
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Angel Numbers

Wanted to share a story from this past week...
Woke up at 5:55 this morning - I've been seeing repeated numbers all week - Checked Angel Numbers 101 "huge changes are rumbling throughout your entire life! To keep these changes on the highest possible course, be sure to keep your thoughts positive, and stay centered in prayer and affirmations."

I found this list of affirmations that I have begun saying on a regular basis:

 1. Whatever I can conceive, I believe.
2. If I see it in my mind, I am going to hold it in my hand...
3. I open myself to receiving abundance of the Universe.
4. The Universe provides me with all that I will ever need.
5. I am richly blessed.
6. I am love.
7. I am One with Spirit.
8. My higher self rules over my ego.
9. My spirit dances in step with joy in my heart.
10. I am whole and in perfect health
11. Every cell in my body vibrates with health and positive energy.
12. Beauty is the breath of my soul.
13. I see beauty everywhere I go.
14. I am financially wealthy!
15. Checks arrive in my inbox every single day.
16. My wealth grows in ever increasing amounts.
17. I love my car!
18. I live in the house of my dreams; in tranquil surroundings filled with love, a blessed family and happy kids!!
19. I attract love everywhere.
20. My relationships are harmonious!
21. I work as and when I want to, anywhere I want to.
22. My business is a resounding success!
23. I enjoy absolute freedom!
24. I experience the world in all its glory.
25. I have a wealth of fond memories.
26. My life is one big adventure.
27. I serve the community with love.
28. I help those in need.
29. My teachers inspire me to live in the now!
30. My inner home is a peaceful retreat, a storehouse of practical wisdom.
31. I celebrate life.
32. Inspiration flows easily to me.
33. Opportunities arrive at the right time in the right place
34. I am divinely guided in all that I do.
35. Miracles manifest everyday in wondrous ways!
36. My prayers are always answered, in support of my dreams!
37. Love and gratitude…Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Later the same day:
I came home from work, was making dinner looked up at the microwave and the time was 5:55 pm cool beans - I am open to receive. read my list of affirmations again.
So later that night we are laying in bed and my stomach was making such loud rumbling noises, so was my husbands.  It was like they were talking to each other.  I had to laugh the angels have such a sense of humor!  Huge rumblings ...
I had the most vivid dream the next morning with images of the angel retreat we are starting to build.  No longer is it a vague Idea the angels sent me the plans in my dreams.  Thank you Angels next step is to apply for some grant money to start building.  I know the angels will find a way to fund this project and we are open to receive it and work hard to create their vision
I am divinely guided in all that I do
Sleep well my friends - dream with the angels!

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