road obviously out of gas. Two young men, one with curly bright red hair were filling her tank up from a gas can.  The strangeness was in the middle of nowhere this young woman was being helped by these two "gentlemen".  I drove by and thought how nice it was to see someone being helped in the middle of nowhere.

A few miles down the road, the road conditions quickly changed to impassible. Inevitably my all wheel drive vehicle became stuck in a ditch.  To make matters worse, the sun was starting to set.  I prayed that I would get safely out of this situation, as my car skidded further into the ditch.  Out of nowhere a green four wheel drive Subaru passed by, seeing me in my predicament, the car stopped.

Out came the two "gentlemen" I saw earlier, one with bright red curly hair - I asked if they could help push me out of the ditch.   After several attempts they managed to get me out of the ditch, I rpeatedly said "Thank you and God Bless you guys".  I watched them slowly and methodically go up the hill and out of my sight.

As I was backing down the hill to take another route reflecting on the gravity of the situation I realized during the whole "rescue" they did not utter a mere word, they just performed their duties and went on their way.

Thinking back on this once I had arrived safely at my cabin I realized I encountered an angel helping out travelers on the desolate road.  We now make the angel of safe journeys and the angel of protection in travel.

Angel of Safe Journeys

Jade - Angel of Safe Journeys

Gemstone Properties:
Jade is known to bring good luck, prosperity and abundance. Jade represents harmony and happiness in business and family. Jade is thought to provide protection from one's enemies and can be used to protect one on long journeys. Also to attract good luck, for wisdom, and for long life .

Healing Attributes:
Jade is said to be of help in relieving kidney complaints, bladder trouble and eye problems. Helpful heart and stomach complaints

Fossil Agate - Angel of Protection in Travel
Fossil Agate
Angel of Protection in Travel

Gemstone Properties:
Fossil Agate gives protection from emotional pain, for travel, bodily protection, and protection from accidents. It is believed to be of special benefit to athletes and to those taking any kind of examination or test.

Healing Attributes:
Fossil Agate is said to improve natural vitality and energy and to increase the self-confidence of the person using it

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Amazonite - Angel of Kindness

Amazonite Pendant

Amazonite Bracelet

Amazonite balances feminine and masculine energy. It promotes kindness and practicality. It is an excellent stone for artists and for men. Inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self-love, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. Pale azure blue amazonite is know as the lucky "Hope Stone". It will be lucky for all your hopes and dreams.

Healing Attributes:
Amazonite helps balance the emotions and gives physical stamina

Enter our monthly contest to win a healing angel pendant at:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Archangel Raphael

Heavens Physician gives guidance for a healthier lifestyle, helping with anything requiring healing, relief from burdens, and Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas & dreams. Raphael is the Defender of the Element of Air and the East and is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, Custodian of The Tree of Life and of Healing Powers.
The Color Associated with Raphael is Emerald Green.
The Gemstone Associated with Raphael is Emerald or Malachite.

Angel of Faith

Emerald Angel of Faith Bracelet

Emerald Angel of Faith

Gemstone Properties:
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of faith and hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.

Healing Attributes:
Emerald allows cold green radiation to be absorbed by the user enabling him to have perfect control over his nervous and intestinal portions, liver, tissues, lungs, vocal chord, tongue, brain and nervous system. Its use is, therefore ideal in the case of any ailment connected with these functions.

Malachite Angel of Transformation

Angel of Transformation Bracelet

Malachite - Angel of Transformation
Malachite is called a stone of transformation as it can assist in changing and transforming situations. Useful for any kind of change in life. It attracts physical and material benefits and brings prosperity.

Healing Attributes:
Malachite is renowned for helping arthritis, it is helpful in the treatment of rheumatism and also in regularizing menstruation. Used in the treatment of asthma, toothache and improves eyesight

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Archangel Jeremial

 Mercy of God, answered prayers, change - everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self and others. Jeremial helps newly crossed-over souls, as well as those still living, to review their lives. Call upon Jeremial if you wish to take and inventory of your life in order to make positive adjustments.
The Color Associated with Jeremial is Egg Plant Purple.
The Gemstone Associated with Jeremial is Amethyst

Angel of Cleansing Pendant

Amethyst Angel Prayer Bracelet
Gemstone Properties:
Amethyst is a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison.

Healing Attributes:
Amethyst is useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief. The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addiction, stress or tension. Protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.
Also helps with headaches.
Angel of Cleansing Bracelet

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel

Haniel - Glory of God, helps to connect with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon. He helps to groom hidden talents and find true passions; to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honoring our cycles and moods, strengths and shadows.

The Color Associated with Haniel is bluish white.

The Gemstone Associated with Haniel is Moonstone.

Moonstone and Ruby Prayer Bracelet

Moonstone Pendant
Angel of Long Life and Happiness
Gemstone Properties: Moonstone promotes long life and happiness and is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer. Moonstone is associated with the feminine and is called "The Goddess Stone". It can enhance the intuitive side of the mind.
Healing Attributes: Moonstone is often used to reduce excess fluid in the body and to reduce the swelling caused by this fluid. Used in women suffering from pre-menstrual tension.  Also used to ease childbirth