
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-29-15 Spread Your Wings

Spread Your Wings!
TIME TO FLY! Life is constantly changing, it is time to embrace this change and spread your wings and follow your hearts desire. Archangel Ariel is by your side to help you with this transition.

Archangel Ariel: “Don’t hold back right now.The timing is perfect, and you’re ready to soar!”

Additional Message: “Although you may feel intimidated by the prospect of change, and by the thought of moving past your comfort zone, you’re ready to fly high. Welcome new opportunities, and know that it’s safe to follow your heart and dreams.Keep your focus upon love, service, and spirit and avoid nay-sayers or skeptics.Remember that you inspire others with your story of turning challenges into victories”
Working with Archangel Ariel: Ariel loves all living beings, and gladly helps them all. She is a master manifestor, and she’s especially supportive of people who are healers, teachers, and service workers. She’s partial to the environmental area, and she works closely with the nature angels to protect and heal animals – particularly the birds, animals and fish who live near or in the water. One way to work with Ariel is to participate in environmental work, including picking up trash near a lake, stream, or ocean; donating time or money to an environmental cause; or switching to environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.
Archangel Ariel
Ariel, otherwise known as the Lion of God, counsels your fears and helps build the qualities of bravery, courage and focus with elegance. He will help boost your confidence and being involved with divine magic and miracles, help with manifestations, for he is the Master Manifestor

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-28-15 Indigo and Crystal Children

Indigo and Crystal Children
Archangel Metatron is guiding you to Mentor the Indigo and Crystal Children in your lifeDo you have an Indigo or Crystal child in your life?  If so you are very blessed, be there to guide them and help their families understand and nurture these amazing children.
We are blessed to have at least one of these special children in our lives, and were doubly blessed to welcome another just a week ago today.  We had just gone to bed, saying our night prayers and my daughter who was a few days from her due date called.  When the phone rang, our alarm clock read 11:11 p.m. - angel numbers! (our clock is set 15 minutes fast) She would be on her way to the hospital as soon as we picked up our other granddaughter, Chaya. 

As we got in the car, the clock in the car once again read 11:11 p.m. we noted this and thanked the angels for a safe and speedy delivery. When we arrived home with Chaya we stood in the living room, held hands and asked God, and the Angels (especially Archangels Raphael and Michael) to tend to our daughter ensuring all would go smoothly. At 8 a.m. we received a call telling us Kaelyn was born, and all had gone very well.Thank you Angels!  

Later that afternoon we took Chaya to meet her sister.  In our daughters room was a whiteboard with the Dr. and Nurses names on it.  Her nurse was Gabrielle!  Yet another Archangel! Thank you Angels for all the signs showing us how very blessed we are and that you are watching over our family as the next generation of special children come into this world. 


“You have a bond with children.
In particular, you can help children who are sensitive.”

Additional Message: 

Your life purpose involves helping and teaching children. You’re here to help these children retain and amplify their psychic and spiritual gifts. Educate adults about natural and chemical free ways to feed and raise these special children.

The very young Crystal Children and the slightly older Indigo Children are important to the future of this planet. You can help ensure their bright future, and I will help you.

Working with Metatron:

Metatron is one of two archangels who once walked upon Earth as human men. (The other one is Sandalphon.) If you feel drawn to help children (your own, or children in general), ask Metatron for an assignment that mirrors your natural talents and interests. Metatron works closely with psychic and sensitive kids, and he loves to help adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contacts, or other support for this mission, call upon Metatron. He’ll help you manifest your needs so you focus can be directed toward his beloved Crystal and Indigo Children.
Archangel Metatron, Angel of Sacred Geometry and Numerology, (Kabbalah), helps to clear and open our chakras, cleansing psychic toxins from our bodies. He works with sensitive children, indigos and crystals and helps to organize schedules, making time for activities which are close to our heart. He is a fiery, energetic Angel who has a special place in his heart for those children who are spiritually gifted. Metatron led the Children of Israel through the wilderness to safety and continues to lead children today both on Earth and in Heaven.
The Color Associated with Metatron is Violet or Sea-Foam Green.

The Gemstone Associated with Metatron is Watermelon Tourmaline.
Watermelon Tourmaline - Angel of Patience

Gemstone Properties:

Watermelon tourmaline brings patience and teaches tact, creating love by combining compassion from the spirit and passion from the physical body. Attracts love, balances the male and female energies within you. Removes imbalances (and guilt) caused by conflicts and confusions. The green part feeds your life force, while the pink soothes and harmonizes.Used by crystal healers to encourage a calm, centered state of mind.

