
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-31-15 Spiritual Understanding

Spiritual Understanding
Your dreams contain the answers you are seeking. Archangel Raziel is helping your spiritual understanding rise to the next level. He is by your side; helping you increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance,spiritual truths and rise to the next level on your path.

Additional Message:
Your spiritual understanding is rising to another level, as you open up to new ways of looking at life. Keep an open mind, and let go of limited thinking and illusions. Pay attention to signs—information that comes to you three times or more. Notice geometric shapes and symbols in your physical and psychic vision. Know that your increased awareness may shift your relationships and career goals. I’ll guide you through these changes so your life mirrors your inner experiences.

Working with Raziel:
Raziel’s name means “Secrets of God.” As the wizard and alchemist of the archangel realm, Raziel helps us understand ideas that defy normal logic. He expands and challenges everyday thinking in ways that ultimately have healing effects. If you hunger for deep spiritual understanding, ask Raziel to enter your dreams. You’ll soul-travel with him to classrooms where he’ll help you uncover truths and secrets. Upon awakening, you may not fully remember or understand Raziel’s teachings, yet this knowledge is permanently imbedded in your subconscious, where it guides you throughout each day.

Archangel Raziel knows all the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. His clairvoyance through dreams and inner sight helps us gain deeper spiritual understanding and to apply it in practical ways. He will take you soul travelling in your dreams to discover truths and ancient wisdom that will become part of your subconscious and be with you when you wake up and help you understand esoteric material and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance.

Raziel’s aura holds all the colors of the rainbow like a beautiful prism of light.

The Gemstone Associated with Raziel is Crystal Quartz. Working with clear quartz crystals magnifies clairvoyance and helps you feel closer to Raziel.

Angel of Energy
Crystal Quartz - Angel of Energy

Gemstone Properties: Crystal Quartz is excellent for unblocking energy. It amplifies the energy of all other stones and increases your emotional energy. It is said to bring out a person's strengths, originality, and relating to others. It is also believed help one's understanding of difficult situations and enhancing creativity.

Angel of Energy Earrings

Healing Attributes:
The most powerful, versatile
multi-purpose healing stone, especially regarding self-esteem, and healing the wounds of a neglectful or abusive childhood. You just have to hold and gaze into a crystal to feel your mind becoming tranquil. This gemstone should be used by anyone in need of more patience or perseverance.

Raziel’s aura holds all the colors of the rainbow like a beautiful prism of light.

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-29-15 Gifts from God

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-29-15
Gifts from God!
Are you open to receive the gifts God has blessed you with?
 Open your arms to receive the divine gifts from God - the answers to your prayers are waiting for you to be open to receive them.
Thank you Lord for your Blessings!

Archangel Sandalphon

“We angels bring you gifts from your Creator.
Open your arms to receive.”

Additional Message: “Heaven is expansive and ever-increasing. One of the ways in which Heaven expands is through giving and sending love continuously. This love is sent your way in many forms, and your only task is to be willing to receive.”

“Right now the answers to your prayers await your willing receptivity. Open your arms to these gifts! Your Creator wills that you be happy, healthy, secure, and that all your needs will be provided. Release any fears of receiving to me.”

Working with Sandalphon: Sandalphon’s name means “Brother,” in reference to his twin brother Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metratron was the the wise man Enoch. One of Sandalphon’s principal roles is to deliver and answer our prayers. Sandalphon says every prayer is heard and answered (although the answer may come in a different from than we expect.) All our prayers are of equal importance in heaven, and there are plenty of angels to help everyone on Earth. Call upon Sandalphon when you need help in allowing yourself to receive.

Sandalphon’s aura is a calming and cool shade of turquoise.

Meditate upon this color or hold turquoise in your hand to feel your heart rate and breathing become quieter.

Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel of Music and Answered Prayers, helps with communication and expression so that you may speak your truth openly, yet your words and actions be kind and gentle, if powerful. Take time for a gentle retreat to rejuvenate and connect with peace and enjoy the present moment. He will help you live in integrity with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and manifestation fully awakened.

