
Friday, March 30, 2012

Chaya's introduction to Archangel Raphael  This is my grand daughter Chaya, she is always interested in grandma making angels, she has a cavernous angenomia which was discovered a few months back.  She has been a little trooper going back and forth to the doctors, in and out of the hospital.  Today she is having an EEG done as she has started having seizures.
Last weekend when were in the emergency room, she was reaching up into the corner and talking to someone or something. We believe it was an angel.
I was snuggling with her the other night and we were talking about angels.  I told her that Archangel Raphael is "the doctor angel"  She asked him to help make her better.

I told her to close her eyes to try to see her angels, she is only 3 but I am starting to teach her to say: "Archangel Raphael, please come to my side and help me feel better. Please surround me in your healing energy and guide my actions and thoughts so that I am healed." Below is some information I have found on asking Archangel Raphael to help you heal yourself and others: 
Archangel Raphael is the archangel that supervises healers and healing for all Earth’s population. It’s sensible for everyone to call upon Archangel Raphael for his help in healing.

Ask Raphael for help when you are in any kind of pain, whether it is physical, emotional romantic, intellectual or spiritual. He will somehow inspire you with sudden ideas and thoughts giving you just the right information to help the healing. Pay attention to and then follow these angelic answers to your prayers.

When asked for healing assistance, Raphael surrounds and nurtures people with the emerald green light of his halo. Green is the color of healing and clairvoyant people may see emerald green sparkles when Raphael is around.

Except for situations where the person’s death or illness is part of their overall divine plan, Archangel Raphael will energetically supply whatever is needed to promote healing. It’s important to note He will not always swoop in and heal everything right away. He could let you know that your negative thoughts have created this illness and to get rid of it, you must change your thinking. Hand over old anger to him for cleansing in the light. When this anger is gone, you will feel much more at peace and the effects of rage and anger in your body can be healed.

Raphael coaches and motivates healers whispering instructions into the ears of doctors, surgeons, psychologists, nurses and other caregivers including scientists. His intervention helps scientists in making breakthroughs in medical cures.

 Simply say his name or make a specific request: "Archangel Raphael, please come to my side and help me feel better about [issue]. Please surround me in your healing energy and guide my actions and thoughts so that I am healed."
Don’t forget to thank Archangel Raphael and the angels for their help! 
The Color Associated with Raphael is Emerald Green.
The Gemstone Associated with Raphael is Emerald or Malachite

See some of the products we have created in Archangel Raphaels gemstone:  Archangel Raphael

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