
Friday, July 31, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-31-15 Nurture

This has been a week of interesting messages from the angels! We have been guided to review our lives and today to nurture ourselves. Tonight is the second full moon of the month, known as a blue moon.  For those of us who rarely consider ourselves we are being guided to release anything that no longer serves our greater good.  Tonight with the full moon release any anger, fear, guilt or worry you may have. This will enable  you to begin nurturing yourself. Often we are so busy taking care of others we forget to take care of ourselves and what is important to you. Take some time today to nurture your inner child and the projects we are developing.  As you help others, remember the messages are for you too.  

Archangel Gabriel:
“As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child.
Both activities are important for you right now.”

Additional Message:

One reason why it’s important for you to help children is because you’re also helping your own inner child in the process.You’re teaching what you need to learn, so pay particular attention to the messages you deliver to children and their parents. Know those messages are for you as well. Take time to play, laugh and to be silly and carefree. Nurture your inner child with as much love and attention as possible.

Working with Gabriel:
Gabriel’s name means “God is My Strength,” and this phrase describes her well. Gabriel works with mothers and children during all phases of conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting. She helps grown up children as well. If your heart longs for some play time, call upon Gabriel to make all the arrangements. She’ll guide you along as you nurture your inner child. If you ask her, Gabriel will assist with your parenting desires and needs.

Gabriel’s aura is copper, like her trumpet.
Wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with Gabriel’s energy.

Citrine - Angel of Prosperity:

Angel of Prosperity Prayer Bracelet
Angel of Prosperity Pendant
Gemstone Properties: 

Citrine is able to help those who feel that they have misplaced their path in life and to give them a new sense of direction and rebuild the structure of their earthly existence. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. Used by healers to increase self-esteem and protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse.

Healing Attributes: 
Citrine is beneficial to those people suffering from poor circulation and to strengthen the immune system, tissue regeneration, eases toxic conditions particularly in the endocrine and digestive systems. 

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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-30-15 Life Review

Life Review
 Second time this week for this card, Archangel Jeremiel is urging us to continue to review our lives.  With his help you can resolve anything you are struggling with. Ask him to help you to know what to do so you can commit to make positive changes necessary at this point in your journey.

Archangel Jeremiel: “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”
Additional Message: “it takes courage to look at your life.Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at that you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”
Working with Archangel Jeremiel: One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives.He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews.Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, what patterns you’re ready to release, and what you’re grateful for in your life.
Archangel Jeremiel
Mercy of God, answered prayers, change - everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self and others. Jeremiel helps newly crossed-over souls, as well as those still living, to review their lives. Call upon Jeremiel if you wish to take and inventory of your life in order to make positive adjustments.
The Color Associated with Jeremiel is Egg Plant Purple.
The Gemstone Associated with Jeremiel is Amethyst.

Amethyst – Angel of Cleansing
Gemstone Properties:

Amethyst is a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison. 

Healing Attributes:
Amethyst is useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief. The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addiction, stress or tension. Protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.
Also helps with headaches.

Angel of Cleansing Rosary

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-29-15 Claircognizance

The angels have been telling us the past two days to listen to the signs we are receiving, they are giving us the guidance we are looking for. Today,  Archangel Uriel is reminding us to pay attention to our thoughts as they contain answers to your prayers. Take some time today to reflect upon your thoughts and follow the signs you are receiving. 

Archangel Uriel

“Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you,

as they are answered prayers.”

Additional Message:
“You’ve prayed for answers, and they’ve come to you in the form of repetitive thoughts telling you to take steps and make healthy changes. Don’t discount your thoughts, or think they’re just dreams or common knowledge.Your thoughts are tuned to high frequencies right now, and are trustworthy inspirations.All great inventions, new businesses, and teachings stem from this same universal source of wisdom.You’re tapped into that Divine wisdom right now, and it’s important to notice and record your thoughts.Then act upon these answers to your prayers!”

Working with Uriel:
Uriel’s name means “The Light of God.” He’s known for his ability to enlighten our minds with Divine inspiration.Anytime you need answers or insights, call upon Uriel. He answers anyone who calls upon him. You’ll know that Uriel has answered when you have repetitive thoughts or ideas that are positive, loving and helpful.If you need facts in a hurry (such as during a test or important meeting), Uriel will supply you with the information.After you ask him for help, the answer will pop into your mind. Trust the information he supplies.

