
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So excited about getting the first official inquiry about selling our angels wholesale.  Wow!  Just imagine how much more angel love and awareness can be spread when our healing angel jewelry is available in shops!

My Angel cards keep telling me the time is now -

Thursdays date meaning in Angel Numbers:


10 - God wants you to hold positive thoughts about this situation, as everything is working out for your highest good.  Call upon God to help you stay optomistic, as your thoughts are an influencing factor in the outcome.

11- Stay positive!  Your thoughts are materializing rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others and this situation

12 - Keep your thoughts positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future.  This is a messge to keep your faith and hope srong, because these are strong determining factors right now.

I am positive the the angels are supporting me and guiding me on my path to accomplish my mission of reaquainting people with their angels.  We will have angel retreats where all are welcome to become enlightened and grow closer to the angels around us.  They are my best friends, always there waiting for me to ask for their assistance, supporting my dreams and lovingly lighting my path so I can find my way.

Thank you angels!  I am positive of your love and support!

Got Angel?  I definitely do!


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