
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-28-15 Indigo and Crystal Children

Indigo and Crystal Children
Archangel Metatron is guiding you to Mentor the Indigo and Crystal Children in your lifeDo you have an Indigo or Crystal child in your life?  If so you are very blessed, be there to guide them and help their families understand and nurture these amazing children.
We are blessed to have at least one of these special children in our lives, and were doubly blessed to welcome another just a week ago today.  We had just gone to bed, saying our night prayers and my daughter who was a few days from her due date called.  When the phone rang, our alarm clock read 11:11 p.m. - angel numbers! (our clock is set 15 minutes fast) She would be on her way to the hospital as soon as we picked up our other granddaughter, Chaya. 

As we got in the car, the clock in the car once again read 11:11 p.m. we noted this and thanked the angels for a safe and speedy delivery. When we arrived home with Chaya we stood in the living room, held hands and asked God, and the Angels (especially Archangels Raphael and Michael) to tend to our daughter ensuring all would go smoothly. At 8 a.m. we received a call telling us Kaelyn was born, and all had gone very well.Thank you Angels!  

Later that afternoon we took Chaya to meet her sister.  In our daughters room was a whiteboard with the Dr. and Nurses names on it.  Her nurse was Gabrielle!  Yet another Archangel! Thank you Angels for all the signs showing us how very blessed we are and that you are watching over our family as the next generation of special children come into this world. 


“You have a bond with children.
In particular, you can help children who are sensitive.”

Additional Message: 

Your life purpose involves helping and teaching children. You’re here to help these children retain and amplify their psychic and spiritual gifts. Educate adults about natural and chemical free ways to feed and raise these special children.

The very young Crystal Children and the slightly older Indigo Children are important to the future of this planet. You can help ensure their bright future, and I will help you.

Working with Metatron:

Metatron is one of two archangels who once walked upon Earth as human men. (The other one is Sandalphon.) If you feel drawn to help children (your own, or children in general), ask Metatron for an assignment that mirrors your natural talents and interests. Metatron works closely with psychic and sensitive kids, and he loves to help adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contacts, or other support for this mission, call upon Metatron. He’ll help you manifest your needs so you focus can be directed toward his beloved Crystal and Indigo Children.
Archangel Metatron, Angel of Sacred Geometry and Numerology, (Kabbalah), helps to clear and open our chakras, cleansing psychic toxins from our bodies. He works with sensitive children, indigos and crystals and helps to organize schedules, making time for activities which are close to our heart. He is a fiery, energetic Angel who has a special place in his heart for those children who are spiritually gifted. Metatron led the Children of Israel through the wilderness to safety and continues to lead children today both on Earth and in Heaven.
The Color Associated with Metatron is Violet or Sea-Foam Green.

The Gemstone Associated with Metatron is Watermelon Tourmaline.
Watermelon Tourmaline - Angel of Patience

Gemstone Properties:

Watermelon tourmaline brings patience and teaches tact, creating love by combining compassion from the spirit and passion from the physical body. Attracts love, balances the male and female energies within you. Removes imbalances (and guilt) caused by conflicts and confusions. The green part feeds your life force, while the pink soothes and harmonizes.Used by crystal healers to encourage a calm, centered state of mind.

Watermelon Tourmaline Angel of Patience
Healing Attributes:
Watermelon tourmaline improves the immune system, heals life-threatening illnesses and balances your metabolism and endocrine system. Watermelon tourmaline is said to alleviate pain, protect the nerve cells and strengthen the immune system.
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