
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Archangel Oracle Card for 5-31-14 Teaching and Learning

We are constantly learning new things, you are being called to continue to learn and share with others what you know and practice to help them along their spiritual path.  You are being called to teach!

Teaching and Learning
"Keep an open mind, and learn new ideas.Then, teach these ideas to others."

"You are a spiritual teacher and an avid learner. Learning and teaching are linked in a perfect cycle, in which information comes to you when you need it. Teach others about the topics that awaken your passions. The more you teach, the more your lessons are reinforced within yourself. Be open to sharing new ideas, and learning about topics that aren't in you immediate sphere of interest. Your students will teach you in many ways, too. Trust in your teaching and learning abilities, as your mind is one with the Divine Mind of God. You are an intelligent and wise being. Know that it's safe in this lifetime for you to be outspoken in your teachings."
Working with Archangel Zadkiel:
Zadkiel is the ultimate professor, he's patient, kind, and has access to all knowledge. He's widely known for his ability to help human memory function. If you need to remember or memorize any information, Ask Zadkiel to assist. Anything that you need to know, Zadkiel is glad to teach you. Just ask him questions in order to elicit his help. Sometimes Zadkiel uses the Socratic method of teaching, which means that he'll lead you so you can learn for yourself. Being observant of patterns in everything you see, hear, and think is the best way to benefit from Zadkiel's teachings

Archangel Zadkiel - Mercy of God, helps with compassion and forgiveness. He helps to release emotional toxins and aids Clairaudience through the Brow Chakra. Zadkiel helps with memory and memorizing. He helps us let go of judgments and un-forgiveness. If you’re finding it difficult to forgive yourself or somebody else, call Zadkiel to intervene.

The Color Associated with Zadkiel is Deep Indigo Blue.

The Gemstone Associated with Zadkiel is Lapis

Angel of Inner Strength

Angel of Inner Strength
Gemstone Properties:

Lapis is associated with truthfulness, openness, inner power, love, purification, intuition, a sense of wonder and mystery, self-confidence, virility, manifestation, and tranquility. Lapis is thought to bring the gift of strength, self-assurance and increase sensitivity to your higher power. Ancient Egyptians used Lapis as a symbol of Truth.

Angel of Inner Strength Earrings

Healing Attributes:

Lapis is considered strengthening to mind and body. Lapis allows us to tap our own inner power while purifying the soul and the thoughts. Lapis is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed.

Angel of Inner Strength Rosary

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Friday, May 30, 2014

Achangel Oracle Card for 5-30-14 Relationship Harmony

Ask Archangel Raguel to help with both personal and worldwide conflicts today.  He will help you focus on the loving parts of the situation, and find the best outcome for all involved. There is a peaceful solution for all involved.

“We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now.”

Additional Message:
“Your prayers for personal peace have been answered, and you are to be commended for your role in ushering peace into this situation.Visualize everyone involved (including yourself) being cooperative and open-minded, even if particular persons aren’t usually this way.” Trust the inner guidance you receive, and know that changes are sometimes uncomfortable but often necessary. Ask me to help with any aspects of relationships that need healing. Know that all relationships ultimately have blessings, growth lessons, and love at their core, even if appearances seem otherwise. Stay focused upon this truth as much as possible.”

Working with Raguel:
Raguel’s name means “Friend of God,” and his principle role is to create harmony and order in relationships.He has the power to resolves disputes and is often referred to as “The Archangel of Justice and Fairness.”If you find yourself in a dispute, ask Raguel to act as mediator.He’ll come up with a creative resolution in which everyone wins.
Raguel has beautiful pale blue energy, like the sky on a perfect spring morning.

Wearing or holding an aquamarine crystal will align you with Raguel’s kind and wise persona.

Archangel Raguel

Friend of God, Clairsentience, helps to distinguish between our own feelings and those of others. He guides us towards situations, people and places that have clear and loving energy and guides us to act fairly and find win-win solutions. Raguel helps to maintain harmony and order in relationships and acts as mediator, helping us to find creative solutions. His chief role in Heaven is to oversee all the other archangels and angels, ensuring that they all work together in a harmonious and orderly fashion, according to Divine order and will.

The Color Associated with Raguel is Light Blue.

The Gemstone Associated with Raguel is Aquamarine

Aquamarine - Angel of Inspiration

Gemstone Properties:

Aquamarine is associated with cleansing, meditation, serenity, peace, prophecy, and inspiration. Aquamarine is attuned to the ocean and helps us to get in touch with the nature spirits of the sea, promotes safe travel on water.