The Color Associated with Sandalphon is Cool Turquoise.

The Gemstone Associated with Sandalphon is Turquoise.

Turquoise - Angel of Expression

Angel of Expression Pendant
Gemstone Properties:
Turquoise helps the ability to
express oneself and verbalize
freely. It is a healer of the spirit,
providing a soothing energy which
can bring peace and calm to the
wearer. It is used by Native
Americans as a protection stone


Angel of Expression Prayer Bracelet


Healing Attributes:  

Turquoise heals the lungs,
throat and respiratory
system. It is good for
laryngitis and nervousness
in speech. Contains anti-
inflammatory and
detoxifying effects.

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-28-15 Life Review

Life Review
Thank you Archangel Jeremiel for being by my side today, as I continue to review my life.  With your help I can resolve anything I am struggling with, help me to know what to do so I can commit to make positive changes

Archangel Jeremiel: “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”
Additional Message: “it takes courage to look at your life.Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at that you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”
Working with Archangel Jeremiel: One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives.He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews.Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, what patterns you’re ready to release, and what you’re grateful for in your life.
Archangel Jeremiel
Mercy of God, answered prayers, change - everything is happening for a reason. All is well. Helps to review life and take stock of where you have been. Helps us to heal patterns that are no longer working. Helps us to be merciful to our self and others. Jeremiel helps newly crossed-over souls, as well as those still living, to review their lives. Call upon Jeremiel if you wish to take and inventory of your life in order to make positive adjustments.
The Color Associated with Jeremiel is Egg Plant Purple.
The Gemstone Associated with Jeremiel is Amethyst.

Amethyst – Angel of Cleansing
Gemstone Properties:

Amethyst is a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison. 

Healing Attributes:
Amethyst is useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief. The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addiction, stress or tension. Protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.
Also helps with headaches.

Angel of Cleansing Rosary

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Got Angel?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-27-15 Take Back Your Power

Take Back Your Power
As you face the challenges of of life - Stand Strong! Make what needs to happen in your life, become a reality. Don't let others influence your thoughts or actions, this is your destiny! Watch for rainbows, and know Archangel Raziel is with you helping you. TAKE BACK YOUR POWER and manifest your dreams into reality! 

Take Back Your Power!

Archangel Raziel: Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life.

Additional message: You are a luminary: a sage, a wise one, a high priestess, wizard and a supreme manifestor. Now is the time to summon up your spiritual strength and power and put your authority into action. Lovingly and firmly transform you intentions into reality. Say prayers about your intentions, and ask for guidance and signs to shape your manifestations to the highest possible level.

Working with Archangel Raziel: Archangel Raziels name means  "Secrets of God" and this archangel will help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. Call upon Raziel to assist your alchemical work - to turn ideas into gold.

Archangel Raziel
Secret of God, knows all the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. His clairvoyance through dreams and inner sight helps us gain deeper spiritual understanding and to apply it in practical ways. He will take you soul traveling in your dreams to discover truths and ancient wisdom that will become part of your subconscious and be with you when you wake up and help you understand esoteric material and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance.

The Color Associated with Raziel are All Colors of the Rainbow.

The Gemstone Associated with Raziel is Quartz

 Gemstone Properties: Crystal Quartz is excellent for unblocking energy. It amplifies the energy of all other stones and increases your emotional energy. It is said to bring out a person's strengths, originality, and relating to others. It is also believed help one's understanding of difficult situations and enhancing creativity.

Healing Attributes: The most powerful, versatile multi-purpose healing stone, especially regarding self esteem, and healing the wounds of a neglectful or abusive childhood. You just have to hold and gaze into a crystal to feel your mind becoming tranquil. This gemstone should be used by anyone in need of more patience or perseverance.

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Believe in Angels!

Got Angel?

