
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11-12-13 What does it mean?

So today’s date 11-12-13 has been on my mind since I woke up, and my husband even called me on his way to work to tell me the date.  I know it is a special day, and the angels have been sending me strong messages about making positive changes in my life.  
This morning’s angel oracle card was life review, again a sign to review and change what no longer serves your higher good.   What makes this extra special today are how your thoughts are manifested.  I took a minute and looked up the meanings  of 11, 12 & 13 in Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers 101, and just as I felt the importance of thinking, feeling and expressing your life and future in a positive way will make it happen.
 11.    Stay Positive! Your thoughts are materializing rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others and this situation

12. Keep your thought positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future. This is a message to keep your faith and hope strong, because these are strong determining factors right now

13. The ascended masters (such as Jesus, Quan Yin, and so on) are with you, helping you maintain a positive outlook. The number 13 signifies that female ascended masters and goddesses are assisting you in staying positive.

Today I am going to say positive affirmations once each hour to ensure my thoughts and feelings stay positive. You are welcome to join me in saying the following: 

·         Whatever I can conceive, I believe.
·         If I see it in my mind, I am going to hold it in my hand
·         I open myself to receiving abundance of the Universe.
·         The Universe provides me with all that I will ever need.
·         I am richly blessed.
·         I am love.
·         I am One with Spirit.
·         My higher self rules over my ego.
·         My spirit dances in step with joy in my heart.
·         Every cell in my body vibrates with health and positive energy.
·         Beauty is the breath of my soul.
·         I see beauty everywhere I go.
·         I am financially wealthy!
·         My wealth grows in ever increasing amounts.
·         My home is tranquil and filled with love.
·         My relationships are harmonious!
·         My business is a resounding success!
·         I enjoy absolute freedom!
·         I experience the world in all its glory.
·         I have a wealth of fond memories.
·         I serve the community with love.
·         I help those in need.
·         My inner home is a peaceful retreat, a storehouse of practical wisdom.
·         I celebrate life.
·         Inspiration flows easily to me.
·         Opportunities arrive at the right time in the right place
·         I am divinely guided in all that I do.
·         Miracles manifest every day in wondrous ways!
·         My prayers are always answered, in support of my dreams!
·         I am thankful for all I have and all that is to come!

Love and light
Believe in Angels!

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