
Monday, June 6, 2011

Angel Guidance

We began making Gemstone Healing Angels almost a year ago.  This idea came to us while we were at our cabin, listening to talk radio about the powers of the crystal skulls, and wondered why not healing angels?  It took a few weeks, and many hours of research on healing properties of gemstones, and a good friend showing us how to wire wrap jewelry, but we finally came up with something to share.
Times seem harder than usual for many people, and too often we are finding ourselves feeling defeated. I want to share the joy of having angels in our lives.  We forget about them, but if you acknowledge them around you and ask for their help – they will be there for you.
Many times I have questioned if putting my time and money into this project is the right thing to do.  My husband and I both work full time and have grandchildren we help out with.  One evening we were at our cabin and asked the angels for a sign that we should continue on this path.
The answer came shortly after….  Hours of lightening!  It was so beautiful and peaceful! No thunder, no rain, very peaceful very loving and reassuring.  We are at the top of a mountain; the whole valley was glowing from the lightening. 
Yes, we are doing the right thing; when we go to shows people share their angel stories with us which are so uplifting.  As many weekends as possible we go to our cabin and create angels to share with the world in hopes of easing some of the ailments with the healing properties of the stones and renewing the belief in angels. 

Wind Chimes
Angel Communication
Whenever I ask a question of the angels while I’m at the cabin, the wind chimes ring with an answer, even on calm days – it is really amazing. 
It is a very blessed place which put me back in touch with my angels.  
When we were taking photos to put up our first website (ETSY) we hung some angels in a tree to show them tied in with nature.  When I pulled up the photos on my computer we saw a bee (who catches a bee in flight?)  The bee symbolizes hard work, which this venture has been.  We shared the photo with some of the psychics at some of the fairs we attend and they showed us the angel in the photo. 

The bee is next to the snowflake obsidian angel (Angel of Purity) and behind it is a blurred white figure. If you look closely you can see her.  I have stood in the same place the photo was taken trying to explain it away, but it is not a tree (it does not even touch the ground in the photo).
deJAS Gemstone Healing Angels is what I am supposed to be doing.
So I am!
Help to spread the word of the angels being there for us, share your angel stories with everyone who will listen.

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