
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Next step on my path...

So my angels have been guiding me along this wonderful loving path for the past 3 years and I have come to a cross road.  I need to quit my job and do angel work full time!  This I know in my heart, and have been asking the angels for their help in making this possible.
This past weekend I was sent messages to veer off the path a bit and deal with my ego based fears (which I give to the angels as they do not serve me)  When we were packing to leave for the Expo in Rochester, NY I heard pack your chakra clearing CD by Doreen Virtue, someone is going to need it.  Without hesitation I packed it  with some ear buds for whomever may need it. 
As soon as we arrived a dear friend Vicki came up to me, thrilled to see me but exhausted, their business is thriving, but she was worn out traveling and makng product.  I assumed the CD was brought for her and gave it to her to listen to in the hotel that night.  She seemed less stressed and much more relaxed the next day.
On Saturday I started talking to a woman named Lori who was looking at our prayer bracelets for her friend.  We started chatting and connected instantly.  She is a lightworker, always there for anyone in need, unfortunately it was taking a toll on her.  She is an amazing lady who has been going through one challenge after another for a while it seemed.  She was going to have a reading done, and I asked her to come back to listen to the Chakra Clearing CD when she was done as I felt it would help her.
Before she even listened to the CD she told me I gave her more messages that she needed to hear than the person she paid for a reading.  And kept telling me I need to do this too. What a wonderful compliment!  Funny I just say what I feel and see - the angels guide me on who to talk to and what to say.
I had a reading done a few months ago by the AngelGreeter and she said:

"You have a strong connection to strong women ascended masters!  You are empowered by Amerterasu to show the world how special you are. Not only to you work with the angels by making them she is guiding you to come out of the spritual closest and heal through readings.  “You are a great gift to this world shine you light”  Amerterasu hid for a long time in fear that her light wasn’t good enough for the world, she them came to realized that her fear was actually holding back her purpose.  She is saying the same for you, let go of fear and come out!  You have life times of wisdom!  Spend time practicing on others but its time to let the world see that you are a healer as well!  Let your light shine! "
I had purchased Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot cards a few weeks ago, and saw the online course to learn how to give tarot readings, well today I purchased the course and am starting it this weekend.
Thank you Angels for your guidance, for bringing people into my life to help me along my path, and believe in me to help me get past my fear of not being able to do this service correctly. Mostly for providing the reassurance and support in helping me to take the next step.
Thank you Vicki for being a supportive friend, thank you Lori for coming into my life, thank you Emilie for the messages of guidance from the angels.  The next door is opening and I am walking through.
They got me for sure!

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