Healing Attributes:

Aquamarine is often associated with the thymus gland. Healers use it to help reduce fluid retention. It has been used to calm the nerves. The Romans used aquamarine for diseases of the stomach, and to cure liver and throat troubles. It is traditionally used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears and phobias

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Archangel Oracle Card for 5-29-14 You Are Safe

Thank you Archangel Michael for your protection, calming my fears and allowing me to live in and focus on your loving light!

You Are Safe

“I am protecting you against lower energies,
and guarding you, your loved ones, and home.”

Additional Message:

“Let go of worries, as I’m surrounding you, your loved ones, home, and possessions with powerful loving light. This light repels lower energies, and attracts loving experiences. Focus on this light and love—instead of on fear—as you’ll attract the object of your focus.”

“With your mind free of fear, you have additional time and energy to devote to your life’s missions. You are free when you are fearless. Know that you are safe at all times, and that my protection is flawless.”

Working with Michael:

Michael’s name means “He who is like God.”

Michael’s chief role is to escort away the lower energies of fear. If you become worried or anxious, mentally ask Michael to bring your peace. You can also ask that he clear your home, office, vehicle or community of toxic energies.

After you call upon Michael, you’ll likely notice a warm feeling. That’s because he has a fiery warrior spirit. You can ask Michael to stay with you continuously, as he’s able to be with everyone who calls upon him simultaneously.

Michael’s aura is royal blue mixed with tinges of purple. When he’s nearby you may see cobalt-blue sparkles of light.

The crystal stone sugilite is aligned with Michael’s energy.

Archangel Michael - He who is like God, protects and leads away lower energies in our space. He works with us while we sleep and enters our dreams to allay fears. Michael helps with the qualities of love, power, strength and unwavering faith. He gives guidance and direction for those stuck or lost in the purpose of their life career path. Michael is the Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South, the Leader of the Archangels. He is the Angel of Protection,
Justice & Strength.

The Color Associated with Michael is Royal Blue and tinges of Purple.

The Gemstone Associated with Michael is Sugilite

Sugilite Angel of Protection

Angel of Protection Pendant
Gemstone Properties:

Sugilite represents spiritual love and wisdom. This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness. Protects the soul from shocks and trauma, clears disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. Sugilite imparts the ability to face unpleasant conditions, encourages positive thoughts, and releases emotional turmoil. It has a strong protective energy, aids in releasing negative energy, excellent for Psychic protection, as it creates a shield of protection around you.

Angel of Protection Prayer Bracelet
Healing Attributes:

Sugilite is used by healers for dyslexia, pain relief, motor dysfunctions, gently draws out pain, headaches, inflammation, stress, disease, toxins, emotional blocks. Balances adrenal, pineal, and pituitary glands, and left/right brain; light colored Sugilite is used to purify lymph and blood.

Angel of Protection Rosary
Angel of Protection Earrings

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Moon Tonight - Manifest!

New moon May 28, 2014
Remember to manifest your soul's desire tonight!

Archangel Jophiel beautify my thoughts to manifest loving outcomes for the future

Ask these Archangels to be by your side when you manifest today!
    Archangel Michael guides you to bring abundance in your life
    Archangel Michael helps manifest your dreams into reality by removing blocks and making you aware of all the desires of your heart and soul.

    Archangel Jeremiel is a visionary and he will help you manifest your dreams into reality. 
    His name means, Mercy of God, is the Angel of insights and visions, transforming that which is before you from what could be, to what is. He will gently guide you toward manifesting your heart’s desires with mercy, compassion and loving-kindness. Call upon Archangel Jeremiel to clear the way before you with wisdom, clarity, discernment, compassion for your Self as you travel the path before you this day.

    Archangel Ariel Helps with Divine Magic and Manifestation

    Ariel means “lioness of God.” Ariel is both a healer of the human and animal kingdom. In the Kabbalah and Judaic mysticism, Ariel is associated with conducting divine magic and manifestation. Call on her to witness and experience the gifts of divine magic so together you can manifest what you desire.

    Archangel Raziel Helps with Divine Magic, Manifestation, and Alchemy

    Raziel's name means “secret of God.” He has this name because he knows all the secrets of the universe and how it works. All this secret knowledge and wisdom is recorded in The Book of the Angel Raziel, which is also considered a book of divine magic. Raziel is like a divine wizard and he can teach you about manifestation and working with the power of divine magic.

    Archangel Uriel has the ability to manifest things out of thin air.

