
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Carrot Top Angel

A cool story for a hot summer day…

Today as I was filling up my gas tank, due to once again running on fumes reminded me of situation I ran into last winter.  While traveling on a rarely traveled dirt road in the middle of winter, I passed by a motorist, pulled over to the side of the road obviously out of gas. Two young men, one with curly bright red hair were filling her tank up from a gas can.  The strangeness was in the middle of nowhere this young woman was being helped by these two "gentlemen".  I drove by and thought how nice it was to see someone being helped in the middle of nowhere.

A few miles down the road, the road conditions quickly changed to impassible. Inevitably my all wheel drive vehicle became stuck in a ditch.  To make matters worse, the sun was starting to set.  I prayed that I would get safely out of this situation, as my car skidded further into the ditch.  Out of nowhere a green four wheel drive Subaru passed by, seeing me in my predicament, the car stopped.

Out came the two "gentlemen" I saw earlier, one with bright red curly hair - I asked if they could help push me out of the ditch.   After several attempts they managed to get me out of the ditch, I rpeatedly said "Thank you and God Bless you guys".  I watched them slowly and methodically go up the hill and out of my sight.

As I was backing down the hill to take another route reflecting on the gravity of the situation I realized during the whole "rescue" they did not utter a mere word, they just performed their duties and went on their way.

Thinking back on this once I had arrived safely at my cabin I realized I encountered an angel helping out travelers on the desolate road.  We now make the angel of safe journeys and the angel of protection in travel.

Angel of Safe Journeys

Jade - Angel of Safe Journeys

Gemstone Properties:
Jade is known to bring good luck, prosperity and abundance. Jade represents harmony and happiness in business and family. Jade is thought to provide protection from one's enemies and can be used to protect one on long journeys. Also to attract good luck, for wisdom, and for long life .

Healing Attributes:
Jade is said to be of help in relieving kidney complaints, bladder trouble and eye problems. Helpful heart and stomach complaints

Fossil Agate - Angel of Protection in Travel
Fossil Agate
Angel of Protection in Travel

Gemstone Properties:
Fossil Agate gives protection from emotional pain, for travel, bodily protection, and protection from accidents. It is believed to be of special benefit to athletes and to those taking any kind of examination or test.

Healing Attributes:
Fossil Agate is said to improve natural vitality and energy and to increase the self-confidence of the person using it

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