
Gemstone Information

Healing Properties of deJAS Gemstone Healing Angels

Since ancient times, it has been believed that wearing gemstones can have positive effects on one’s health. Light enters the gemstone and changes its wavelength. When different wavelengths of light interact with skin and blood, they have different health effects on the wearer.

While researching the different healing properties of Gemstones, I have learned so much.  I cross reference from many sources and choose the name of each healing angel based on the properties of each gemstone.  Under the healing attributes I list those that are repeated as I strive to be as accurate as possible.  I find myself wishing there was more room on the cards we enclose with each angel as the information available on gemstones is so interesting. In the next posts in this section I will be including information on each gemstone healing angel with links to find more information if you would like to read more.

Stay tuned and find the angel that is best for you!

Carnelian - Angel of Fulfillment

Gemstone Properties:
Carnelian is a stone of power, confidence and passion. It assists in finding and fulfilling passions and desires. It can help bring vitality and energy to any action or situation requiring action. Helps give a sense of humor and calms the temper Carnelian is an energy booster.

Healing Attributes:
Strengthens voice; helps rheumatism and arthritis, depression, neuralgia; aids the sense of touch. Used for infertility and impotence.

Want more pep in your life? Keep a carnelian with you and feel the energy flow to you. Carnelian is used for these benefits: gives energy , protects from bad vibrations, guards against poverty, helps give a sense of humor and calms the temper Carnelian is an energy booster. It helps the insecure person to find strength within them so they can come into their own. It is said to increase the appetite.

Carnelian is linked with emotional warmth, sociability, creativity, individuality, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, happiness, self-esteem, rebirth, reincarnation and past life recall. This stone calms our fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life

Carnelian is a stone of power , confidence and passion. It assists in finding and fulfilling passions and desires. It can help bring vitality and energy to any action or situation requiring action

General healing stone. Restores the natural energy flows of your body.

This stone is useful for understanding one's rhythms and cycles and it is said that if it is worn in a pouch around the neck by a women during menstrual periods - it will help to ease the stomach cramps felt at that time. Strengthens voice; helps rheumatism and arthritis, depression, neuralgia; aids the sense of touch. Used for infertility and impotence. Alleviates blood poisoning, fever, infection and nose bleeds. Helps in the treatment of sores, spasms and wounds. Protects from evil, elevates the spirits, grounds energies thus assisting concentration and mental focus by clearing the mind and focusing one's thoughts. Helps daydreamers and those who are absent-minded.

Rhodochrosite - Angel of Love and Compassion

Gemstone Properties:
Rhodochrosite beautiful pink crystal which is excellent for helping one accept life's ups and downs, strengthens courage, heals past life traumas and is a wonderful tool for meditation. Promotes self-love and acceptance, strengthens self-identity.  Stimulates warm feelings of love and compassion.

Angel of Love and Compassion Pendant

Angel of Love and Compassion Bracelet

Rhodochrosite (also known as Inca Rose Stone, Raspberry Spar, Manganese Spar) comes in a variety of shades from bright red to soft shades of pink, and opaque forms with swirling patterns. Rhodochrosite is an excellent conductor of energy.

Rhodochrosite gems help to develop inner freedom. The gemstone neutralizes the destructive behavioral patterns that restrict personal growth. Rhodochrosite energy works with you to build healthier patterns.
Color: Solid to Clear Pink
Hardness: 3.5 - 4.5

Healing Attributes:
Stimulates circulation and blood pressure, kidneys and reproductive organs. Used in treating cancer-related diseases.

Rhodochrosite in pink tones:
·         soothes the heart
·         stimulates warm feelings of love and compassion
·         benefits the creative process
·         promotes intuition

Stimulates circulation and blood pressure, kidneys and reproductive organs.

Gentle, yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to heal the heart chakra, especially for giving/receiving love. Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities, inner-child issues, abuse, and incest. Helps self-forgiveness and trust issues, spiritual and self love, desire to live, purpose. Best worn 24 hrs a day. Electro magnetic. Stronger than Rose Quartz. Solar plexus, stomach (anxiety), food addictions, anorexia, asthma, eyesight (especially emotional not-seeing, to avoid pain). Thymus. Open the hand healing chakras. Specialized uses to detox / heal blood, liver and cancer.

This is a high-energy stone, and is a great tool for cleaning the aura. It is a powerful fourth chakra healer, and can also be used for the first chakra. Using rhodochrosite in a female healing will help ground, align and balance a woman's energy and chakras. Matching female creative energy with the energy of rhodochrosite is a highly charged way of jump-starting the hormones

Source: Romania, Spain, France, Russia, Argentina, Mexico, Germany, Italy, South Africa, U.S.

Imperial Jasper - Angel of Spirituality
Gemstone Properties:
Imperial Jasper allows us to integrate our physical body into our spiritual growth path. Imperial Jasper is associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation, tranquility, completion, wholeness, healing and gentle endings. What Imperial Jasper tells us is that there is another possibility, a place where there is no division between the secular and the sacred - the material and the physical. 

Healing Attributes:
Imperial Jasper  stabilizes emotions and  reduces fears and insecurities. This stone is good for those who need more organizational abilities.

 Angel of 'Spirituality Bracelet


     Imperial Jasper Angel Necklace


Imperial Jasper - Angel of Spirituality Pendant

Imperial Jasper: Imperial jasper is characterized by its soft shades of color and chalky white exterior.  Many pieces appear to be "brushed" with a paintbrush.  It is mined in Mexico. 

Jasper is associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation, tranquility, completion, wholeness, healing and gentle endings. This stone is good for those who need more organizational abilities

What Imperial Jasper tells us is that there is another possibility, a place where there is no division between the secular and the sacred - the material and the physical.  There is a place where we can see the divinity in everything we do and perceive the ordinariness of the unfolding spiritual path.  Where every moment is a chance for exercising ourselves spiritually, of reaching further into our truth and integrating it more fully into here.  Then we are able to dissolve the illusion of separation which keeps us struggling to find ways to integrate something that is already integrated in reality.

Imperial Jasper reminds us that the only conflict that exists between our bodies and spirits is our belief that one exists. In truth they are reflections of one another and removing the illusion of separation allows them to be such.  This whole process allows us to integrate our physical body into our spiritual growth path - which if we fail to do results in ungroundedness and unavailability of energy.  So it does have application as a grounder.  It also stabilizes emotions because it helps to integrate the bodies through dissolving the sense that they are separate.  And it does reduce fears and insecurities because it enables us to see more fully why we are doing certain things and how they fit in with the spiritual path - no longer wrestling with God but set free like the deer.   

Royal Imperial Jasper is seen to personify our journey towards God. The forgetting of what we have been before and the revealing of who we are as spiritual beings - the suffering of tribulation in this present world and the end of suffering by living from a soul state. This rare Jasper Allows us to understand that we are a part of God and everything, that we never have to be afraid. Royal Imperial jasper provides protection to reduce fears and insecurities

For more information on Gemstones check out these websites: