
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Grandma watching over her

I was talking to a co-worker today and asked her if she had an angel story for my blog - she said "Yes, don't you remember my daughters accident"

I had forgotten!  Her daughter is a young woman who had driven her bicycle to work out at a local health club during the early evening.  The health club was located on a fairly busy street.  She did not have a helmet, a light or reflective tape on her bicycle and was wearing dark clothing.  When she came to a busy intersection, she misjudged how far the traffic was from her and darted out into the path of an oncommig vehicle.

She was thrown onto the hood of the car, and smashed the windshield. Her bicycle was a twisted bunch of metal left at the side of the road.  Amazingly she was unharmed. It was as if someone had caught her in mid air and gently placed her on the curb.

My co-workers mother had just passed away a short time before this incident, she firmly believes the young womans grandmother, her mother caught her child and gently placed her out of harms way.

Some of our angels looking out for us are our family members watching from the other side.

Thank you Sharon for allowing me to share your story!

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$1 from the purchase of each angel is donated to "BRAINS" A pediatric brain tumor research fund

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