
Friday, March 30, 2012

Confirmation - this is what we need to do

At the last Expo we attended we had a vendor from an event we participated in last Fall make it a point to stop by our table and say hello and let us know that she had picked up a copy of our “Story of the Rosary” which is basically why we started to include rosaries in our product line.

She went on to tell us that she hadn’t read the story until she was home unpacking her items from her booth and has since that day become reacquainted with her angels and Mother Mary.

It was so thoughtful of her to stop by and share her experience with us.  I am so grateful for this as our mission is to reacquaint people with their angels.  Whenever I question our path I will think of this spiritual friend and be reassured that I am spending my life as it should be spent.

Here is the story she read: 

Story of the Rosary

The first Gemstone Healing Angel rosary I created was to honor Mother Mary and her miracles.

When I was young, my mother would always tell me “Ed pray to Mother Mary and she will answer your prayers”. Being young, with the world in front of me in the midst of conquering my life, I didn’t pay attention.   Over the years and life situations my mother and I fell further away from each other. But each time I would call her up, the conversation would always end with “Don’t forget to pray to Mother Mary”

One day my mother passed away, at that time we were having a falling out and not talking. That’s how we parted. Stunned and realizing I would never had the chance to make amends or tell her how much I loved her, left me in a very sad and disheveled state of being. 

One day while walking I came across a picture of Mother Mary in a window and heard my mother’s voice “Pray to Mother Mary” That night I went home and prayed to Mother Mary.

After several months of praying one night I was awakened by someone taping my toe.  (Only my mother did that when I was young) I opened my eyes wondering - we have no pets or anything that would do that!  Thinking I was dreaming I went back to sleep only to have my toe tapped again. I sat up knowing what I just felt! On the wall in front of my bed there was a mist or fog forming. I immediately thought there was smoke from a fire; all of sudden Mother Mary was on my wall smiling down at me.  I rubbed my eyes and then I saw my mother quietly standing next to her smiling also! Thinking I was losing my mind I then heard in a hundred female voices three times “Your mother is with me and everything will be fine.”

After the vision disappeared I laid back down stunned but feeling at peace with a warm calm. 

 Thank you mother Mary! Forever I will tell my story. I will make Rosaries in your honor with my hands so that the wearer can be blessed and their prayers will be heard and answered. Just as my prayers were heard by you, Mother Mary

To view our angel rosaries go to:

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