
Monday, October 12, 2020

Angel Story

 A week ago today at 3 am I took my husband to the emergency room for horrific stomach pain.  He was admitted and scheduled to have his gallbladder removed the next morning after they stabilize his heart. Overnight his breathing became labored and they gave him antibiotics along with pain medication in addition to filtering his blood before surgery.  He didn't have the surgery the next morning instead it was scheduled for Wednesday morning at 8 am. A common gallbladder surgery turned into an OMG life threatening operation for him. 

I was told because of Covid 19 I was not allowed to wait in the surgery waiting room, but could wait in his room when visiting hours started at 11 am. This happened to coincide with the expected time for the surgery and time in the recovery room to be completed, the doctor was to call me when she was done. I expected to get a call saying the surgery was successfully completed and he could go home later in the day. 

So I waited...

At 1:11 p.m. (angel time) the doctor called. What she told me was not at all what I expected His gallbladder had gangrene and had spread poison throughout his body, effecting his surrounding organs in addition to his heart, lungs, blood and was making its way to his brain. She said he was lucky to get to the hospital when he did or he may not have made it. Her parting words were Your husband is a very sick man. 

When I left his bedside around 4:30 that evening a large red pickup truck backed out in front of me. The window opened and an elderly man said to me "Don't worry sweetheart, he will be okay"

He was a complete stranger to me, knowing nothing about why I was walking through the hospital parking lot, yet somehow knew our situation. This earth angel was sent to me to deliver an important message so I could get though the next few days knowing in my heart my husband would be fine.

Thank you angels for your help.


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