
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Repeated Angel Therapy Oracle Card

I begin each day with an Angel Therapy Oracle card reading.  This only takes a few minutes and sets me in a loving state of mind for the day.  This morning I received the same card I received two other days this week.  The message is strong and something I need to focus on and pay attention to. 

The card is Earth Angel:  "You are a lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about Love"
This card comes to you in response to your question about your life purpose.  The answer is teach about love.  You fulfill this task whenever you're centered, serene, and loving, as that's when you're a role model of Divine Peace. You needn't say a word, write a book, or work as a healer in order to positively affect others.  You merely need to be loving and compassionate in your interactions with others.  Those who are peaceful teach about peace, which is the expression of Divine love on Earth.

Seeing this is a repeated message being sent to me that for some reason I am not getting I googled the definition of a lightworker.  This is what I found:
What is a Light Worker?
In a broad sense anyone who in their heart is committed to helping others grow in love is a Light Worker. A Light Worker is a spiritual being who incarnated for the purpose of spreading love and light. Certain situations act as a catalyst for their own awakening and remembrance of what it is they came to earth to do.  They radiate an amazing presence and through their being a quickening is extended to all they meet. They are therefore a catalyst for others growth.  A person who strongly resonates with the information coming from spirit at this time of ascension.

Answer the Questions Below
·         Do you feel a sense of time urgency within you?
·         Do you feel draw to help humanity?
·         Do you feel draw to spirituality?
·         Do you get a persistent ringing sound in your ear?
·         Have you been told by others that you are too sensitive?
·         Do you feel different from others?
·         Do you believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation?
·         Do you know that you are here for a higher purpose?
If you answered yes to these questions and resonate with the definitions of a Light Worker given, the chance is that you are a light worker.  Only you can truly answer this question for yourself.
Okay - Big surprize here I agree with the Angels, I am definitely a Lightworker.  Possibly the message I am neglecting to see is that I struggle with the "ego"  I feel I am what  I am, but that it is nothing special.  That is what I need to work on.  Being a Lightworker is special it is amazing, it is my calling and my whole life people have been drawn to me for guidance. Accepting this will enable me to move along on my path.
My mission is to reaquaint people with their angels by making healing angel jewelry and creating a place to have angel retreats. Thank you angels for recruiting me!

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