Watermelon Tourmaline Angel of Patience
Healing Attributes:
Watermelon tourmaline improves the immune system, heals life-threatening illnesses and balances your metabolism and endocrine system. Watermelon tourmaline is said to alleviate pain, protect the nerve cells and strengthen the immune system.
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Friday, November 27, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-27-15 Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are
Archangel Michael is reminding us to stand strong in our beliefs, "Remember Who You Are."  Don't let others pressure you into changing your beliefs; follow your inner guidance and stand strong in your convictions.  Be powerful! Be magnificent! This is who you are.

Archangel Michael: “You are a powerful, loving, and creative child of God. You are very loved”
Additional Message: “You are made in the image and likeness of your Creator, so you embody aspects of all those qualities. Your inner divine light is pure and bright in truth, and no mistakes can undo God’s handiwork of true perfection. Don’t be afraid of your power, your magnificence, or your wisdom. When you succeed, you inspire others. When you change your life so that it’s more aligned with your interests, you inspire others. Be powerful! Be magnificent! This is who you are.”
Working with Archangel Michael: Michael’s name means “He who is like God,” since he emanates the Creator’s awesome qualities of love, power, strength, and unwavering faith. When you call upon Michael, your own similar qualities are enhanced and magnified. Ask Michael to enter your dreams and clear away any fears that are blocking you from fully enjoying and living your spiritual gifts and qualities. Michael works especially well with us while we’re sleeping, since that’s when we are more open-minded and receptive.

Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael - He who is like God, protects and leads away lower energies in our space. He works with us while we sleep and enters our dreams to allay fears. Michael helps with the qualities of love, power, strength and unwavering faith. He gives guidance and direction for those stuck or lost in the purpose of their life career path. Michael is the Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South, the Leader of the Archangels. He is the Angel of Protection, Justice & Strength.

The Color Associated with Michael is Royal Blue and tinges of Purple.

The Gemstone Associated with Michael is Sugilite.

Sugilite Angel of Protection
Angel of Protection Pendant

Gemstone Properties:
Sugilite represents spiritual love and wisdom. This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness. Protects the soul from shocks and trauma, clears disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. Sugilite imparts the ability to face unpleasant conditions, encourages positive thoughts, and releases emotional turmoil. It has a strong protective energy, aids in releasing negative energy, excellent for Psychic protection, as it creates a shield of protection around you.

Angel of Protection Prayer Bracelet
Healing Attributes:
Sugilite is used by healers for dyslexia, pain relief, motor dysfunctions, gently draws out pain, headaches, inflammation, stress, disease, toxins, emotional blocks. Sugilite balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and left/right brain. Light colored Sugilite is used to purify lymph and blood.

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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-26-15 Take Back Your Power

Take Back Your Power
Life has been very challenging for many of us lately Archangel Raziel is reminding us to listen to your inner guidance and take back your power! Stop letting others influence your thoughts or actions, have faith in  the guidance you receive from within.  Watch for rainbows, and know Archangel Raziel is with you helping you. 
TAKE BACK YOUR POWER and manifest your dreams into reality! 

Take Back Your Power!

Archangel Raziel: Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life.

Additional message: You are a luminary: a sage, a wise one, a high priestess, wizard and a supreme manifestor. Now is the time to summon up your spiritual strength and power and put your authority into action. Lovingly and firmly transform you intentions into reality. Say prayers about your intentions, and ask for guidance and signs to shape your manifestations to the highest possible level.

Working with Archangel Raziel: Archangel Raziels name means  "Secrets of God" and this archangel will help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. Call upon Raziel to assist your alchemical work - to turn ideas into gold.

Archangel Raziel
Secret of God, knows all the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. His clairvoyance through dreams and inner sight helps us gain deeper spiritual understanding and to apply it in practical ways. He will take you soul traveling in your dreams to discover truths and ancient wisdom that will become part of your subconscious and be with you when you wake up and help you understand esoteric material and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance.

The Color Associated with Raziel are All Colors of the Rainbow.

The Gemstone Associated with Raziel is Quartz

 Gemstone Properties: Crystal Quartz is excellent for unblocking energy. It amplifies the energy of all other stones and increases your emotional energy. It is said to bring out a person's strengths, originality, and relating to others. It is also believed help one's understanding of difficult situations and enhancing creativity.

