
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Angels to the rescue! Thank you for the change in thinking

I work at the University at Buffalo, which has thousands of employees.  Unfortunately, my office has many people who are self appointed “better than everyone else”  I was having a challenging morning dealing with one of my critical co-workers and kept thinking what the heck am I doing here. 
My future, my path is to spend my time reacquainting people with their angels by making healing angel jewelry and creating a place to have angel retreats.  Last weekend we attended an Expo which was the most spiritually uplifting one we have ever been to.  I started my week on an “Angel High” by Wednesday I find myself grumpy to say the least.  I decided to take a break and go outside.  As I was walking towards the door another employee who I see occasionally in the hallway and exchange “good morning” with stopped me and asked if I was the person who owned land in Lily dale. I said no, we do own land in Friendship, NY and she went on to explain another co-worker had shown her the healing angel pendant I gave her.  She too is a spiritual person and we chatted for about 10-15 minutes about Angels and what has happened to bring me to this point on my path. 
Thank you Angels, for putting this spiritual sister in my path – to offer reassurance, love and peace when I needed it most.   I know soon I will be doing the work I am supposed to do as my main focus.

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