
Sunday, November 29, 2020

11/29-30/20 Full Moon

Moon Cycles
 The full moon for the month of November this year is on the 30th at 4:29 a.m. and is known as the Beaver Moon. It is named after beavers who build their winter dams at this time of year. It is also called Frost Moon and Mourning Moon, depending on the winter solstice.

The full moon is a perfect time to release anything you’re done with. There are many ways to do this, I like to write down things I need to let go of  like anger, fear or worry. I ask the Lord, Archangel Haniel and Mother Earth to take these as I burn the paper and release it into the universe. 

The evening before the full moon is an optimal time for healing, and for recharging healing instruments such as crystals and oils.

Spend time looking at the moon, and notice how you feel in relationship to its cycles. As you discover the moon’s connection to your vitality and moods, you’ll be more in touch with its Divine Magic.

“Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations, and capitalize upon these cycles.”

Working with Archangel Haniel:

Haniel’s name means “Glory of God.”

Haniel helps us honor our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now.

Haniel’s aura is bluish-white, like the full moon’s glow.

The crystal associated with Haniel is moonstone, which has magical nurturing energy associated with it. Wear or hold a moonstone whenever you wish to feel close to Haniel. She will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you.

Archangel Haniel helps to connect with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon. She helps to groom hidden talents and find true passions; to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honoring our cycles and moods.
The Color Associated with Haniel is bluish white.
The Gemstone Associated with Haniel is Moonstone

Thank you angels for opening my heart to find my divine path of reacquainting people with their angels

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