
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 2-5-15 Clear Your Space

Clear Your Space

This card is a great example of an angel experience I have had. A while back I found myself needing a little extra cash to make it through to my next payday. As I pulled my daily angel card I asked for guidance on how to achieve this. At the time this card didn't make sense. After the 3rd day in a row of getting this card I sat down and went through a pile of junk mail that had accumulated on a table. In that mail was a check for $1,500 that was completely unexpected I had thought it was mail trying to sell me something. When you ask the angels for help, follow the guidance you receive without question, have the faith they are sending you the assistance you are asking for. Today Archangel Jophiel is by your side to help you both physically and mentally to remove clutter by clearing your space from negative energy, removing any blocks and allowing love, light and prosperity to enter your life.

Clear Your Space

Archangel Jophiel: "Get rid of clutter clear the energy around you, and use feng shui"
Additional Message: “Your home and work environments affect you on many levels. Clutter can erode your energy, creativity, and prosperity. I’ll help you find the time and motivation to clear interference from your physical environment. Together, we’ll release anything that’s not serving you. We’ll donate, recycle, or discard unused items. We’ll open the windows to circulate fresh air in the rooms. And I’ll escort lower energies away. You’ll notice huge improvements in all areas of your life as a result of this endeavor.”

Working with Archangel Jophiel: Jophiel’s aura is deep rose pink, signifying her beautiful, loving and caring nature. Dark pink crystals, such as pink rubellite are associated with Jophiel’s energy. Anytime you’re involved with redecorating or spring cleaning, call upon Jophiel to help you.It’s like having your own spiritual interior decorator and feng shui consultant!

Archangel Jophiel

Beauty of God, helps to clear both mental physical clutter and negative thinking, clearing energy. He helps us to stay in Higher Self focus of bliss, love and joy, and encourages us to spend time in nature, experiencing more grace and peace in life. The Patron Angel of Artists, Jophiel helps us to think beautiful thoughts, thus creating, manifesting and attracting more beauty into our lives.

The Color Associated with Jophiel is Deep Rose or Magenta Pink.

The Gemstone Associated with Jophiel is Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline Angel of Comfort and Safety

Gemstone Properties:

Angel of Comfort and Safety

Pink Tourmaline vibrates a deep resonance with the heart chakra. It has the potential to heal emotional wounds with its soft soothing energy to bring feelings of comfort and safety. Pink Tourmaline is said to strengthen wisdom, help with empathy, aid compassion, help with willpower, creativity, and balance a passive or aggressive nature. Pink tourmaline is believed to bring personal strength, endurance and stamina. Pink tourmaline promotes balance and protection

Healing Attributes:

It is believed that the physical symptoms of anxiety can be relieved by wearing pink tourmaline, especially if the stone is worn in a piece of jewelry that sits over the heart Pink tourmaline will help the wearer face his fears and will help the wearer face his fears and will help to eliminate the sense of dread or panic that often accompanies anxiety.

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Got Angel?

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