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-26-15 Compassion

 I ask Archangel Zadkiel to give me inner strength to help me to approach today with a loving heart, empowering me and allowing me to find creative solutions to my current challenges, keeping my inner light shinning bright 


Archangel Zadkiel
“Soften your heart with respect to this situation,
and all the people involved, including yourself.”

Additional Message:

I can help you forgive yourself and others or to compassionately see everyone’s point of view.

You needn't change your stance or behavior. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and allows creative situations to pour forth.

Working with Zadkiel:

Zadkiel’s name means “Righteousness of God,” and he helps us release unforgiveness toward ourselves and others. 

Ask him to come into your dreams and act like a chimney sweep, clearing away any emotional toxins from your heart. He’ll ensure that everyone’s needs are met, and that emotional healings occur in miraculous ways.

Zadkiel’s aura is deep indigo blue.

When you wear the mineral Lapis Lazuli you may feel a closer connection to Zadkiel.

Angel of Inner Strength

Angel of Inner Strength
Gemstone Properties:

Lapis is associated with truthfulness, openness, inner power, love, purification, intuition, a sense of wonder and mystery, self-confidence, virility, manifestation, and tranquility. Lapis is thought to bring the gift of strength, self-assurance and increase sensitivity to your higher power. Ancient Egyptians used Lapis as a symbol of Truth.

Angel of Inner Strength Earrings

Healing Attributes:

Lapis is considered strengthening to mind and body. Lapis allows us to tap our own inner power while purifying the soul and the thoughts. Lapis is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed.

Angel of Inner Strength Rosary

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Got Angel?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-25-15 Hello From Heaven

“Hello from Heaven”

When you find yourself missing your loved ones who have passed, have faith that they are always with you. Ask Archangel Azrael to  help you recognize the signs they are sending you. Thank you Archangel Azrael for helping me connect to those who have crossed over

Archangel Azrael: "Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings."
"Your loved ones aren't far away; in fact, they're quite near. In your quiet moments, you can feel their presence. These really are true visitations, and I ask you to trust your intuition. You may notice dream visits from deceased loved ones. Know that your loved ones are happy, free of all suffering, and want the same for you. Your loved ones want to work with your guardian angels to help you be peaceful, so watch for other signs from Heaven."

Working with Archangel Azrael: Azrael is known as "The Angel of Death", since his primary role is to help people cross over to Heaven at the time of their physical death. Far from being a morbid role, Azrael surrounds the newly crossed-over soul with loving light to make the experience uplifting and comforting. Azrael helps deceased loved ones make contact with their living family members and friends. You can ask Azrael to bring you a message or dream visitation from your loved ones in Heaven.

Archangel Azrael brings comfort and love to those who are grieving or dying and also messages from loved ones in heaven helping them to make contact. Azrael is the Patron Saint of the Clergy. The gemstone Calcite, with its creamy yellow is calibrated to Azrael's energy, so holding or wearing this gemstone in times of grief or fading life, may bring additional comfort. Those who have shared an encounter with Azrael describe him as dark, very quiet, and not at all menacing.

The Color Associated with Azrael is Vanilla Cream.

The Gemstone Associated with Azrael is the Yellow Calcite.

Angel of Opportunity

Angel of Opportunity

Gemstone Properties:

Yellow Calcite stimulates the intellect, helps you believe in yourself and recognize opportunities that come your way by helping you learn your life’s purpose, brings comfort in times of grief or fading life. Yellow calcite is also particularly good for meditation, channeling, intuition, and amplifying energy. Yellow calcite helps boost self-confidence and self-worth, helps release negativity and protects one from gossip and spite.

Healing Attributes:

Yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine. Yellow calcite helps cheer depression, heals sorrow and grief. Yellow calcite increases strength and health

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-24-15 Claircognizance

Second day in a row for a "Clair" card to be drawn, the angels are trying to communicate with us and are reminding us to pay attention to the ways we receive messages. What reoccurring thoughts are you having?  Archangel Uriel is reminding us to pay attention to our thoughts as they contain answers to your prayers. Take some time today to reflect upon your thoughts as they offer the guidance you have been looking for.

