
Thursday, August 2, 2012


I am spending the summer at our vacation home in the country recovering from foot surgery.  I am spending my days working on Angel Jewelry and raising my spirituality with reading and meditaion. This has been a treat for me, sampling what life will be like when I retire from my 9-5 job and focus on our business Got Angel? full time. This is more than likely a few years down the road, although I would love for it to be happening now. 
Everyday I am seeing 30 - 40 dragonflies flying around in the early evening  I was wondering what the spiritual meaning of dragonflies are.  This is what I found:
Symbolic Meanings of the Dragonfly
As a creature of the wind, the dragonfly totem represents change. Its iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather.
Dragonflies are also creatures of the water, and any creature whose habitat is in, or around water carries symbolism relative the the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts.
This is because in the animal world, water is symbolic of the subconscious mind ("deeper mind," "dreaming mind") and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states.
Quick-list animal symbolism of the dragonfly: prosperity, good luck, strength, peace, harmony, and purity.  These symbolic meanings of dragonfly are particularly associated in Asian (Japan) and Native American (Plains region) circles.
Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought - and they ask that we pay attention to our deeper thoughts and desires.  Further symbolic insect meaning of dragonfly comes into play when we observe the dragonfly's mode of transportation as it skitters across the top of water surfaces. This implies that our deeper thoughts are surfacing and we must be mindful of the outcome we wish to have.
The dragonfly is a reminder that when our deeper thoughts rise to the surface we must pay attention - there are lessons to be learned, and we are also reminded that what we think is directly proportionate to what we "see on the surface." ...In short, our thoughts (even the deeper ones that we might not be as in-touch with as we are with our conscious thoughts) are responsible for what we see in our lives - in our physical surroundings.
The dragonfly gives us a very powerful meditation tool. Close your eyes, and focus on a thought - let it rise to the surface of your mind's ocean - see that thought float lightly up to the water's surface. Now upon the top of a smooth, calm glass-like surface - visualize that thought moving across that water - sliding across - smooth and fast.
This exercise is useful when we want to visualize positive outcomes in a situation. We see the thought of hope happily moving across an ocean of peace (peaceful mind) and skitting to a perfect outcome.
Lastly it should be noted that the Dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest with what it has. This lesson is huge for each of us. When you see a dragonfly, be aware of the gifts it has to offer by keeping its animal totem meanings in mind.
Another source states the symbolic meaning of the dragonfly deals with:  Mind , Dreams, Balance , Thoughts, Awareness, and Living to the fullest.
 Because of it is a creature of water (which symbolically deals with thoughts, dreams and intuition), the dragonfly is a symbol of our thoughts.  We can use it as an emblem of balanced mind because the dragonfly represents the two realms of thought.
 The dragonfly skitters across the surface of the water which is symbolic of our “top thoughts” the daily, surface thoughts that primarily keep us in auto-pilot.
 But the dragonfly knows she is standing on the vast watery depth of endlessly profound and potentially life-altering thoughts: The murky mass of thoughts that represent our primordial divinity – a virtual powder-keg of expansive expression.
 And so, the dragonfly is the fulcrum between mundane and mystical.  She is the balance keeper between the “little me” and the “God self.”  This is why the dragonfly is a perfect tool for meditation, and is often used by spiritual practitioners in meditation practices (an example of using the dragonfly in a meditation can be found here).
 Additionally, as creature of the wind, the dragonfly totem represents change. Its iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows – lest we run into stormy weather.
The Dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest with what it has. This lesson is huge for each of us. When you see a dragonfly, be aware of the gifts it has to offer by keeping its animal totem meanings in mind.
 Dragonfly Totems Facilitate:
 •Greater attention to the nuances and subtleties around us
 •Awareness & gratitude of inner beauty
 •Awareness of outer beauty, and ability to share it modestly with the world
 •Knowledge of life’s brevity, and understanding the importance of making every minute special

 It should be clear this insect totem has endless potential in changing our perspective, and enhancing our life experiences.  Take the time to connect with this and other insect totems and you will be amazed at the doors they can open for you.
The meaning of a dragonfly changes with each culture. The main symbolisms of the dragonfly are renewal, positive force and the power of life in general. Dragonflies can also be a symbol of the sense of self that comes with maturity. Also, as a creature of the wind, the dragonfly frequently represents change. And as a dragonfly lives a short life, it knows it must live its life to the fullest with the short time it has - which is a lesson for all of us. God, Mother nature, the angels, and the universe are sending me such strong messages - the message of change is in the air and all around me. thank you for this special gift.  


  1. Whenever I am outside, there are dragon flies. IF I stand still long enough they will surround me. Sometimes it is a little scary. I also had surgery once and when going under, I stated look at all the dragon flies, dragon flies everywhere. Not that I remember it but my family teases me about it. I just never paid much attention to them but the past three years they are with me always. Even have had then land on my hand. I felt like a little child. Which is funny because as a child I was afraid of them, I think someone told me if they landed on me they would stitch me up. Just trying to figure out why this is happening. This happens pretty much where ever I go... a dragon fly will shoe up and make it's presence know. Short of flying directly in my face. I just wonder what it is about me?

