
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Message of Reassurance

Periodically we all have days where things become overwhelming.  My husband was having one of those days.  He works as a parole officer which is a spiritually draining job.  At least half of his cases are pedophiles. Being a father of 4 daughters and 3 granddaughters this is heart wrenching to say the least.  To add to this stress job changes are being made daily, 9 days without pay, they take the money in advance and you can take the time when you are able to depending on your caseload, higher contribution to health insurance, retirements in his office without filing the positions (this has almost tripled his caseload over the past year).  The final straw was being told to remove any spiritual symbols from his office as the pedophiles were complaining!  He fights a spiritual war with the dark side on a daily basis while trying to protect our states families from these monsters. 
Knowing the situation I understand how this can bring a dark cloud over your spirituality.  We spend every weekend we are able to at our 44 acres we recently purchased, reconnecting with our angels, making angel healing stone jewelry, meditating and planning our angel retreat.  The angels have guided us to start this venture and are showing us the path we need to follow. We attend fairs as often as we are able to and are reenergized by the people we meet and minister to.  Our Divine Plan is to reacquaint people with their angels, by making healing angel jewelry and creating a place to have angel retreats.
Considering the situation you can see how it is sometimes hard to stay positive in your thoughts.  On this particular weekend I listened to him vent, which is sometimes necessary in order to release the frustration.  I am a firm believer in you get what you put out there and getting stuck in this mind frame is not healthy or helpful to our divine plan. 

The angels told me to “Send him to the prayer circle” This is the place where we bless the angels we create asking Mother Mary, and all the White Light Angels to empower the healing properties of the gemstones, find the people who need them and answer their prayers as ours have been answered”   The place we are dedicating as our prayer circle is definitely blessed already and this spring we are reinforcing it metaphysically with healing stone markers, crystal and copper. 
Noticing my husband was having a hard time letting go of the negative feelings this particular week, I listened to the angels and sent him to the prayer circle to ask the angels and Mother Mary to help him let this go and recharge in order to face the upcoming  week.  He spent some time there and then took a walk around our property, envisioning the retreat we are planning.  The meditation pond, the angel garden, a live rosary path to follow as you pray, Arch Angel stations (first as stations with benches and information about each Arch Angel, with cabins built later for angel readers to use).  He returned from this time of meditation with a blessed new outlook!    Later that day we took the  angels we created over the weekend to the prayer circle to bless as we always do. As we walked out of the circle we passed by one of our wind chimes which in confirmation chimed 3 times.  There wasn’t even the slightest breeze and my husband said to me “Real funny Diane, I get it the angels are reaffirming they are helping us”

I had to smile as I confessed I did not touch the wind chimes, for one they were higher than I am able to reach and secondly the center part was wrapped around a branch.  The impossible is possible when you ask your angels for help.  Thank you angels for always being with us and guiding us on our path of reacquainting people with their angels. 

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