
Thursday, December 1, 2011

My 11-11-11 Angel Experience

On 11/11/11 I took the day off of work so I could spend my day meditating and opening myself up to moving on to the next level in my spiritual journey.  I spent time alone in the spot we are creating our prayer circle and asked the angels to help me on my path. I used my angel cards to do a divine plan reading for myself.
Current Reality Card:  Passion – Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love, life and career.
The Challenge Card:   Sensitivity – You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings.
Angel Mind Card: (helps overcome challenge) Moon Cycles – Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations and capitalize upon these cycles.
Letting Go Card:  (What holds you back)                Take back your Power – Use your God given power to manifest blessings in your life.
Wisdom Card:  (claim your wisdom/acknowledge progress and talents) Clairvoyance - I am helping your spiritual sight awaken fully so you can clearly see heavenly love.
Talents and Abilities Card: Spiritual Understanding – I am bringing you esoteric information and symbols and helping you understand spiritual truths
The Message Card:  (Reminder/message to encourage you) Courage – be courageous and stand up for your beliefs
The Gift Card: Prosperity – Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.
Below is what I am manifesting:
I spend my days spiritually fulfilled reacquainting people with angels by making
healing angel jewelry and creating a place to have angel retreats. 
This has become my full time job – thank you Angels for recruiting me!

Archangel Jophiel, the angel of beauty, please beautify my thoughts
about my desires so that they’re completely based in love.

 It was a very peaceful, loving and reenergizing day.  Later that evening, one of my daughters asked me to give her an angel card reading. We sat together to do the reading, which was very emotional for her. Actually many of the cards were repeats of earlier cards she has received and been hesitant to take action on.  Needless to say it was emotionally draining for both of us.  We took a break and went outside on our deck.  It was a very overcast night, with a full moon.  The outlines of the clouds were glowing in the moonlight.  We were commenting on the shapes we were seeing, when all of a sudden the open spots between the clouds moved in front of the moon, which glowed divinely in the shape of an angel.
I am grateful the angels have chosen me to be the bridge people recognizing their angels are right beside them waiting for them to ask for assistance.

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