Archangel Uriel

“Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you,

as they are answered prayers.”

Additional Message:
“You’ve prayed for answers, and they’ve come to you in the form of repetitive thoughts telling you to take steps and make healthy changes. Don’t discount your thoughts, or think they’re just dreams or common knowledge.Your thoughts are tuned to high frequencies right now, and are trustworthy inspirations.All great inventions, new businesses, and teachings stem from this same universal source of wisdom.You’re tapped into that Divine wisdom right now, and it’s important to notice and record your thoughts.Then act upon these answers to your prayers!”

Working with Uriel:
Uriel’s name means “The Light of God.” He’s known for his ability to enlighten our minds with Divine inspiration.Anytime you need answers or insights, call upon Uriel. He answers anyone who calls upon him. You’ll know that Uriel has answered when you have repetitive thoughts or ideas that are positive, loving and helpful.If you need facts in a hurry (such as during a test or important meeting), Uriel will supply you with the information.After you ask him for help, the answer will pop into your mind. Trust the information he supplies.

Archangel Uriel
Meaning God’s Light or Fire of God, illuminates situations, giving prophetic information and warnings. He is considered an archangel who helps us with natural disaster, perhaps because of his connections with Noah and the weather elements of thunder and lightning. Call upon Archangel Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath. He provides us with Divine ideas and intellectual guidance and lights our pathway so we know which step to take next. Uriel is Defender of the Element of the Earth and the North, Angel of Nature, Visions and Instruction and Custodian of Prophecy.
Amber - Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge

Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge
Gemstone Properties:

Amber is a gentle stone that draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and heart. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Healing Attributes:
Amber is used to treat those who suffer from respiratory ailments, throat infections, those who have bronchial disorders and are prone to asthma.

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Got Angel?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-23-15 Clairvoyance

Feeling a little unsure? Need advice regarding a situation? Listen to your inner guidance. Archangel Raziel is helping you awaken your spiritual sight, ask for his help to be aware of  and interpret the messages you are receiving. these may be in your mind’s eye; as dreams; as recurring sights in the physical world; or as auras and energy.


Archangel Raziel:“I am helping your spiritual sight to awaken fully so you can clearly see Heavenly Love.”

Additional Message:

“Your clairvoyance may come in different forms:as fleeting mental images in your mind’s eye; as dreams; as recurring sights in the physical world; as auras and energy; or as apparition experiences. All of the facets of clairvoyance are beautiful and varied.Enjoy and trust them.Hold the intention of seeing only love, and that is what you’ll see.”

Working with Raziel:
Raziel’s name means “Secrets of God,” and this archangel will help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. Call upon Raziel to assist your alchemical work—to turn ideas into gold.

Raziel’s aura holds all the colors of the rainbow like a beautiful prism of light.

Working with clear quartz crystals magnifies clairvoyance and helps you feel closer to Raziel.

Archangel Raziel

Secret of God, knows all the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. His clairvoyance through dreams and inner sight helps us gain deeper spiritual understanding and to apply it in practical ways. He will take you soul travelling in your dreams to discover truths and ancient wisdom that will become part of your subconscious and be with you when you wake up and help you understand esoteric material and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance.

The Color Associated with Raziel are All Colors of the Rainbow.

The Gemstone Associated with Raziel is Quartz

Angel of Energy
Crystal Quartz - Angel of Energy

Gemstone Properties:Crystal Quartz is excellent for unblocking energy. It amplifies the energy of all other stones and increases your emotional energy. It is said to bring out a person's strengths, originality, and relating to others. It is also believed help one's understanding of difficult situations and enhancing creativity.

Angel of Energy Earrings

Healing Attributes:
The most powerful, versatile multi-purpose healing stone, especially regarding self-esteem, and healing the wounds of a neglectful or abusive childhood.You just have to hold and gaze into a crystal to feel your mind becoming tranquil. This gemstone should be used by anyone in need of more patience or perseverance.