    Uriel's name means “God is light” He helps with Divine Magic and Alchemy. He has the ability to manifest things out of thin air. If you want to learn about alchemy and the power of manifestation, call on Uriel and ask him to teach you and help you believe in the power of divine magic.

    Archangel Jophiel helps with manifesting more beauty in our lives through our thoughts.

    Jophiel’s name means “Beauty of God”. Jophiel is the Archangel of creativity, beauty and art. Supports artists and artistic projects, release prejudice and ignorance, interior design and decorating, awakening, self-awareness, inspiration, hope and joy.

    Archangel Chamuel comes to open our eyes to the true power of our manifestation power.

    Ask Archangel Chamuel to attune you to the divine peace that comes from knowing that we have divine power on our side manifesting effortlessly every moment all day and night for us. All we need to do is focus on what it is that we want to experience, and bless what we don't want to leave us in peace.

    It is God’s intent that your desires be fulfilled. The creative center of your heart holds the power to transform your thoughts and feelings into manifested form. The process happens automatically, often resulting in unintentional creations that aren’t what you really want. Seize control of your creations! Empty out your emotional baggage and change the focus of your mind from the ordinary to the Eternal.

    Manifesting your true desires unites you with your Eternal Self and God. Each success builds momentum and further understanding. The more persistent and intense your longings, the greater your ability to manifest.

    The following exercise will help empower your vision with purity and desire. Right desire, when focused with mental clarity, is the key! Never give up on the yearnings of your heart.
    1. Select a definite plan or desire to be fulfilled. This can be a thing or an experience. It is constructive, it is worthy of your time, and will it bring you closer to God? It must not involve manipulation or be at the expense of another. In the beginning, it helps if your desire is simple and has a tangible result so you will know when it has manifested.
    2. State your plan clearly and in precise detail. Write it down, making a physical record of your desire. If you enjoy ceremony, this is a good time to declare your intention to your Eternal Self and God in a personal and private way. This could be as simple as playing appropriate music, lighting a candle, and reading your plan or desire with feeling and love.
    3. Close your eyes and see a picture of your desire or plan in its finished, perfect form. Include as much detail as possible: how would it look, sound, smell, taste, and feel. See the surrounding circumstances and results. Then pour your feelings of desire into this picture. If it doesn’t stir your emotions, don’t waste your time. This should make you feel more alive, energetic, and enthusiastic.
    Concentrate on your desire each morning upon waking. Keep your consciousness charged and focused on the creation. Strive to do an especially clear visualization just before sleeping to activate the power of your subconscious mind. Be careful when you discuss your vision. Will you open the door to judgments, weakening the energy force you are building, or will you attract the right people to help you? Listen to your heart and use discretion.
    Be open to the creative flow that follows your vision. Your awareness and sensitivity will be your guide. You many need to do nothing but wait. People and resources may appear to assist you, so be alert and accept their help! Or you may need to actively work at your creation by doing research, further refining your vision or getting appropriate permits, funding, training, licenses, or documentation. Be willing to change, and be flexible! If you stay attuned to your truth, and let go as needed, you will stay connected to your Eternal Self and God in holding your vision.
    4. When your manifestation is complete, celebrate! Give thanks for your achievement! Thoroughly enjoy your creation. Then see what is next. God intended for our lives to be an ever-expanding experience of love and fulfillment.

    Thank you angels for opening my heart to find my divine path of reacquainting people with their angels

