
Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Moon Tonight - MANIFEST!


New moon May 9, 2013
Remember to manifest your soul's desire today!

Archangel Jophiel beautify my thoughts to manifest loving outcomes for the future

Jophiel’s Manifestation
It is God’s intent that your desires be fulfilled. The creative center of your heart holds the power to transform your thoughts and feelings into manifested form. The process happens automatically, often resulting in unintentional creations that aren’t what you really want. Seize control of your creations! Empty out your emotional baggage and change the focus of your mind from the ordinary to the Eternal.

Manifesting your true desires unites you with your Eternal Self and God. Each success builds momentum and further understanding. The more persistent and intense your longings, the greater your ability to manifest.

The following exercise will help empower your vision with purity and desire. Right desire, when focused with mental clarity, is the key! Never give up on the yearnings of your heart.
1. Select a definite plan or desire to be fulfilled. This can be a thing or an experience. It is constructive, it is worthy of your time, and will it bring you closer to God? It must not involve manipulation or be at the expense of another. In the beginning, it helps if your desire is simple and has a tangible result so you will know when it has manifested.
2. State your plan clearly and in precise detail. Write it down, making a physical record of your desire. If you enjoy ceremony, this is a good time to declare your intention to your Eternal Self and God in a personal and private way. This could be as simple as playing appropriate music, lighting a candle, and reading your plan or desire with feeling and love.
3. Close your eyes and see a picture of your desire or plan in its finished, perfect form. Include as much detail as possible: how would it look, sound, smell, taste, and feel. See the surrounding circumstances and results. Then pour your feelings of desire into this picture. If it doesn’t stir your emotions, don’t waste your time. This should make you feel more alive, energetic, and enthusiastic.
Concentrate on your desire each morning upon waking. Keep your consciousness charged and focused on the creation. Strive to do an especially clear visualization just before sleeping to activate the power of your subconscious mind. Be careful when you discuss your vision. Will you open the door to judgments, weakening the energy force you are building, or will you attract the right people to help you? Listen to your heart and use discretion.
Be open to the creative flow that follows your vision. Your awareness and sensitivity will be your guide. You many need to do nothing but wait. People and resources may appear to assist you, so be alert and accept their help! Or you may need to actively work at your creation by doing research, further refining your vision or getting appropriate permits, funding, training, licenses, or documentation. Be willing to change, and be flexible! If you stay attuned to your truth, and let go as needed, you will stay connected to your Eternal Self and God in holding your vision.
4. When your manifestation is complete, celebrate! Give thanks for your achievement! Thoroughly enjoy your creation. Then see what is next. God intended for our lives to be an ever-expanding experience of love and fulfillment.

Thank you angels for opening my heart to find my divine path of reaquainting people with their angels

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