
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I am Blessed!

I am Blessed!
My life had been  a rollercoaster at best.  Full time job in an office with people who are ego centered and challenge my spirituality on a daily basis.  My home is overcrowded with my children and their children, so finding a peaceful place is difficult.  Physically I am normally over stressed causing headaches, anxiety attacks, depression, weight gain and sleeplessness and have problems with pain in my feet from bone spurs and bunions.
I asked the angels for help! 
I have found my spiritual peace making healing angel jewelry.  The idea was definitely divinely inspired.  My mission is to reacquaint people with their angels.  Working with gemstones with healing properties gave me a positive outlet amongst the chaos.  Opening my heart asking for angelic assistance and listening to the guidance I received has completely changed my life.
I took the time to take care of my foot problems and am spending the summer recovering from surgery at our vacation home on 44 peaceful acres we recently purchased to transform into a place for angel retreats.
I now wake up every morning excited about “Angeling”  I have my coffee on our deck connecting with my angels for the day, I have time to blog, and work on our business, I end each day meditating and watching the moon rise.
Asking for angelic assistance has given me back the peace in my heart, a passion to follow my divine path, and the faith to realize this is how I am to spend the rest of my life.  I am letting go of a good paying job to follow my passion and know financially we will have our needs met.  The angels have made this possible by having a customer cross my path who is involved in wholesaling spiritual and metaphysical products.  She has taken us under her wing – the wing of another angel.
Thank you angels for answering my requests and helping me to  open my heart to listen to your guidance, lighting my divine path to show me the way, and most of all to appreciate and be thankful for all the blessings I have in my life.
I’ve Got Angel – Do you?

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