
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Angel Magic

We were vendors at a Psychic Fair held on January 27-29, 2012 at the Hearthstone Manor, in Depew, NY.  It was an amazing event, so spiritually uplifting.   I had asked the angels to bring anyone to our booth who needed to be reacquainted with their angels.  We were joyously busy the whole weekend. We shared angel stories, laughed, cried, saw old friends, met new friends, and reminded people their angels are right beside them always, just waiting for us to ask them for assistance.
When I arrived home from work the following Monday, there was a card in the mail from one of our customers.
It read:
Dear Edward and Diane,
I got home with my angels and in the gift box for a friend was an angel bracelet.  It was for healing cancer patients – this is part of my work, but I didn’t pick it out so it must have chosen me.  Please accept payment for the bracelet and thank you.

Angel of Love and Compassion Bracelet

Gemstone Properties:  
Rhodochrosite beautiful pink crystal which is excellent for helping one accept life's ups and downs, strengthens courage, heals past life traumas and is a wonderful tool for meditation. Promotes self-love and acceptance, strengthens self-identity. Stimulates warm feelings of love and compassion.

Healing Attributes:
Rhodochrosite stimulates circulation and blood pressure, kidneys and reproductive organs. Used in treating cancer related diseases
Inside was $40 which is more than twice the amount for a bracelet.  We have donated the money to “BRAINS” the pediatric brain tumor research fund that we support with a $1 from the sale of each angel.
Quite often when we attend fairs, the angels tell either my husband or me to give a certain person a gift of an angel.  We will be told which one they need and always listen to the guidance from our angels. As I had said earlier this fair was very busy, I assume we did not hear the message as clearly as we usually do and the angels put the bracelet in the box. 
How divine and loving that this person not only took the time to thank us, share the story, but send money for the item.  She is truly an earth angel, working with cancer patients who are truly blessed to know her. I thank her for the love and compassion she shows daily and know she will like the angel of love and compassion bracelet the angels gave her as a gift.

Thank you angels!

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