
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Beginnings

Last week I turned 51, but it feels like my first birthday. A year ago I received a message from my angels. Telling me that this earth needs to come together in peace and love! We are in trouble and our angels are here to help. "Angel = Always Near Giving Everyone Love"
It is has become my mission to reacquaint people with angels.
"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy and every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it; their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth"
St Thomas Aquainas
I have asked the angels to show me the path I must take to do this. My answer came and "deJAS Gemstone Healing Angels" was created. Angel jewelry made from gemstones with healing properties.
We decided to donate $1 from the sale of each angel to "BRAINS" A pediatric brain tumor research fund  started by a friend and co-worker of mine after her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor and all available treatments were exhausted.
We opened a web store on ETSY ... a site for handcrafted items and started taking our healing angel jewelry to craft shows and bazars. The Angels guided us to a psychic fair; and we found a home.
We started spending much of our time at fairs talking to people about their angel stories, which is so uplifting. This guided me to starting a blog for information on gemstone healing properties and a place for people to share angel stories
At a psychic fair in Rochester, New York our angels guided us to a very special marketing person, Katharine McMahon ... who has faith in us and our angels she offered some advice, starting with having our own website to establish a stronger web presence. It took me a while, but I created our new website which went live about a month ago.
I ask the angels for guidance every step on my new path the next step in raising angel awareness is finding places (spiritual and metaphysical shops, stores...) who are interested in joining my quest.
I have received overwhelming messages from my angels and readings with psychics have confirmed this is what I need to be doing with my life, and that I must make sacrifices to succeed. I am asking the angels to show me how to be able to devote my full time attention to promoting angels, raising awareness of them, helping people in these trying times, and raising funds for pediatric brain tumor research.
Please spend some time viewing my websites and blog! If you are interested in being one of the first to help promote Angels, by carrying deJAS Gemstone Healing Angels in your establishment, contact me at:
If you know anyone who may be interested, share this post.

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