Archangel Uriel
Meaning God’s Light or Fire of God, illuminates situations, giving prophetic information and warnings. He is considered an archangel who helps us with natural disaster, perhaps because of his connections with Noah and the weather elements of thunder and lightning. Call upon Archangel Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath. He provides us with Divine ideas and intellectual guidance and lights our pathway so we know which step to take next. Uriel is Defender of the Element of the Earth and the North, Angel of Nature, Visions and Instruction and Custodian of Prophecy.
Amber - Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge

Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge
Gemstone Properties:

Amber is a gentle stone that draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and heart. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Healing Attributes:
Amber is used to treat those who suffer from respiratory ailments, throat infections, those who have bronchial disorders and are prone to asthma.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-28-15 Clairaudience

You are receiving answers to your prayers in repeated messages you are hearing. Ask Archangel Zadkiel to clarify any repeated messages you do not understand.

Archangel Zadkiel: “Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind, or from other people.”

Additional Message:

“You’re hearing Divine Guidance very clearly. It comes in the form of repetitious messages, urging you to improve a situation for yourself or others. Pay close attention to everything you hear in your mind and with your physical ears.”

“Divine directives are repetitious, loving and to the point. Ask me for help if you need clarification on anything you hear.”

Working with Zadkiel:

Zadkiel’s name means “Righteousness of God,” and he helps us release unforgiveness toward ourselves and others. 

Ask him to come into your dreams and act like a chimney sweep, clearing away any emotional toxins from your heart. He’ll ensure that everyone’s needs are met, and that emotional healings occur in miraculous ways.

Zadkiel’s aura is deep indigo blue. When you wear the mineral Lapis Lazuli you may feel a closer connection to Zadkiel. Hold this stone above your eyebrows to awaken your ear chakras and to clearly hear the voice of the Divine.

Archangel Zadkiel
Mercy of God, helps with compassion and forgiveness. He helps to release emotional toxins and aids Clairaudience through the Brow Chakra. Zadkiel helps with memory and memorizing. He helps us let go of judgments and un-forgiveness. If you’re finding it difficult to forgive yourself or somebody else, call Zadkiel to intervene.

Lapis - Angel of Inner Strength

Angel of Inner Strength Pendant

Gemstone Properties:

Lapis is associated with truthfulness, openness, inner power, love, purification, intuition, a sense of wonder and mystery, self-confidence, virility, manifestation, and tranquility. Lapis is thought to bring the gift of strength, self-assurance and increase sensitivity to your higher power. Ancient Egyptians used Lapis as a symbol of Truth.

Angel of Inner Strength Rosary
Healing Attributes:

Lapis is considered strengthening to mind and body. Lapis allows us to tap our own inner power while purifying the soul and the thoughts. Lapis is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed.

Angel of Inner Strength Earrings

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Monday, July 27, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-27-15 Life Review

Life Review
 With today's card Life Review Archangel Jeremiel is urging us to continue to review our lives.  With his help you can resolve anything you are struggling with. Ask him to help you to know what to do so you can commit to make positive changes necessary at this point in your journey.

Archangel Jeremiel: “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”
Additional Message: “it takes courage to look at your life.Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at that you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”
Working with Archangel Jeremiel: One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives.He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews.Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, what patterns you’re ready to release, and what you’re grateful for in your life.
Archangel Jeremiel
Mercy of God, answered prayers, change - everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self and others. Jeremiel helps newly crossed-over souls, as well as those still living, to review their lives. Call upon Jeremiel if you wish to take and inventory of your life in order to make positive adjustments.
The Color Associated with Jeremiel is Egg Plant Purple.
The Gemstone Associated with Jeremiel is Amethyst.

Amethyst – Angel of Cleansing
Gemstone Properties:

Amethyst is a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison. 

Healing Attributes:
Amethyst is useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief. The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addiction, stress or tension. Protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.
Also helps with headaches.

Angel of Cleansing Rosary

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-26-15 You Know What To Do

You Know What to Do
Don't second guess your gut feelings - trust the inner guidance you are receiving and follow it without question.  Archangel Uriel is by your side helping you realize you know what to do.


Archangel Uriel - “Trust your inner knowledge, and act upon it without delay.”

Additional Message: “You are far wiser than you realize, and your inner wisdom has already given you the answers that you seek.Embrace this knowledge and trust it. If you are doubtful, ask me to give you clear signs to validate your thoughts and ideas.I can also help you put your ideas into action, and make decisions about the next steps to take.Just ask me. And then be willing to work with me by taking action.”

Working with Uriel: Uriel’s name means “The Light of God.” Uriel helps to illuminate cloudy situations by lighting your pathway. He usually only lights one step at a time, however, so you may not be able to clearly discern the ultimate outcome of your actions. But you WILL know what step to take next—all along the way—with Uriel’s help.