    Archangel Oracle Card for 5-28-14 Crystal Clear Intentions

    Tonight is the new moon, ask for Archangel Michaels help to be clear about your intentions as these will manifest and become your reality.  Thank you Archangel Michael for keeping me safe, protected, away from negative energies and on my path.
    Crystal – Clear Intentions
    Archangel Michael: “Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith.”
    Additional Message: “After praying for guidance, be bold enough to admit what you truly desire. Know that you (along with everyone else) deserve the best of everything, in all ways.Prosperity and abundance are God’s wishes for everyone. You stake your claim on your hare of the inheritance by forming a clear mental picture of your desires. Allow yourself to imagine that this desire has already manifested, and experience the emotional and physical feelings of your manifested desire. Don’t worry how the desire will manifest- the infinite creativity of the Creator will bring it to you in very clear ways. Simply follow any inner guidance to take steps to co-create this Divine desire, and allow yourself to receive good as it comes your way.
    Working with Archangel Michael: Michael’s aura is royal blue mixed with tinges of royal purple. When’s he’s nearby, you may see cobalt-blue sparkles of light. The crystal stone Sugilite is aligned with Archangel Michael’s energy. If you wear a Sugilite pendant, you may find yourself channeling profound and loving messages from Michael when you speak.
    Archangel Michael - He who is like God, protects and leads away lower energies in our space. He works with us while we sleep and enters our dreams to allay fears. Michael helps with the qualities of love, power, strength and unwavering faith. He gives guidance and direction for those stuck or lost in the purpose of their life career path. Michael is the Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South, the Leader of the Archangels. He is the Angel of Protection, Justice & Strength.
    The Color Associated with Michael is Royal Blue and tinges of Purple.
    The Gemstone Associated with Michael is Sugilite.
    Sugilite- Angel of Protection
    Angel of Protection Pendant
    Gemstone Properties:
    Sugilite represents spiritual love and wisdom. This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness. Protects the soul from shocks and trauma, clears disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. Sugilite imparts the ability to face unpleasant conditions, encourages positive thoughts, and releases emotional turmoil. It has a strong protective energy, aids in releasing negative energy, excellent for Psychic protection, as it creates a shield of protection around you.

    Angel of Protection Prayer Bracelet

    Healing Attributes:
    Sugilite is used by healers for dyslexia, pain relief, motor dysfunctions, gently draws out pain, headaches, inflammation, stress, disease, toxins, emotional blocks. Sugilite balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and left/right brain. Light colored Sugilite is used to purify lymph and blood.

    Angel of Protection Rosary

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    Tuesday, May 27, 2014

    Archangel Oracle Card for 5-27-14 Angel Therapy

    Sometimes we just need to ask for help! Give your cares and worries to the angels today, pay attention and act upon the guidance you receive, this will make divine changes in your life. 


    “Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens.”

    Additional Message:
    Have you asked us angels for help with your situation? We can only help if you give us permission.
    Right now, close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath. Then mentally call upon your guardian angels and the archangels to help you. Don’t outline how you want to be helped; just tell us what situation you’d like help with. Most important, be open to receiving help as it comes to you. The help might be in the form of a hunch, an intuitive idea, or a direct intervention. If you receive any repetitive guidance, it’s important that you follow it.

    Working with Raphael:
    Raphael’s name means “Whom God Heals,” and he known as the healing angel in charge of physical healings for all living beings.
    Ask Raphael to surround anything needing healing with his emerald green aura.
    The crystals aligned with Raphael’s healing energy are emeralds and malachite.

    Archangel Raphael

    Heavens Physician gives guidance for a healthier lifestyle, helping with anything requiring healing, relief from burdens, and Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas & dreams. Raphael is the Defender of the Element of Air and the East and is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, Custodian of The Tree of Life and of Healing Powers.

    The Color Associated with Raphael is Emerald Green.

    The Gemstone Associated with Raphael is Emerald or Malachite

    Malachite - Angel of Transformation

    Gemstone Properties:
    Malachite is called a stone of transformation as it can assist in changing and transforming situations. Useful for any kind of change in life. It attracts physical and material benefits and brings prosperity.

    Angel of Transformation Earrings


    Healing Attributes:
    Malachite is renowned for helping arthritis; it is helpful in the treatment of rheumatism and also in regularizing menstruation. Used in the treatment of asthma, toothache and improves eyesight.
    Emerald - Angel of Faith

    Emerald - Angel of Faith         
    Gemstone Properties:
    The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of faith and hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.

    Healing Attributes:
    Emerald allows cold green radiation to be absorbed by the user enabling him to have perfect control over his nervous and intestinal portions, liver, tissues, lungs, vocal chord, tongue, brain and nervous system. Its use is, therefore ideal in the case of any ailment connected with these functions.

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    Monday, May 26, 2014

    Archangel Oracle Card for 5-26-14 Moon Cycles


    The next new moon is in 2 days.  Have you thought about what you are going to manifest?  Spend some time today deciding what you will manifest on the new moon.  Archangel Haniel can help you with this.

    “Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations, and capitalize upon these cycles.”

    Additional Message:

    “The full moon is a perfect time to release anything you’re done with, the new moon is a the time to focus on manifesting desires and intentions, and the evening before the full moon is an optimal time for healing, and for recharging healing instruments such as crystals and oils.”

    “Spend time looking at the moon, and notice how you feel in relationship to its cycles. As you discover the moon’s connection to your vitality and moods, you’ll be more in touch with its Divine Magic.”

    Working with Haniel:

    Haniel’s name means “Glory of God.”