Archangel Stone Casting Set
With guidance from the angels our Archangel Stone Casting Set was created. The set is a tool to help you communicate with your angels.  Included in the set is a stone casting cloth based on Enochian Angel Communication. You will receive guidance regarding love, money, health, endings and beginnings, emotions and challenges. Find out what the angels want you to know!

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-22-15 Sensitivity

Many of us have been told we are too sensitive, there is no such thing as being to sensitive! Your sensitivity is a gift from God that helps you know the truth about situations and people. It’s important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Listen to your inner guidance! Archangel Haniel is by your side to help you develop your sensitivity.

Archangel Haniel
“You’re extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now.
Honor yourself and your feelings.”

Additional Message:
Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there’s no such thing as being "too sensitive." Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it’s important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Spend time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity. Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. At home or at work, ask me to help you choose life-affirming foods, beverages, companions and activities. Know that it’s safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they’re part of your sensitivity. Visualize the two of us sealed in beautiful bluish-white light. This light dissolves any lower energies, transmuting them into love. The light also helps you distinguish between your own feelings and those of other people.

Working with Haniel:
Haniel’s name means “Glory of God.” Haniel helps us honor our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms.She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now. 

Archangel Haniel
Glory of God, helps to connect with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon. She helps to groom hidden talents and find true passions; to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honoring our cycles and moods, strengths and shadows.

Haniel’s aura is bluish-white, like the full moon’s glow.
The crystal associated with Haniel is moonstone, which has magical nurturing energy associated with it. Wear of hold a moonstone whenever you wish to feel close to Haniel. She will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you.

Angel of Long Life and Happiness Pendant

Gemstone Properties:

Moonstone promotes long life and happiness and is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer. Moonstone is associated with the feminine and is called "The Goddess Stone". It can enhance the intuitive side of the mind.

Angel of Long Life and Happiness Bracelet

Healing Attributes: Moonstone is often used to reduce excess fluid in the body and to reduce the swelling caused by this fluid. Used in women suffering from pre-menstrual tension. Also used to ease childbirth.

Angel of Long Life and Happiness Earrings

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Archangel Oracle Card for 3-21-15 Prosperity

The new moon was yesterday, today Archangel Ariel who is involved with Divine magic, is by your side  which means instant manifestation of the highest will. Ariel helps you attract any support you need for your life’s mission. Know that it’s normal and “in-the-light” for miracles to occur in this arena.  Keep your vibration high and be grateful for this help. 
Thank you Archangel Ariel

Prosperity - Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel: Your Material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”
Additional Message: I’m pouring a cornucopia of prosperity upon you and your life, and ask that you open your arms to receive. Some of the treasures will come in the form of brilliant ideas, and some will come as opportunities. We’ll work together to realize your highest dreams, and I ask that you give any worries to me. God and I love you very much, and are happy to help you in this way. We know that you’ll pass along the goodness to others as well.
Working with Archangel Ariel: Ariel is involved with Divine magic, which means instant manifestation of the highest will. Ariel helps you attract any support you need for your life’s mission. Know that it’s normal and “in-the-light” for miracles to occur in this arena. Ariel’s aura is a pale shade of pink, and if you wear or hold a rose quartz crystal, your heart will open further to Ariel’s magnificent love. Ask her for whatever you need, and she’ll guide you accordingly.

Archangel Ariel

Ariel, otherwise known as the Lion of God, counsels your fears and helps build the qualities of bravery, courage and focus with elegance. He will help boost your confidence and being involved with divine magic and miracles, help with manifestations, for he is the Master Manifestor. He aids teachers, healers and service workers, protects the environment and heals animals. He is indeed, the Patron Angel of Animals.

The Color Associated with Ariel is Pale Pink.

The Gemstone Associated with Ariel is the Rose Quartz

Gemstone Properties:
Rose Quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded. Promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as promoting peace, forgiveness, and nurturing. Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Emanates unconditional love and nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle love into our lives. 

Healing Attributes:
Rose Quartz is a nature remedy that can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance.