
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Angel Guided Birds on a Mission

If you have read some of my blogs you know we spend most weekends at our cabin near the top of a mountain, making angel jewelry.
We have heard the mountain range referred to as the enchanted mountains, which they seem to be - just outside of Angelica, NY
The land is so blessed and angel communications come through so much clearer. It may be because of the peacefulness, or having fewer distractions, but it certainly is a very spiritual place.
We have grandchildren who come to visit, and last summer at the beginning of August we noticed a huge wasp nest (probably close to 4 feet in length and 2 or 3 feet across hanging near the deck. Being at the top of the mountain, it was in a very difficult place to reach with anything that might destroy the nest. We did not want to use any chemicals to damage the earth or the animals that roam the land - I was very upset about the possibility of our granddaughters getting stung, as it would have been many times with the size of the nest. I asked the angels to help us find a way to take care of the problem. Keep it safe for our grandchildren to visit.
The following weekend, as dusk enfolded over the valley, 50 or 60 blue jays came like bomber pilots attacking the nest. They were screeching and definitely on a mission they did not stop until they totally destroyed the nest.
Our angels worked with Mother Nature to keep our land safe for our family.
Thank you Angels!

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