Archangel Uriel - Meaning God’s Light or Fire of God, illuminates situations, giving prophetic information and warnings. He is considered an archangel who helps us with natural disaster, perhaps because of his connections with Noah and the weather elements of thunder and lightning. Call upon Archangel Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath. He provides us with Divine ideas and intellectual guidance and lights our pathway so we know which step to take next. Uriel is Defender of the Element of the Earth and the North, Angel of Nature, Visions and Instruction and Custodian of Prophecy.

Uriel’s energy (aura) is pale yellow.
The Gemstone Associated with Uriel is Amber.

Amber - Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge

Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge

Gemstone Properties:

Amber is a gentle stone that draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and heart. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Healing Attributes:
Amber is used to treat those who suffer from respiratory ailments, throat infections, those who have bronchial disorders and are prone to asthma.

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-25-15 Victory

Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith.
You deserve the blessings bestowed upon you, know this is your time of victory and be open to receive the Lords blessings. 

Additional Message: You deserve this time of victory. Your unwavering focus and dedication have resulted in blissful manifestation. Peace and pleasant feelings are yours right now. Let your focus be on this present moment, and savor each feeling and experience fully. Know that the future is taken care of in a positive way, as you allow yourself to enjoy the present moment. Feel good about who you are and know that your success benefits others.

Working with Sandalphon: Sandalphon’s name means “Brother,” in reference to his twin brother Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon is one of two archangels who were mortal men, who lived such remarkable lives that they ascended into archangeldom. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metatron was the wise man Enoch. Sandalphon can help your life be a masterpiece as well. Ask him to help you live in integrity, with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and manifestation fully awakened. Sandalphon can help you speak your truth openly, in a way that benefits everyone. He’ll also help you appreciate all the miracles and victories—of every size—in your life.

Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel of Music and Answered Prayers, helps with communication and expression so that you may speak your truth openly, yet your words and actions be kind and gentle, if powerful. Take time for a gentle retreat to rejuvenate and connect with peace and enjoy the present moment. He will help you live in integrity with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and manifestation fully awakened.

The Color Associated with Sandalphon is Cool Turquoise.

The Gemstone Associated with Sandalphon is Turquoise.

Turquoise - Angel of Expression

Gemstone Properties:
Turquoise helps the ability to
express oneself and verbalize
freely. It is a healer of the spirit,
providing a soothing energy which
can bring peace and calm to the
wearer. It is used by Native
Americans as a protection stone


Angel of Expression Prayer Bracelet

Healing Attributes:  

Turquoise heals the lungs,
throat and respiratory
system. It is good for
laryngitis and nervousness
in speech. Contains anti-
inflammatory and
detoxifying effects.

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Friday, July 24, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-24-15 Career Transition

Career Transition
Archangel Chamuel is reminding us to follow the signs we are seeing, hearing and feeling. We are being guided on our spiritual path to find the career that makes your heart sing. 


Archangel Chamuel “Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.”

Additional Message: “You've prayed for help with your career, and it’s now occurring. Sometimes change is perceived as stressful, yet I’m helping to clear the old from your life to make way for the new. Pay close attention to your repetitive ideas, dreams, and visions, as these are Divinely inspired road maps pointing the way along your desired path.You may not see the entire road (or where it’s leading) but each step will be lit along the way.”

Working with Chamuel: Chamuel’s name means “He who sees God.” His ability to see clearly helps us find things, situation and people.He’s renowned for helping people find the career best suited to their purpose and passions.Call upon Chamuel as your career counselor often!

Chamuel’s energy (aura) is pale green, like a springtime leaf in the morning sunlight.

You can feel close to Chamuel’s loving energy by wearing or carrying a green fluorite crystal.

Fluorite - Angel of Enlightenment

Angel of Enlightenment
Gemstone Properties:

Fluorite helps bring the spiritual into the material and quickens enlightenment. This stone can help one to remain calm in stressful situations. Fluorite fosters truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection, very protective stone

Healing Attributes:

Aids physical and mental healing. Fluorite helps fight viruses, strengthens the skeletal system and balances the positive and negatives aspects of the mind. It can also help with concentration.

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-23-15 Counselor

People are drawn to you to listen, make the time to be there for to offer  support, encouragement and guidance. Be the light!

