
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Gift from my Angels

We have been participating in Spiritual/Holistic events over the past year or so, in our mission to reacquaint people with their angels.  At the MUM Festival , in Allentown, PA during spring of 2011 I met an amazing artist, Darragh Hodges, who paints Visionary Spirit Art.  I was so drawn to her work she is truly a gifted artist.  The information she distributes about her work states “We create nothing: we only discover or uncover what is already there.”  I was unable to purchase a painting from her during the Expo, and asked the angels to let our paths cross again if I was meant to have one.  
Over the next few months visions of Darragh’s paintings kept appearing to me.  I misplaced the literature I received at the expo, and searched the web to find her.  Not remembering her name, just awestruck with her work. 
There are many, many artists out there who create angel/spiritual paintings, but Darragh’s work was personalized, created only for you!  This was a two sided outcome, as she had displayed items she was working on, some of which I was very drawn to, and others not so much.  There was no telling how mine would come out. 
We attended the Journey Expo in Cleveland, Ohio in early September 2011.  To my delight Darragh was there.  This expo was a new venue for us, and the keynote speaker was Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., needless to say we were very busy as so many people attended to see her.  We were divinely guided connecting with like-minded people who will be our lives for a very long time. Two of these special people are Angelgreeter, Emilie Jones and George and Vickie Cox from Natural Options Aromatherapy.  I was able to briefly meet with Darragh to order a painting, unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at things we were both so busy with our lightwork, I was unable to get my painting. 
In early December I received a voice message from Darragh, saying my painting was on its way.  My wonderful husband had it framed for me as a Christmas gift. Thank you so much angels, for the wonderful gift of my spirit painting. 

I find myself looking at it for hours on end, meditating. Everyday I see something different, always peaceful and loving.

The sparkles in the spirit figure (is your inner spirit) represent all the kind, loving things you do for others.

 The sparkles in the rest of the painting represent the blessings being sent to you. The bird represents Gods Divine Spirit. 

Each color in the painting has a specific meaning for you.
The literature that accompanied the painting interpreted the colors, below are the predominant colors used in my painting:
White: Protection, unity, complete wholeness, expansive light, knowingness, oneness, omnipotent, letting go, holiness, God
Violet: Grace, faith, purification, higher choices, advanced inner knowing, intuition stimulated.
Indigo: Great power, practical, responsible, present, the gateway to higher consciousness, relaxes fixed ideas, the Holy Spirit.
Blue: The plane of true miracles, truthfulness, loyalty, reliability, peacefulness, tranquility, self-mastery.
Turquoise: Communicates love, often a spiritual teacher, trustworthy, helpful, peaceful, healer, between blue/heaven and green/growth
Magenta: Spiritual devotion, angel bridge, passion, peaceful action, powerful, compassion, spirituality
Green: Harmony, brotherly love, growth, perfect balance, renewal, practice, healing, between gold/wisdom and yellow, blue/heaven.
Pink: Love, joy, happiness, unselfish self-love, kindness, emotional clearing and healing. (Rose – Universal love and compassion)
As my journey continues, the angels guide me on my path, connecting with like-minded blessed people on the same mission as I.  I feel extremely blessed to have been recruited by the angels to spread the word of their existence, helping people reconnect with them.
Join me on my mission, share your angel stories with those who cross your path!

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