
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Angels Plan for Us

We participated in the psychic fun fest sponsored by the fellowships of the spirt in Lily Dale, NY on July 16, 2011.  We had never been there, but have heard endless stories about the spirituality there.  The stories were and undestatement!  Our vist completely changed our lives!  At the festival I met a very special friend who gave me some Doreen Virtue angel cards to use and a Journey Magazine to look at.  She also taught me how to try to move forward more quickly on our dreams of spreading the word about angels being with each and everyone one of us waiting for us to ask for their assitance.

After the festival we went to our cabin for the evening.  Our neighbor came up to visit and told us about some property he was working on to prepare it to be sold.  44 acres of land with a mobile home on it.  My immediate thought was wow! what a great place to have angel retreats. Now we are at a point in our lives where we are knocking on the door of retirement, and have started making gemstone healing angel jewelry, hoping to raise awareness of angels at a time where so many people are struggling emotionally as well as financially.  Help give a little hope and be a part of the spiritual movement that I believe will bring peace to this world. So basically at  a comfortable place in our lives. 

I couldn't stop thinking about an angel community, a spiritual place to have fairs, classes, etc to meet the spiritual needs of anyone who needs it.  We talked about it on the long ride home.  I contacted the realtor that sold us our cabin only 3 years ago asking her to find out information on the property and to see if she could give us an idea on what we would be able to sell our cabin for.

On August 13th we met with our realtor and looked at a few other properties, and decided to list our cabin for sale.  Knowing we would need the additional funds to add to our savings to purchase the land. We wanted to go from just under 4 acres to enough land to allow us to build our dream.  Our cabin had been up for sale for almost 2 years when we purchased it, and we were well aware of the fact that so many people are struggling to keep their homes, much less have money to purchase a vacation place. So we prayed for our angels to guide us, and help us if this leap was what we were supposed to do.

Needless to say this is what the angels want us to do.  Before our cabin was even listed, it was sold. In this economy that is a true miracle!

The property we had heard about was finally listed and we went to look at it the following weekend.  We put a bid in on it and it was accepted.  Today was the closing on our cabin, and September 29th is the target closing date for the new land. 

We will begin to build our angel sanctuary, the place we are dreaming of that will bring hope by reacquainting people with their angels.

Thank you angels for showing us the path we need to take, and for your support and angel magic in making this happen in just over a month.

This is true angel magic.

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