
Friday, March 22, 2013

Call upon your angels

Saw this on FB this morning and wanted to share thank you Fiona
I call upon Archangel Michael to cut and release all negativity that surrounds me now.

  I call in Archangel Zadkiel to release all stagnant energy.

 I call in Archangel Uriel to protect and guide me today, dissolving all darkness and leading us to light.

 I call in Archangel Gabriel to assist me with all of my parenting and communication requirements and abilities. May no words be spoken out of turn, in anger or frustration. Only loving words can resolve conflict.

 I call in Archangel Metatron to support all learning of children no matter what needs they have for their highest ability and good. 
I call in Archangel Ariel to bring in peace and tranquillity to all conflict.
I call upon Archangel Haniel to watch over as partnerships and good working relationships are formed.
I call in Archangel Jophiel to support all transitions as required.
I ask Archangel Raphael to bring healing and support to any negativity as and when required.
I call in the Seraphim to oversee all occurs for the highest good in a loving and peaceful way.
I tap into the wisdom of Buddha, the compassion of Kuan Yin and the Grace of Mother Mary for today, may I embody all that I envision for my highest good and that of my family.
I know I am supported and loved today and all days to come. Thank you.

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