
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Archangel Card for 12/27/20 Angel Therapy

Sometimes we just need to ask for help! When you find yourself bewildered with a situation, give your cares and worries to the angels. Pay attention and act upon the guidance you receive, this will make divine changes in your life. "Archangel Raphael, please come into my life and help me through this challenging time, I need your help, support and guidance"  

“Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens.”

Additional Message:
Have you asked the angels for help with your situation? They can only help if you give them permission. Right now, close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath. Then mentally call upon your guardian angels and the archangels to help you. Don’t outline how you want to be helped; just tell us what situation you’d like help with. Most important, be open to receiving help as it comes to you. The help might be in the form of a hunch, an intuitive idea, or a direct intervention. If you receive any repetitive guidance, it’s important that you follow it.

Working with Raphael:
Raphael’s name means “Whom God Heals,” and he is known as the healing angel in charge of physical healings for all living beings.
Ask Raphael to surround anything needing healing with his emerald green aura.

Archangel Raphael

Heavens Physician gives guidance for a healthier lifestyle, helping with anything requiring healing, relief from burdens, and Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas & dreams. Raphael is the Defender of the Element of Air and the East and is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, Custodian of The Tree of Life and of Healing Powers.

The Color Associated with Raphael is Emerald Green.

The Gemstone Associated with Raphael is Emerald

Emerald - Angel of Faith

Emerald - Angel of Faith         
Gemstone Properties:
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of faith and hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.

Healing Attributes:
Emerald allows cold green radiation to be absorbed by the user enabling him to have perfect control over his nervous and intestinal portions, liver, tissues, lungs, vocal chord, tongue, brain and nervous system. Its use is, therefore ideal in the case of any ailment connected with these functions.

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