Healing Attributes: The most powerful, versatile multi-purpose healing stone, especially regarding self esteem, and healing the wounds of a neglectful or abusive childhood. You just have to hold and gaze into a crystal to feel your mind becoming tranquil. This gemstone should be used by anyone in need of more patience or perseverance.

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Believe in Angels!

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-25-15 Chakra Clearing

 Chakra Clearing 
As we approach this Thanksgiving eve, we are blessed with a full moon. Take some time to work with Archangel Metatron to realign your chakras.  Often we have negativity attach to us. The full moon is the time to release what no longer serves our greater good,  ask Archangel Metatron to help  you clear yourself of any fear, anger, worry, or any negativity that may have accumulated. This will allow you to be grateful for all the blessings bestowed upon us. 

“Call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes.”

Additional Message:

Metatron uses sacred geometry shapes to clear and align the chakra energy centers in our bodies. Mentally ask Metatron to open your chakras, and he’ll gently send his “Metatron Cube” (the shape pictured in the card illustration) through the crown chakra at the top of your head. The cube rotates downward, cleaning psychic toxins from your body and chakras. When your chakras are clear, you’ll feel more energized and have increased intuition.

Working with Metatron:

Metatron is one of two archangels who once walked upon Earth as human men. (The other one is Sandalphon.) Metatron was the prophet and scribe, Enoch, who ascended after his exemplary Earth life.

Archangel Metatron - Angel of Sacred Geometry and Numerology, (Kabbalah), helps to clear and open our chakras, cleansing psychic toxins from our bodies. He works with sensitive children, indigos and crystals and helps to organize schedules, making time for activities which are close to our heart. He is a fiery, energetic Angel who has a special place in his heart for those children who are spiritually gifted. Metratron led the Children of Israel through the wilderness to safety and continues to lead children today both on Earth and in Heaven.

The Color Associated with Metatron is Violet or Sea-Foam Green.

The Gemstone Associated with Metatron is Watermelon Tourmaline.

Angel of Patience
Archangel Metatron - Angel of Patience

Gemstone Properties:
Watermelon tourmaline brings patience and teaches tact, creating love by combining compassion from the spirit and passion from the physical body. Attracts love, balances the male and female energies within yourself. Removes imbalances (and guilt) caused by conflicts and confusions. The green part feeds your life force, while the pink soothes and harmonizes. Used by crystal healers to encourage a calm, centered state of mind.

Healing Attributes:

Watermelon tourmaline improves the immune system, heals life-threatening illnesses and balances your metabolism and endocrine system. Watermelon tourmaline is said to alleviate pain, protect the nerve cells and strengthen the immune system.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-24-15 Beloved One

Archangel Chamuel reminds us that by keeping loving thoughts and acting in a loving way, we attract love into our lives.  If you are struggling with this call upon Chamuel to help you with this in order to "fall in love with your life"

Archangel Chamuel “I am helping you with your spiritual soulmate relationship.”

Additional Message:  “Love is in and around you right now.You don’t need to search for it.  Rather, by holding loving thoughts and conducting loving actions, you attract and manifest love in all aspects of your life. Call upon me to guide your thoughts and actions, to bring romance into your life. Converse with me regularly about your love life. I can help you fall in love with your life, and heal and manifest wonderful relationships.”

Working with Chamuel: Chamuel’s name means “He who sees God.” When you wish to feel more centered, calm, and peaceful, call upon Chamuel. He is the archangel of personal and global peace. He’s very kind, loving, and sweet, and he’ll evoke a pleasant feeling of excitement when he works with you. Know that Chamuel sees your true qualities and loves you unconditionally.”

Chamuel helps us to see clearly and find things, situations and people. Renowned for help in finding the best career, Chamuel is The Angel Divine Love, both personal and global, and The Patron Angel of All Who Love God. In Druid mythology, Chamuel was originally the God of War. A gatekeeper of Heaven, Chamuel has charge over twelve-thousand fiery Angels of Destruction, all posted there with him at the portals of the sky and thus became known as Chief of the Angels of Destruction.

Chamuel’s energy (aura) is pale green, like a springtime leaf in the morning sunlight.

You can feel close to Chamuel’s loving energy by wearing or carrying a green fluorite crystal.

