
Monday, July 16, 2012

Angel Social Network

A few months back a friend of mine recommended me to a friend of hers to help her with an online project she wanted to start.  I have experience in creating websites and a curious mind when it comes to new projects.  We met for lunch and I realized a website was not the venue  she was looking for, a social network would more than likely give her what she was seeking. 
I had her come to my office after work hours with her laptop computer and spent a few hours setting up a social network through “Ning”.   They offer a 30 day free trial which would enable her to get her feet wet and see if this venue would fulfill her needs.  As hands on learning is the easiest way to learn - we both started social network sites. 
She seemed happy with the start she had and I ended up learning something new – win/win for all involved.
Fast forward one month later and I received an email saying my bank account was charged $239 for one year of my social network.  UGH!  My own fault I got so wrapped up in my daily life that I lost track of the timeframe and did not cancel my free trial.
So I am now the proud owner of a social network I had not planned on.  What can I do with this??????????
Of course my angels came to the rescue with wonderful ideas.  And  was created.
My vision for this social network is:
A place for angel minded people to gather, Share your thoughts get feedback and guidance from likeminded friends. I have included angel photos to share, a place for daily angel card readings. (my vision is for others to post their daily card readings too) there is an event page, where everyone can share what events they will be attending or advertise fairs and expos, new products or services.…
I am envisioning this becoming a source for angel information.
Please check out the site at:   I am definitely open to suggestions for additional items to be added.
To join the Got Angel social network go to:
Believe in Angels
Love & Light

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