  2. Whenever I am outside, there are dragon flies. IF I stand still long enough they will surround me. Sometimes it is a little scary. I also had surgery once and when going under, I stated look at all the dragon flies, dragon flies everywhere. Not that I remember it but my family teases me about it. I just never paid much attention to them but the past three years they are with me always. Even have had then land on my hand. I felt like a little child. Which is funny because as a child I was afraid of them, I think someone told me if they landed on me they would stitch me up. Just trying to figure out why this is happening. This happens pretty much where ever I go... a dragon fly will shoe up and make it's presence know. Short of flying directly in my face. I just wonder what it is about me?

  3. Roni,
    You are very blessed! The dragonfly post was written because they had been surrounding me. I am a very analytical person - so I did some research (which I shared in the post) This is definitely a message for you! Ask your angels to help you clearly see what the message is. All the research in the world will show you possibilities or what they meant to others, you will know the meaning for you from your inner guidance. Believe in Angels!

  4. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing the knowledge about dragonflies. This truly is remarkable and relevant to everything I am experiencing now in my life. I feel so blessed to have been visited by these creatures. And many of rare and different colors that I've never seen before. It has been intermittent visits of one or two at a time to make their presence known it was intentional and just for me. So I decided to look their meaning up.
    Today I was working in my home office and suddenly out of nowhere a dragonfly flittered on my curtains. It was the first I've seen without an iridescence of color. It's wings were so transparent and clear it was almost invisible. Except for its light brown spots. There was no way for it to be in my office. The doors and windows always remain closed. It magically appeared out of nowhere. So i released him outside to live in the beauty outdoors. Im so grateful for the visit and now understanding the message he has sent… Thank you Got Angel?!

  5. For the last few years, just a few days after my brother took him own life,(as his wife said which I strongly don't believe), I've been surrounded by dragonflies. Everyone says that they're common in Carolina's and are teeming with them. But I have never seen so many of them in one place. There were what seemed like 50 plus dragonflies. They flew no more than 25 feet away and then it's like they were on a string and bounced back towards me. I still to this day don't understand why. But about 2 months ago, and now on the west coast. I got surrounded by dragonflies again. This time I was with my husband. We have our first wedding anniversary in2 weeks. He said that dragonflies are rare in this area. He swears it looked like 20 plus dragonflies just circling me. We just came out of Wal-Mart and all of a sudden, dragonflies flying around me. Like bats just circling a tree at night. The following day, we found out that we are pregnant. Amazing news for us. Then a week ago my 14year old niece passed away waiting for a bone marrow transplant. That day to present, I'm confused as to why I am now always surrounded by dragonflies. I love dragonflies. I thought it was at first because of my brother passing. That it maybe him saying he's still with me. But I'm so confused.First my brother, finding out I'm pregnant, and then my niece. Please I need help to understand

    1. Transformation is a beautiful thing. When we let go we make room for more.. Death to self is sometimes necessary to find meaning and true uninhibited Life.
      Though everyone's encounters are different.. reading your thoughts and experiences simbolizied the appreciation of Life and making every moment count. Dragonflies do not waste time..every moment has meaning and significance. I envisioned the spirit of your loved ones flying happily around you as they embraced the spirits of what was developing within your womb.

  6. I actually have a question... last week I was swimming in my pool on the float reading. This beautiful dragon fly lands on my book. I was so close to it. It kept looking at me. It allowed me to touch it wings. It eventually flew away but kept coming back to me. Before I went into the house it flew over to me and landed on my hand. Today a week later I was walking in the yard and the same dragon fly came from no where landed on my arm and just stayed there. Every time I went outside it kept landing on me. Does this mean anything? Now my husband was right next to me and saw this. He went to hold his hand out it flew away only to come back to me.... Am I reading more into this?

  7. Strange as this may sound, I communicate verbally on a daily basis with the dragonflies, as they approach me and stay with me, as I converse to them, and sit and display their beauty to me ~ Today, I was breathless, as I was approached by a large, 6 winged dragonfly with white eyes, a bronze, brown, and orange body and dazzling and shimmering blue eyes which looked like sparkles for nostrils ~ No, I do not drink or take drugs, and am only high on life, but my "inner knowing" gave me advanced knowledge that I would encounter something in nature, of a very mystical nature, while walking each one of my 2 very large dogs, which they do not fear at all, and the dogs are clearly fascinated by their constant approach ~ Last week, I had one make a landing on top of my foot, and often seem as though they are attempting to make touchdown, but the dogs keep me moving ~ A couple of weeks ago, I had a converstion with a brown and reddish dragonfly which greeted me, as I exited my vehicle and landed directly on the ground in front of me and stayed with me for at least 20 minutes or more, and would briefly fly around me, and land right back at the same spot to meet with me again ~ Today's encounter left me completely "awestruck" and "breathless" while I was on the cell phone with my husband, yet I focused all of my attention and conversation to this magnificent 6 winged, mystical beauty ~ I have searched everywhere for a photo of such a species and came up empty ~ It had the usual 4 wings which were dazzling and glowing, and 2 extra blackish colored wings, much like a butterfly type of wings, but smaller ~ Are you familiar with any of this? I appreciate any information which you are willing to share, and thank you for your time! Sincerely, Taimane :) ~

