
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-25-15 Gentleness

At this time of harshness, Archangel Sandalphon encourages you to be gentle with yourself today; connect with your inner peace, listen to some music and relax. Taking care of yourself enables you to continue to help others! Archangel Sandalphon can  help you live in integrity with your spiritual gifts awakened.


“Be very gentle with yourself at this time.
Surround yourself with gentle people, situations and environments.”

Additional Message:

Sandalphon wishes to help you feel peaceful and centered, and he strongly advises that you begin by listening to gentle music. Play it wherever you go. Talk quietly and engage in slow, rhythmic movements such as swaying to music or a gentle yoga session.

Don’t engage in battles at this time. Instead, retreat from conflict while you revive your spirit and become even stronger.

Delay decision making at this time. You’ll know exactly what to do when you emerge from your gentle retreat.

Working with Sandalphon:

Sandalphon’s name means “Brother,” in reference to his twin  brother Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metratron was the wise man Enoch. 

Sandalphon can help your words and actions to be kind and gentle, yet powerful. As the archangel associated with music, you can feel his presence strongly when you listen to music, sing, or play an instrument.”

Sandalphon’s aura is a calming and cool shade of turquoise.

Meditate upon this color or hold turquoise in your hand to feel your heart rate and breathing become quieter.

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel of Music and Answered Prayers, helps with communication and expression so that you may speak your truth openly, yet your words and actions be kind and gentle, if powerful. Take time for a gentle retreat to rejuvenate and connect with peace and enjoy the present moment. He will help you live in integrity with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and manifestation fully awakened.

The Color Associated with Sandalphon is Cool Turquoise.

The Gemstone Associated with Sandalphon is Turquoise.

Turquoise - Angel of Expression

Gemstone Properties:
Turquoise helps the ability to
express oneself and verbalize freely. It is a healer of the spirit, providing a soothing energy which
can bring peace and calm to the wearer. It is used by Native Americans as a protection stone


Angel of Expression Prayer Bracelet
Healing Attributes:  
Turquoise heals the lungs, throat and respiratory system. It is good for laryngitis and nervousness in speech.
Contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects.

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