
Monday, January 23, 2012

Communicating with your Angels

“You have been volunteered to do two guest speaker engagements at are next upcoming psychic fair next week honey! As any good husband would say, I said yes dear.…. Ok I said to myself, I like to keep things fresh and I was fresh out of life experience.  I ask my angels  hey guys I am going to need help quickly….
I work near a maximum state prison were security for our office is paramount.  Before everybody leaves for the day I do a “security round” checking the doors, windows etc. Well yesterday I was in a rush and left early in the day and not doing my “security round” I left for the day.  Well it Friday and the weekend was in full swing and then out of the blue I heard “you forgot to close the window Ed”! I said and thought “o my god I left my window half open and I was 60 plus miles away from my office and furthermore, my keys were at home which is an additional 45 miles away from my office!    Immediately, I felt panic. O my God we have confidential materials from law enforcement, victims, and so forth.  Immediately I felt dread!
As usual I immediately called upon my angel (Archangel Michael) and said Archangel Michael ”please help me! I left my window open where inmates work around the grounds and God forbid if one of them entered my office!" I closed my eyes and prayed and ask Archangel Michael to close the window please and then lock it!  I felt foolish asking an important angel to come on down and close and lock a window that Edward forgot to do! But as angels would say no prayer goes unheard even if it feels foolish for the person who is praying...
Needless to say it was a long nervous weekend.
Monday morning, when I arrived at work I nervously looked at the building to see if the window was still open with a security guard posted at the “crime scene “. But as I rounded the corner the window was closed!
As I entered the building I immediately went to the window and to my surprise it was even locked!
Later during the day I cautiously asked my co-worker how was the last hour at work and she said nothing really happened.  She further stated that when she was leaving for the day she was walking out of the office when she felt a strong breeze blowing from behind her which she thought was strange because there were no windows at the exit! Also, she decided to check why there was a breeze which she could not feel as she walk back into the office and then she decided to walk the whole office,  where she seen a window open in one of the rooms. She closed it and locked it!  
You see, the Angels help us no matter how foolish we might think our prayers are! Also, note Angels operate in a linear time frame where there is no past, present or future time. As I prayed to Archangel Michael, Saturday, he was answering my prayers the day before on Friday!

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