
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Archangel Stone Casting Set

I’m really excited to tell you about our new product Archangel Stone Casting Set!  

First a little history: Got Angel creates angel jewelry from gemstones with healing properties.  Over the past few years we have learned to follow the guidance we receive from the angels to support our mission of reacquainting people with their angels.
While attending psychic fairs and expos my husband, Ed began receiving messages from Mother Mary and her angels, to tell certain people things they need to know.  These encounters always ended with the person amazed and thankful at what he would tell them.  He began doing readings as Mother Mary’s Messages.
With guidance from the angels I created a cloth for him to use in casting stones. This cloth is based on Enochian Angel Communication. People were captivated by this cloth, and once again the angels have guided me to include this cloth in a set with stones to cast. This set is a tool to help you communicate with your angels who can give you guidance regarding love, money, health, endings and beginnings, emotions and challenges. Find out what the angels want you to know
For more information and to order an Archangel Stone Casting Set go to:  gotangel .com 

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