
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Was she an angel?

Was she an angel?
A few weeks ago we participated in the Journey Expo at Lakeland Community College in Ohio.  It was approximately a 3 ½ hour drive from our home in NY.  The first thing I needed to do was visit the ladies room when we arrived.  When I entered the facilities I was alone in there.  When I came out there was a very blonde woman, with teased hair, adjusting her make-up and hair; I said “hello”, and she asked me if I am Native American.  I told her a tiny bit on my grandmother’s side.  She said she sees me in Pennsylvania/New York border area. 
I told her we were in the process of selling our cabin, and purchasing 44 acres in Friendship, NY which is close to the PA border.  I showed her my gemstone healing angel pendant I wear and shared that we make and sell them, combining the metaphysical with the spiritual and that we are planning on holding angel retreats/workshops on the acreage we are purchasing. Part of our mission is to reacquaint people with their angels.
She touched my arm and told me this will be more than you can envision, and that we are on the right track.  I looked for her over the next 3 days we were at the Expo, as I wanted to introduce her to my husband. 
She was nowhere to be found – Was she an angel with a special message just for me?

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