
Friday, January 28, 2011

The Traveling Angel

Being in state law enforcement, you get to travel a lot on long dark lonely roads. One particular night, after working long hours, I was trying to get home.  I had to travel 400 miles on dark country roads with only a few hours of sleep. As always, I asked my guardian angel to please sit next to me on the passenger seat and be my co-pilot. I didn’t really think that I would see one! Well, as the long dark miles passed by and having sleep deprivation, I must feel asleep! Suddenly, I felt the steering wheel being griped and all of a sudden I opened my eyes, and I went hurling through a herd of deer’s that were standing in the middle of the road! Out of instinct, I tried to yank the steering wheel in which direction I thought would cause the least amount of impact for both the deer and myself. Out of pure terror my steering wheel had its own mind and no matter how much I tried to yank the wheel it kept straight and as I was barreling through the huge herd of deer’s.  I heard a little scratching on one side of my mirror and my antenna on the other side my a very soft swishing sound. From my review mirror I seen my car lightly touched an antler on one deer and Got “swooshed by another deer’s tail! I counted approximately around 15-20 deer’s just looking at me from my rear view mirror. Still in shock but now slowing down I pulled to the side of the road staring in amazement and confusion of what just happened. As I turned my attention to the front of the car, in the corner of my right eye I briefly caught a glimpse of what I thought was a young girl with light colored hair sitting next to me! I immediately look to my passenger seat but saw know one!  Being a trained observer, I knew that I saw “something” but it would take years before this “hardened cop”   would finally concede to the angelic realm!            

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