    Haniel helps us honor our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now.

    Haniel’s aura is bluish-white, like the full moon’s glow.

    The crystal associated with Haniel is moonstone, which has magical nurturing energy associated with it. Wear of hold a moonstone whenever you wish to feel close to Haniel. She will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you.

    Archangel Haniel helps to connect with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon. He helps to groom hidden talents and find true passions; to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honoring our cycles and moods, strengths and shadows.
    The Color Associated with Haniel is bluish white.
    The Gemstone Associated with Haniel is Moonstone

    Moonstone - Angel of Long Life and Happiness
    Angel of Long Life and Happiness
    Gemstone Properties:
    Moonstone promotes long life and happiness and is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer. Moonstone is associated with the feminine and is called "The Goddess Stone". It can enhance the intuitive side of the mind.

    Angel of Long Life and Happiness Prayer Bracelet
     Healing Attributes:
    Moonstone is often used to reduce excess fluid in the body and to reduce the swelling caused by this fluid.
    Moonstone is used in women to aid suffering from
    pre-menstrual tension, also used to ease childbirth.
    Angel of Long Life and Happiness Earrings
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    Sunday, May 25, 2014

    Archangel Oracle Card for 5-25-14 Nurture

    Take some time today to nurture your inner child, spend some time with a child in your life.


    Archangel Gabriel:
    “As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child.
    Both activities are important for you right now.”

    Additional Message:

    One reason why it’s important for you to help children is because you’re also helping your own inner child in the process.You’re teaching what you need to learn, so pay particular attention to the messages you deliver to children and their parents. Know those messages are for you as well. Take time to play, laugh and to be silly and carefree. Nurture your inner child with as much love and attention as possible.

    Working with Gabriel:
    Gabriel’s name means “God is My Strength,” and this phrase describes her well. Gabriel works with mothers and children during all phases of conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting. She helps grown up children as well. If your heart longs for some play time, call upon Gabriel to make all the arrangements. She’ll guide you along as you nurture your inner child. If you ask her, Gabriel will assist with your parenting desires and needs.

    Gabriel’s aura is copper, like her trumpet.
    Wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with Gabriel’s energy.

    Citrine - Angel of Prosperity:

    Angel of Prosperity Prayer Bracelet
    Angel of Prosperity Pendant
    Gemstone Properties:

    Citrine is able to help those who feel that they have misplaced their path in life and to give them a new sense of direction and rebuild the structure of their earthly existence. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. Used by healers to increase self-esteem and protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse.


    Healing Attributes:
    Citrine is beneficial to those people suffering from poor circulation and to strengthen the immune system, tissue regeneration, eases toxic conditions particularly in the endocrine and digestive systems.

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    Saturday, May 24, 2014

    Archangel Oracle Card for 5-24-14 You Know What to Do

    Trust the inner guidance you are receiving and follow it without question.  Archangel Uriel is by your side helping you realize you know what to do.


    Archangel Uriel - “Trust your inner knowledge, and act upon it without delay.”

    Additional Message: “You are far wiser than you realize, and your inner wisdom has already given you the answers that you seek.Embrace this knowledge and trust it. If you are doubtful, ask me to give you clear signs to validate your thoughts and ideas.I can also help you put your ideas into action, and make decisions about the next steps to take.Just ask me. And then be willing to work with me by taking action.”

    Working with Uriel: Uriel’s name means “The Light of God.” Uriel helps to illuminate cloudy situations by lighting your pathway. He usually only lights one step at a time, however, so you may not be able to clearly discern the ultimate outcome of your actions. But you WILL know what step to take next—all along the way—with Uriel’s help.

    Archangel Uriel - Meaning God’s Light or Fire of God, illuminates situations, giving prophetic information and warnings. He is considered an archangel who helps us with natural disaster, perhaps because of his connections with Noah and the weather elements of thunder and lightning. Call upon Archangel Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath. He provides us with Divine ideas and intellectual guidance and lights our pathway so we know which step to take next. Uriel is Defender of the Element of the Earth and the North, Angel of Nature, Visions and Instruction and Custodian of Prophecy.

    Uriel’s energy (aura) is pale yellow.
    The Gemstone Associated with Uriel is Amber.

    Amber - Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge

    Angel of Wisdom and Knowledge

    Gemstone Properties:

    Amber is a gentle stone that draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and heart. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge.

    Healing Attributes:
    Amber is used to treat those who suffer from respiratory ailments, throat infections, those who have bronchial disorders and are prone to asthma.

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