
Monday, November 23, 2020

Angel Story

 This morning began with a lot of static negative energy. There seems to be so much of it surrounding everyone lately. I can honestly say my husband began the day rattled. We live in a very peaceful environment which we are grateful for each and everyday. We feel so much closer to our spirituality and nature. I can honestly say we are blessed. Sometimes like today the negativity creeps in. this is such a contrast to our daily life. 

To make a long story short my husband decided to take a ride up one of the trails in our yard. When he was almost back to our house he heard stop and take a picture. We are both "programed" to follow our inner guidance so even though he didn't see anything unusual he did just that. Stopped and took a picture with his phone, when looked at it this is what he saw...

After adjusting the way he stood and turning on a sun flare filter, thinking it may be a glare he snapped another photo and it was still there. 

He ended up taking 3 pictures and all have this brilliant blue beam coming from the heavens just about touching him. I believe it was divinely sent. When our children were young and we would see a white sunbeam peaking through the clouds we would always tell them it was God's eye. 

I know it was a  message just for him to know that the lord is watching over us and his will be done. 

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