
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Angel Feathers

Last month we attended a holistic fair and I met a very special angel person, Karen Borga.  She introduced herself to me as another “angel aware” person.  She gave me a prosperity blessing card. The show was extremely busy and I didn’t get a chance to talk to her as much as I would’ve liked to.  She told me stories of how angels let you know they are around you by leaving feathers.  The card she gave me said “Feathers appear when angels are near” 
I have been going through an extremely stressed time in my life, work was crazy busy, the family was having their usual one crisis after another  and they all run to me to “fix everything”   Having no time for myself, much less making angels which is how I really want to spend my time, I found myself feeling down.  Wondering when all this chaos will end and angry that at 50 years old there still isn’t time for what I want in life, I started to just want to be left alone! Life does not allow that!
Life was feeling overwhelming!  I was sorting through a stack of papers on my desk attempting to organize myself to get at least some control of one part of my life when a feather fell out of the pile.  It was a small white feather like one that would be in a down coat.  Normally I would have just dismissed it as something that fell off someone’s coat, but it couldn’t be – the temperature had been in the high 80’s all week.  My mind went back to the feather blessing card.  I found it in my purse and read it again “feathers appear when angels are near”
My perspective began to change - all the chaos and people running to me to fix things is because I have a large loving family, full of individuals all with different outlooks on life.  My independent daughters have to try things their own way, as many do, and are able to, as my husband and I provide the safety net.  We pray for them every day, and ask the angels to guide them and protect them. 
I still look forward to my time to do what I want “make my angels”, but also appreciate the time I am able to spend with my family and how much I am loved.  Balance is the answer, my angels will help me find the time to create more and show me ways to make people aware of what I have to offer.
“Thank you angels”, for reminding me what is really important in my life.
Thank you Karen for reminding me the angels are around me and will find me the time to do what I need to do!

1 comment:

  1. Diane,

    What a beautiful story. Thank you. So often we get caught up in our thoughts and what we allow to be our frustrations. It often takes Angelic nudging to help us see what is truly important.

    The Angels are surrounding you and your business with amazing amounts of love, but the true source of this incredible energy comes from your heart. Your love can be felt with your smile and experienced through your conversation, and remembered in your jewelry.

    It was such a pleasure to meet both you and your husband. Your work and mission is "Simply Divine". I am so glad I have made a friend in the Expo circuit and look forward to seeing you again.

    Thank you for the loving testimonial. You are an Angel.

    Blessings to you and all you do,
    Karen Borga
