
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Guided by Angels

A little over a year ago I started being more aware of the angels around me.  My life has changed completely all for the better.  The Angels have managed to recruit me as a voice to spread the word about their existence as they wait patiently by our sides for us to ask for their assistance.  With the changes that are going on in our country and the world I know in my heart that everyone needs to lean on their angels to get through the challenges ahead.
 Angel = Always Near Giving Everyone Love.  Love for yourself, Love for your family, Love for your co-workers, Love for your neighbors, Love for your Country and most importantly Love for your God, whatever faith you practice.  As Saint Thomas Aquainas said, “Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy and every creed.  In fact angels have no religion as we know it; their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth"
As I look through my deck of Archangel Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD, that I use daily I see that she uses 15 archangels from Jewish, Cabalistic, Christian, Catholic and Islamic ancient spiritual practices, texts and beliefs. The time has come when we need to think for ourselves and see what we have in common instead of focusing on our differences.  When we deal with a person of a different faith or nationality than our own we really don’t have any problems on a one-to-one basis. Then why do we have issues as a group with other groups that differ from ourselves?  Possibly because leaders of our groups say we should, let us believe our beliefs are so different and the right way – the only right way? This is a way for them to control us. 
When I was a child everyone always told me I was too sensitive, that I wear my heart on my sleeve, to grow up, as I grew I was told how I felt was not professional or socially acceptable. Now at the age of 51 I finally found the truth. Intense emotions are a natural part of life and the emotional body must vibrate to live.  Strong emotions, both good and bad, create the vibration that allows us to connect with the source of energy, love and salvation.
Listen to your inner self, answer to your inner voice, speak out when things are wrong, share things that give you joy. Voice your opinions, stop drinking the Kool-aid and think for yourself, ask for help and guidance from your angels and you will be a much happier, healthier spiritual person.  We were all created with goodness in our hearts, allow it to shine through and you will be a much happier person. 
At this point in my life I was looking forward to retiring and living a modest life with my husband. Our plan was to sell our home, and live out our days in our cabin.  The angels have other plans for our future, plans that excite us, plans that wake me up thinking and ready to do angel work.  Needless to say our nest egg has disappeared along with our little cabin on 4 acres of land.  We are not only making healing angel jewelry, traveling around to fairs and expos connecting with people, reacquainting them with their angels, we have purchased 44 acres of land with a trailer on it. We are beginning to build an angel retreat.  A place to meditate, reconnect with your angels, a place to rekindle hope and faith in your heart.  This will take time, and money, but I am not concerned.  I really can’t explain why other than this is what the angels want us to do – so this is what we are doing. 
When I manifest I see a beautiful, peaceful place that people visit.  A place to get reenergized, a place to meditate, pray, get refocused, find your inner strength, feel loved. We will build a meditation pond, an angel garden, a prayer circle, a living rosary to walk, meditate and pray. I will be studying to become an angel therapy practitioner this year so I can continue on my path and my divine plan.
A few months ago I went with my 19 year old daughter to get a tattoo, I thought about what I wanted to get and prayed.  I wanted wings, angel wings but not the traditional ones. Also the words guided by angels as this is how I am living my life.  I choose to have the words done in enochian font. The language of the angels. 
Join me and be guided by your angels – what a divinely loving future you will see.

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