
Sunday, September 13, 2020


The angels have been calling us back!  We never intended to be out of touch for so long.

We moved to our country property almost 4 years ago.  We have found that packing up a home of 20 years, moving about 2 hours away while at the same time upgrading a mobile home (including building a basement and moving the trailer) can not be easily or quickly done. 

The Angels are calling us back!  I checked our blog and found I haven’t posted since July of 2016, also that I have 220,924 page views.  Apparently, people were reading it.  I had enjoyed posting a daily archangel card and sharing stories about how Angels have impacted our lives.  I will be posting to my blog more often, hopefully daily as I had in the past. It was always a great way to start my day.

Ed has finally retired and has been called upon to start doing videos about the angels and how much they are needed in these uncertain times.

Below is the link to his first video. 

Believe in Angels!

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