  8. Ooops I just saw a "typo" the eyes were white and the nostril area was shimmering and sparkly blue...apologies ~ Sincerely, Taimane ~

  9. I have dragonflies following me. Its always just one but it goes everywhere, even when I'm not near water. I go to the store and when I park it's flying over my hood. At school, the same thing. Everywhere I go. And sometimes it appears to be the same one. I even had one drop out of mid flight because it got tangled in a dried leaf, it was only a few inches away. So I of course untangled it so it could fly away, but it just stuck around......I wish I knew why they followed me.

  10. Today while out collecting my grapes a dragonfly landed right on the grapes I had in my hand. It scared me quite a bit. I survived Cancer I'm a year out but as of tomorrow I have a bone scan. This on my mind so much I know I need to not stress about Cancer coming back but it's so hard. I hope this was a blessing :) that I can start to heal from my scars physical you and mentally.

  11. Today while out collecting my grapes a dragonfly landed right on the grapes I had in my hand. It scared me quite a bit. I survived Cancer I'm a year out but as of tomorrow I have a bone scan. This on my mind so much I know I need to not stress about Cancer coming back but it's so hard. I hope this was a blessing :) that I can start to heal from my scars physical you and mentally.

  12. I, too, have been surrounded by butterflies and have had one land on my finger when I called to it. I feel really blessed. It seems like every time I am outside I have dragonflies near. I feel that the dragonfly is my spirit animal. Hugs to all of you dragonfly people! :)

  13. I have had two episodes with dragonflies. One just a few weeks after my son was born. I saw it come to my apartment and I got a bit scared because of the sound and it's movement. I started looking for its meaning and it made so much sense to me at the time. A few nights away from today, in a totally different place, I saw a luminiscent One. I did not know it was that at the begining, i just saw a green bright light coming up and down; no sound. Again, with my son, scared again. I am not sure why I get scared, they sure mean so many beautiful things!! If they are our angels, I want to know why us?

  14. I have had a black dragonfly outside everyday for a week it lands in my clothespins and lets me pick it up. What is the meaning of black one someone said its an angel, or a spirt coming to warn me of of something. Is this true?

  15. Dragonflies will be found in the hundreds near water... especially after any type of flooding. Any symbolic meaning will transpire when you are not near water. When you are in crisis and have been asking for guidance, protection and clarity- when seeing a dragonfly makes you stop, with that tapping on your shoulder or flutter in your gut= to stop, and see the sign. If one is with you over your car EVERYWHERE you go, and swarms your vehicle, while it's parked (esp when it's nowhere near water, in the city and consistent), is when you are really being spoken too. Butterflies seem to lesson when the dragonfly takes over- for my particular situation... and trust me... Divine Intervention. Made sure I know it's a miracle. Really stopped and mediated on/with it today-- which turned to night... as I figure there is a very important message that needs action. And sure enough... it was SO weird. I was in a movie within a movie within a movie at some points- yet each movie was an actual situation that I am or will be in. Love Light Peace and Prayer Warriors love crystals. The longest living organism on earth

  16. I never saw dragonflies, soon after my dad passed I began seeing them all the time. Then it stopped. My mom passed 8 months later and started seeing dragonflies again. And then stopped, Years later i had broken up with someone and boom started seeing dragonflies again. Then it stopped. On my best friend’s birthday (5 days after mine) I saw dragonflies on 3 separate occasions throughout that day.
    And just this past weekend i ended a relationship. And have been seeing dragonflies all around me again. And in an obvious way, by my windshield, near me- that day Not just one or 2 but 5-6 at a time but now 1 or two at a time. I know they tend to be around water. Each time I’ve seen Them there isn’t and body of water near me. Wondering if this is a sign from my parents letting me know I’m not alone and they appear when I’ve made life changing decisions to let me know it was the right thing to do or path to follow? Thank you

  17. I keep seeing dragonflies while my husband was sick in bed nonething life threatening. The flies kept coming around me i have lived in my house for 15 years and never seen one. Then the dragonflis started landing on my hand. I love nature so it made me happy. But i knew in my spirted some message was being sent to me. About 2months from me starting to see them my husband died.Now i pnly see yellow butterflies around my house.
