
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Repost - Why is this Cardinal visiting me?

We were vendors at a psychic fair this past weekend and a few times symbolism of a cardinal came up. Most people say a cardinal is someone who has crossed over, is visiting you.  This may be, but for me I didn't think that was the reason.  I am re-posting this so it is easier for those I told about the post to find.  
Watch for signs from the angels! 
Love & Light


The first six months of this year have been challenging at best.  I find myself losing my grasp on hope and battling the spiral into depression.   This cardinal has been visiting me every day for the past few weeks.  So I decided to do a bit of research to learn the symbolism of this strikingly beautiful bird who is quickly becoming a friend.  

Below is what I have found.  I feel blessed by the messages brought to me and the persistence of this bird to keep coming until I was motivated to look into the meaning of his presence. 

Wake Up!  Cardinal is chirping at you – bringing a message of personal power.  Stop shrinking from your destiny.  Stop pretending that you are less than.  If you are unsure of your path, ask the Cardinal to fly with you – it’s certain he will help you focus, gain clarity, formulate a plan, become self-assured, and step out into the world with the confidence befitting a person of your power.

A Cardinal may also reflect past life connections with spirituality. 

The Cherokee believe that the cardinal is the daughter of the sun. Legend has it that if you see a cardinal flying upward, toward the sun, you will have good luck. Conversely, if you see it flying down toward the earth, watch out for bad luck.

Omens and divinatory meaning: 
Examine the areas of your life in which you are, or should be, a leader. Is your confidence shaky? The cardinal tells you that you can handle it, and to believe in yourself. It is important to be proud of yourself for your abilities or for the things you have achieved. The cardinal’s bright red feathers and cheerful song call attention to him wherever he goes. If you see a cardinal, it may be telling you to stand up, lift your head high, and take pride in yourself.

Accept compliments that come your way, and acknowledge your achievements. The cardinal’s bright red plumage also calls you to open yourself to creative energy. Have you been feeling blocked or dull lately? Are you looking for a new way to express yourself? Call on the cardinal to help you open up and get your creativity flowing again. 

The red feathers link it with fire, the element of activity, vitality, and passion. If you are feeling lethargic, the cardinal may lend you its energy to help you get back on your feet. Likewise, it can be a good bird with whom to work if you are struggling to handle depression. If you are having difficulty dealing with anger, however, seeing a cardinal may remind you to take a step or two back.

Red is the color of the root chakra, the energy center associated with stability, survival, and security, and feeling unsettled in any of these areas may be influencing your anger issue. Examine the areas of your life connected to these subjects for clues to the source of your emotional state, and move to make them better.

Symbolic Meaning of Cardinal
The cardinal makes a fantastic animal totem. It reminds us to hold ourselves with pride - not ego pride. Rather, the cardinal asks us to stand a little taller, be a bit more regal, STEP into our natural confidence as if we were born to lead with grace and nobility.

Those who attract the cardinal as their totem are naturally energetic, love life, and happily help others where/when they can.

Call upon the cardinal when you are feeling low. Also, call on the cardinal when you need bolstering for an EVENT you are nervous about - the cardinal is better than B-12 for giving energy and vitality to those who need it!

Short List of Symbolic Cardinal Meanings:  Hope, Love, Cheer, Pride, Focus, Energy, and Renewal.

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