Archangel Azrael:“You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance.”
Additional Message: “Your life purpose involves counseling people in ways that uplift, motivate, comfort, heal, and inspire.You’re a true spiritual counselor, and people find you to be a trustworthy confidante.Expand your counseling work to the next level, because you’re about to help greater numbers of people.Call upon me for guidance and support.”
Working with Archangel Azrael:Azrael’s name means “whom God Helps,” and he helps those who are helpers. He’s particularly interested in helping counselors who work with the grieving or dying. Ask Azrael to guide your works and actions during counseling sessions, and he’ll help you remain patient and compassionate. He can also help you enter the counseling profession and guide you toward schooling, internships, and a wonderful counseling practice.
Archangel Azrael
Azrael brings comfort and love to those who are grieving or dying and also messages from loved ones in heaven helping them to make contact. Azrael is the Patron Saint of the Clergy. The gemstone Calcite, with its creamy yellow is calibrated to Azrael's energy, so holding or wearing this gemstone in times of grief or fading life, may bring additional comfort. Those who have shared an encounter with Azrael describe him as dark, very quiet, and not at all menacing.
The Color Associated with Azrael is Vanilla Cream.
The Gemstone Associated with Azrael is the Yellow Calcite.
Yellow Calcite Angel of Opportunity

Angel of Opportunity
Gemstone Properties:
Yellow Calcite stimulates the intellect, helps you believe in yourself and recognize opportunities that come your way by helping you learn your life’s purpose, brings comfort in times of grief or fading life. Yellow calcite is also particularly good for meditation, channeling, intuition, and amplifying energy. Yellow calcite helps boost self-confidence and self-worth, helps release negativity and protects one from gossip and spite.

Healing Attributes:

Yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine. Yellow calcite helps cheer depression, heals sorrow and grief. Yellow calcite increases strength and health.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-22-15 Leadership

You are being called to lead by example, become who you were meant to be - Lead others to listen to and follow their Divine Guidance.

Archangel Gabriel: It’s time for you to assume your leadership power and position, and lovingly guide others.
Additional Message: Embrace your power in a loving way, and use it for the greater good. I’ll guide your actions so they inspire and motivate others. I’ll also replace any self-doubt about your qualifications with an increased desire to serve, help, and teach. When your focus is more on “How may I serve?, then you won’t worry what others may think about you. Focus upon your strengths, the many lessons you’ve learned, and how good it feels to be a living example of following one’s Divine guidance
Working with Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel’s name means : God is My Strength and this phrase describes you as well. Regardless of your background, you have God’s strength pouring through you at all times. Gabriel can help your fearlessly tap in to this power. She’ll reassure you that it’s safe for you to be powerful, and protect you in all ways. Gabriel’s aura is copper, like her trumpet. When you wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with her energy.
Archangel Gabriel
Messenger Angel, loves to coach and help with writing, and being able to open doors for publication, will help in the enjoyment of writing. Gabriel helps to find strength and connect with personal power, and reassures that it is safe to be powerful. He works with mothers and children and helps us to connect with our inner child and play. Gabriel is the Angel of Mercy and the Patron Angel of all who work in the field of communications. Gabriel brings the gift of Hope to keep alive in your heart. He is the Governor of Eden, the ruler of the Cherubim, the Angel of the Resurrection and the Angel of Mercy. The poet Longfellow, in his ‘The Golden Legend’, makes Gabriel the angel of the moon who brings man the gift of hope. Gabriel is the Defender of the Element of Water and of the West, the Angel of Resurrection, Mercy and Peach and the Benefactor of Messengers.
The Color Associated with Gabriel is Copper.
The Gemstone Associated with Gabriel is Citrine.
Citrine - Angel of Prosperity:
Angel of Prosperity Pendant
Gemstone Properties: Citrine is able to help those who feel that they have misplaced their path in life and to give them a new sense of direction and rebuild the structure of their earthly existence. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. Used by healers to increase self-esteem and protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse.

Healing Attributes:
Citrine is beneficial to those people suffering from poor circulation and to strengthen the immune system, tissue regeneration, eases toxic conditions particularly in the endocrine and digestive systems.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 7-21-15 Life Review

Life Review
 Once again the angels have a sense of humor and give me exactly what I need. I have been getting sidetracked with life's challenges lately, not focusing on my divine mission of raising awareness of angels around us. With today's card Life Review Archangel Jeremiel is urging us to continue to review our lives.  With his help you can resolve anything you are struggling with. Ask him to help you to know what to do so you can commit to make positive changes necessary at this point in your journey.

Archangel Jeremiel: “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”
Additional Message: “it takes courage to look at your life.Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at that you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”
Working with Archangel Jeremiel: One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives.He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews.Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, what patterns you’re ready to release, and what you’re grateful for in your life.
Archangel Jeremiel
Mercy of God, answered prayers, change - everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self and others. Jeremiel helps newly crossed-over souls, as well as those still living, to review their lives. Call upon Jeremiel if you wish to take and inventory of your life in order to make positive adjustments.
The Color Associated with Jeremiel is Egg Plant Purple.
The Gemstone Associated with Jeremiel is Amethyst.

Amethyst – Angel of Cleansing
Gemstone Properties:

Amethyst is a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison. 

Healing Attributes:
Amethyst is useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief. The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addiction, stress or tension. Protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.
Also helps with headaches.

Angel of Cleansing Rosary

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