Fluorite - Angel of Enlightenment

Gemstone Properties:

Fluorite helps bring the spiritual into the material and quickens enlightenment. This stone can help one to remain calm in stressful situations. Fluorite fosters truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection, very protective stone

Healing Attributes:

Aids physical and mental healing. Fluorite helps fight viruses, strengthens the skeletal system and balances the positive and negatives aspects of the mind. It can also help with concentration.
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Monday, November 23, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-23-15 Life Review

Life Review
 As I follow Archangel Jeremiel's guidance and review my life this morning, I find myself filled with gratitude.   Today I have so much to be grateful for.  Over the weekend, our 5th granddaughter came into the world, both our daughter and her are healthy, happy and the birth went well for all.  I am also grateful for my husband, who is my best friend, my strength, my comfort,  he supports my hopes and dreams, we hold each other up and get through any challenges that cross our path.  Sixteen years ago today we married and are grateful to have each other. Take some time today and with Archangel Jeremiel's help you can resolve anything you are struggling with. Ask him to help you to know what to do so you can commit to make positive changes necessary at this point in your journey; enabling you to move forward to the next step on your path. 

Archangel Jeremiel: “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”
Additional Message: “it takes courage to look at your life.Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at that you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”
Working with Archangel Jeremiel: One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives.He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews.Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, what patterns you’re ready to release, and what you’re grateful for in your life.
Archangel Jeremiel
Mercy of God, answered prayers, change - everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self and others. Jeremiel helps newly crossed-over souls, as well as those still living, to review their lives. Call upon Jeremiel if you wish to take and inventory of your life in order to make positive adjustments.
The Color Associated with Jeremiel is Egg Plant Purple.
The Gemstone Associated with Jeremiel is Amethyst.

Amethyst – Angel of Cleansing
Gemstone Properties:

Amethyst is a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison. 

Healing Attributes:
Amethyst is useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief. The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addiction, stress or tension. Protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.
Also helps with headaches.

Angel of Cleansing Rosary

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Friday, November 20, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-20-15 Life Review

Life Review
 Archangel Jeremiel is urging us to review our lives.  With his help you can resolve anything you are struggling with. Ask him to help you to know what to do so you can commit to make positive changes necessary at this point in your journey; enabling you to move forward to the next step on your path. 

Archangel Jeremiel: “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”
Additional Message: “it takes courage to look at your life.Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at that you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”
Working with Archangel Jeremiel: One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives.He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews.Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, what patterns you’re ready to release, and what you’re grateful for in your life.
Archangel Jeremiel
Mercy of God, answered prayers, change - everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self and others. Jeremiel helps newly crossed-over souls, as well as those still living, to review their lives. Call upon Jeremiel if you wish to take and inventory of your life in order to make positive adjustments.
The Color Associated with Jeremiel is Egg Plant Purple.
The Gemstone Associated with Jeremiel is Amethyst.

Amethyst – Angel of Cleansing
Gemstone Properties:

Amethyst is a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison. 

Healing Attributes:
Amethyst is useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief. The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addiction, stress or tension. Protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.
Also helps with headaches.

Angel of Cleansing Rosary

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-19-15 Brilliant Idea

"Brilliant Idea!"
Are you acting on the idea's that come to you? They are answers to your prayers. Ask Archangel Uriel to help you recognize the divine guidance you are receiving and the faith to follow these ideas. 
Have the faith to follow the guidance you are receiving, trust that messages from the angels will never steer you wrong.  

"Yes, your idea is Divinely guided ... please take action to bring your idea to fruition."
"Your idea is an answered prayer. Even though it may push you past your comfort zone, know that God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. Ask for, and be willing to receive, all of the support that you need to bring the idea to fruition. Know that I'll be there all along the way, and you can ask me for help at any time. I'm especially glad to give you ideas and creative insights to support your life's purpose."

Working with Archangel Uriel: Uriel's energy is pale yellow, like a candle's glow. Whenever you need ideas or intellectual guidance, contact Uriel. His energy is aligned with the amber crystal.

Archangel Uriel
Meaning God’s Light or Fire of God, illuminates situations, giving prophetic information and warnings. He is considered an archangel who helps us with natural disaster, perhaps because of his connections with Noah and the weather elements of thunder and lightening. Call upon Archangel Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath. He provides us with Divine ideas and intellectual guidance and lights our pathway so we know which step to take next. Uriel is Defender of the Element of the Earth and the North, Angel of Nature, Visions and Instruction and Custodian of Prophecy.

Amber - Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge
Gemstone Properties:  Amber is a gentle stone that draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and heart. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Healing Attributes:Amber is used to treat those who suffer from respiratory ailments, throat infections, those who have bronchial disorders and are prone to asthma.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-18-15 Moon Cycles

Moon Cycles
Archangel Haniel is reminding us that we have natural cycles just as the moon does. See how your natural cycle is in comparison to the moons. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. 

“Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations, and capitalize upon these cycles.”

Additional Message:

“The full moon is a perfect time to release anything you’re done with, the new moon is a the time to focus on manifesting desires and intentions, and the evening before the full moon is an optimal time for healing, and for recharging healing instruments such as crystals and oils.”

“Spend time looking at the moon, and notice how you feel in relationship to its cycles. As you discover the moon’s connection to your vitality and moods, you’ll be more in touch with its Divine Magic.”

Working with Haniel:

Haniel’s name means “Glory of God.”

Haniel helps us honor our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now.

Haniel’s aura is bluish-white, like the full moon’s glow.

The crystal associated with Haniel is moonstone, which has magical nurturing energy associated with it. Wear of hold a moonstone whenever you wish to feel close to Haniel. She will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you.

Archangel Haniel helps to connect with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon. He helps to groom hidden talents and find true passions; to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honoring our cycles and moods, strengths and shadows.
The Color Associated with Haniel is bluish white.
The Gemstone Associated with Haniel is Moonstone

Moonstone - Angel of Long Life and Happiness

Angel of Long Life and Happiness

Gemstone Properties:
Moonstone promotes long life and happiness and is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer. Moonstone is associated with the feminine and is called "The Goddess Stone". It can enhance the intuitive side of the mind.

Angel of Long Life and Happiness Prayer Bracelet
 Healing Attributes:
Moonstone is often used to reduce excess fluid in the body and to reduce the swelling caused by this fluid.
Moonstone is used in women to aid suffering from
pre-menstrual tension, also used to ease childbirth.
Angel of Long Life and Happiness Earrings

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 11-17-15 You Are Safe

You Are Safe
 Archangel Michael wants you to remember that you are safe. He is with you protecting you, your home and family from all harm, evil and negative energy. 
Thank you Archangel Michael for your protection, calming my fears and allowing me to live in and focus on your loving light!

“I am protecting you against lower energies,
and guarding you, your loved ones, and home.”

Additional Message:

“Let go of worries, as I’m surrounding you, your loved ones, home, and possessions with powerful loving light. This light repels lower energies, and attracts loving experiences. Focus on this light and love—instead of on fear—as you’ll attract the object of your focus.”

“With your mind free of fear, you have additional time and energy to devote to your life’s missions. You are free when you are fearless. Know that you are safe at all times, and that my protection is flawless.”

Working with Michael:

Michael’s name means “He who is like God.”

Michael’s chief role is to escort away the lower energies of fear. If you become worried or anxious, mentally ask Michael to bring your peace. You can also ask that he clear your home, office, vehicle or community of toxic energies.

After you call upon Michael, you’ll likely notice a warm feeling. That’s because he has a fiery warrior spirit. You can ask Michael to stay with you continuously, as he’s able to be with everyone who calls upon him simultaneously.

Michael’s aura is royal blue mixed with tinges of purple. When he’s nearby you may see cobalt-blue sparkles of light.

The crystal stone sugilite is aligned with Michael’s energy.

Archangel Michael - He who is like God, protects and leads away lower energies in our space. He works with us while we sleep and enters our dreams to allay fears. Michael helps with the qualities of love, power, strength and unwavering faith. He gives guidance and direction for those stuck or lost in the purpose of their life career path. Michael is the Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South, the Leader of the Archangels. He is the Angel of Protection,
Justice & Strength.

The Color Associated with Michael is Royal Blue and tinges of Purple.

The Gemstone Associated with Michael is Sugilite

Sugilite Angel of Protection

Angel of Protection Pendant
Gemstone Properties:

Sugilite represents spiritual love and wisdom. This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness. Protects the soul from shocks and trauma, clears disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. Sugilite imparts the ability to face unpleasant conditions, encourages positive thoughts, and releases emotional turmoil. It has a strong protective energy, aids in releasing negative energy, excellent for Psychic protection, as it creates a shield of protection around you.

Angel of Protection Prayer Bracelet

Healing Attributes:

Sugilite is used by healers for dyslexia, pain relief, motor dysfunctions, gently draws out pain, headaches, inflammation, stress, disease, toxins, emotional blocks. Balances adrenal, pineal, and pituitary glands, and left/right brain; light colored Sugilite is used to purify lymph and blood.

Angel of Protection Rosary

Angel of Protection Earrings

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