
Monday, September 28, 2020

Archangel Card for 9/28/20 Peace


I choose a daily Archangel Card from a deck of 45 cards,  periodically there will be repeated cards drawn. It always reaffirms a message that is needed. In an attempt to have a daily card posted earlier in the day, last night I  chose the card for today. Once again peace was the card that "jumped" from the deck. Three of the last four cards I have chosen are Peace. For some reason I did not schedule this post instead leaving it to be done this morning. This is not something I do. In the past I always just posted whatever card is chosen.  This morning I shuffled through the cards and again peace is the card that was chosen. 

Obviously Peace is the message that is needed. Today I ask Archangel Chamuel to help us understand what we need to do in order to brighten the darkness. Spread peace and love, instead of worries, fears or negative thoughts and feelings that no longer serve our greater good.  I personally have been trying to let go of any negative dark energy that keeps creeping in around me. By simply asking God, Jesus, Mother Mary and the Angels to magnify the light of peace and love inside us to bring light to the darkness.   Let the light of love within you overpower the darkness in the world.

Look past the surface of this situation and see the underlying truth: that everyone involved is a child of God filled with love. By focusing upon this truth, you elicit loving behavior and solutions. Even though appearances may seem otherwise, trust that a higher wisdom is in charge. Love is the only power that exists, and its light shines away any seeming darkness. Hold the intention to look for examples of this light within yourself and others, and you’ll have more light in your mind, heart, thoughts, and life. This knowledge is the foundation of peace.”
Archangel Chamuel is The Angel of Divine Love, both personal and global, and The Patron Angel of All Who Love God. 

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