
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8-31-13 Prosperity "Repeated Card"

Repeated card, thank you Archangel Ariel. My focus waivered due to stresses  I need your help more than ever to attract the support I need for my life’s mission. I know that it’s normal and “in-the-light” for miracles to occur. I give you my worries and am open to receive your guidance as to what my next step should be.
Thank you Archangel Ariel

Prosperity - Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel: Your Material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”
Additional Message: I’m pouring a cornucopia of prosperity upon you and your life, and ask that you open your arms to receive. Some of the treasures will come in the form of brilliant ideas, and some will come as opportunities. We’ll work together to realize your highest dreams, and I ask that you give any worries to me. God and I love you very much, and are happy to help you in this way. We know that you’ll pass along the goodness to others as well.
Working with Archangel Ariel: Ariel is involved with Divine magic, which means instant manifestation of the highest will. Ariel helps you attract any support you need for your life’s mission. Know that it’s normal and “in-the-light” for miracles to occur in this arena. Ariel’s aura is a pale shade of pink, and if you wear or hold a rose quartz crystal, your heart will open further to Ariel’s magnificent love. Ask her for whatever you need, and she’ll guide you accordingly.

Archangel Ariel

Ariel, otherwise known as the Lion of God, counsels your fears and helps build the qualities of bravery, courage and focus with elegance. He will help boost your confidence and being involved with divine magic and miracles, help with manifestations, for he is the Master Manifestor. He aids teachers, healers and service workers, protects the environment and heals animals. He is indeed, the Patron Angel of Animals.

The Color Associated with Ariel is Pale Pink.

The Gemstone Associated with Ariel is the Rose Quartz

Gemstone Properties:
Rose Quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded. Promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as promoting peace, forgiveness, and nurturing. Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Emanates unconditional love and nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle love into our lives. 

Healing Attributes:
Rose Quartz is a nature remedy that can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance.

Angel of Emotional Healing Earrings
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Friday, August 30, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8-30-13 Prosperity

Ariel helps you attract any support you need for your life’s mission. Know that it’s normal and “in-the-light” for miracles to occur in this arena.
Thank you Archangel Ariel

Prosperity - Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel: Your Material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”
Additional Message: I’m pouring a cornucopia of prosperity upon you and your life, and ask that you open your arms to receive. Some of the treasures will come in the form of brilliant ideas, and some will come as opportunities. We’ll work together to realize your highest dreams, and I ask that you give any worries to me. God and I love you very much, and are happy to help you in this way. We know that you’ll pass along the goodness to others as well.
Working with Archangel Ariel: Ariel is involved with Divine magic, which means instant manifestation of the highest will. Ariel helps you attract any support you need for your life’s mission. Know that it’s normal and “in-the-light” for miracles to occur in this arena. Ariel’s aura is a pale shade of pink, and if you wear or hold a rose quartz crystal, your heart will open further to Ariel’s magnificent love. Ask her for whatever you need, and she’ll guide you accordingly.

Archangel Ariel

Ariel, otherwise known as the Lion of God, counsels your fears and helps build the qualities of bravery, courage and focus with elegance. He will help boost your confidence and being involved with divine magic and miracles, help with manifestations, for he is the Master Manifestor. He aids teachers, healers and service workers, protects the environment and heals animals. He is indeed, the Patron Angel of Animals.

The Color Associated with Ariel is Pale Pink.

The Gemstone Associated with Ariel is the Rose Quartz

Gemstone Properties:
Rose Quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded. Promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as promoting peace, forgiveness, and nurturing. Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Emanates unconditional love and nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle love into our lives. 

Healing Attributes:
Rose Quartz is a nature remedy that can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance.

Angel of Emotional Healing Earrings
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8-29-13 Comfort

Archangel Azrael helps those who help others. We sometimes get so wrapped up in taking care of those in need who cross our path we forget about ourselves.  Spend time alone today, and let Archangel Azrael comfort you, help you believe in yourself and recognize opportunities that come your way. Azrael will help recharge you - All you need to do is ask!


Archangel Azrael “I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.”

Additional Message:

“Even the strongest person experiences upsetting situations, and there’s no shame in taking time to heal your heart. This is a good time for quiet reflection upon your true feelings. Write them down in a private journal, and then call upon me to bring comfort to your heart and mind. I can help you sleep better at night, and put your mind at ease.”

Working with Azrael:

Azrael’s name means “Whom God Helps,” and he helps those who are helpers. Azrael’s aura is a beautiful shade of vanilla cream: a very pale yellow tone. He surrounds grieving and dying persons with this loving light to bring them comfort. When Azrael is around, you may see eggshell-colored twinkling lights in the room. The crystal creamy yellow calcite is calibrated to Azrael’s energy, so holding or wearing this crystal may lend additional comfort.

Archangel Azrael brings comfort and love to those who are grieving or dying and also messages from loved ones in heaven helping them to make contact. Azrael is the Patron Saint of the Clergy. The gemstone Calcite, with its creamy yellow is calibrated to Azrael's energy, so holding or wearing this gemstone in times of grief or fading life, may bring additional comfort. Those who have shared an encounter with Azrael describe him as dark, very quiet, and not at all menacing.

The Color Associated with Azrael is Vanilla Cream.

The Gemstone Associated with Azrael is the Yellow Calcite.

Angel of Opportunity

Gemstone Properties:

Yellow Calcite stimulates the intellect, helps you believe in yourself and recognize opportunities that come your way by helping you learn your life’s purpose, brings comfort in times of grief or fading life. Yellow calcite is also particularly good for meditation, channeling, intuition, and amplifying energy. Yellow calcite helps boost self-confidence and self-worth, helps release negativity and protects one from gossip and spite. Healing Attributes:

Angel of Opportunity Earrings

Yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine.Yellow calcite helps cheer depression, heals sorrow and grief. Yellow calcite increases strength and health.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8-28-13 Victory

"Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith.”

Additional Message: You deserve this time of victory. Your unwavering focus and dedication have resulted in blissful manifestation. Peace and pleasant feelings are yours right now. Let your focus be on this present moment, and savor each feeling and experience fully. Know that the future is taken care of in a positive way, as you allow yourself to enjoy the present moment. Feel good about who you are and know that your success benefits others.

Working with Sandalphon: Sandalphon’s name means “Brother,” in reference to his twin brother Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon is one of two archangels who were mortal men, who lived such remarkable lives that they ascended into archangeldom. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metatron was the wise man Enoch. Sandalphon can help your life be a masterpiece as well. Ask him to help you live in integrity, with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and manifestation fully awakened. Sandalphon can help you speak your truth openly, in a way that benefits everyone. He’ll also help you appreciate all the miracles and victories—of every size—in your life.

Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel of Music and Answered Prayers, helps with communication and expression so that you may speak your truth openly, yet your words and actions be kind and gentle, if powerful. Take time for a gentle retreat to rejuvenate and connect with peace and enjoy the present moment. He will help you live in integrity with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and manifestation fully awakened.

The Color Associated with Sandalphon is Cool Turquoise.

The Gemstone Associated with Sandalphon is Turquoise.

Turquoise - Angel of Expression

Gemstone Properties:
Turquoise helps the ability to
express oneself and verbalize
freely. It is a healer of the spirit,
providing a soothing energy which
can bring peace and calm to the
wearer. It is used by Native
Americans as a protection stone


Angel of Expression Prayer Bracelet

Healing Attributes:  

Turquoise heals the lungs,
throat and respiratory
system. It is good for
laryngitis and nervousness
in speech. Contains anti-
inflammatory and
detoxifying effects.

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Got Angel?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8/27/13 Angel Therapy

The angels are tending to you - taking care of all your cares and worries. Thank you Angels!


“Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens.”

Additional Message:
Have you asked us angels for help with your situation? We can only help if you give us permission.
Right now, close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath. Then mentally call upon your guardian angels and the archangels to help you. Don’t outline how you want to be helped; just tell us what situation you’d like help with. Most important, be open to receiving help as it comes to you. The help might be in the form of a hunch, an intuitive idea, or a direct intervention. If you receive any repetitive guidance, it’s important that you follow it.

Working with Raphael:
Raphael’s name means “Whom God Heals,” and he known as the healing angel in charge of physical healings for all living beings.
Ask Raphael to surround anything needing healing with his emerald green aura.
The crystals aligned with Raphael’s healing energy are emeralds and malachite.

Archangel Raphael

Heavens Physician gives guidance for a healthier lifestyle, helping with anything requiring healing, relief from burdens, and Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas & dreams. Raphael is the Defender of the Element of Air and the East and is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, Custodian of The Tree of Life and of Healing Powers.

The Color Associated with Raphael is Emerald Green.

The Gemstone Associated with Raphael is Emerald or Malachite

Malachite - Angel of Transformation

Gemstone Properties:
Malachite is called a stone of transformation as it can assist in changing and transforming situations. Useful for any kind of change in life. It attracts physical and material benefits and brings prosperity.

Healing Attributes:                                       
Malachite is renowned for helping arthritis; it is helpful in the treatment of rheumatism and also in regularizing menstruation. Used in the treatment of asthma, toothache and improves eyesight.

Emerald - Angel of Faith         
Gemstone Properties:
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of faith and hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.

Healing Attributes:
Emerald allows cold green radiation to be absorbed by the user enabling him to have perfect control over his nervous and intestinal portions, liver, tissues, lungs, vocal chord, tongue, brain and nervous system. Its use is, therefore ideal in the case of any ailment connected with these functions.

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Got Angel?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8/26/13 Clairsentience

Archangel Raguel help translate confusing messages so that you’ll clearly know which steps to take.
Archangel Raguel
“Notice your recurring physical and emotional feelings, as they signify Divine guidance”

Additional Message: Please honor your feelings. Don’t be afraid of deep emotions or intense feelings. I can help you distinguish between your own feelings and those of others. I’ll also help you clear any energies you may absorb. I’ll guide you toward people, situations, and places with clear and loving energy. Your repetitive emotions and physical feelings provide important information, so please notice and follow these feelings. They’re answers to your prayers. Ask me to help translate confusing messages so that you’ll clearly know which steps to take.

Working with Archangel Raguel: Like an air-traffic controller, Raguel oversees archangels and angels, ensuring harmony, cooperation, and order among them all. In this same way, he’ll help you to sort all your feelings, enabling you to notice, understand and follow them.

Raguel - Friend of God, Clairsentience, helps to distinguish between our own feelings and those of others. He guides us towards situations, people and places that have clear and loving energy and guides us to act fairly and find win-win solutions. Raguel helps to maintain harmony and order in relationships and acts as mediator, helping us to find creative solutions. His chief role in Heaven is to oversee all the other archangels and angels, ensuring that they all work together in a harmonious and orderly fashion, according to Divine order and will.
The Color Associated with Raguel is Light Blue.
The Gemstone Associated with Raguel is Aquamarine

Aquamarine - Angel of Inspiration

Aquamarine - Angel of Inspiration
Gemstone Properties: Aquamarine is associated with cleansing, meditation, serenity, peace, prophecy, and inspiration. Aquamarine is attuned to the ocean and helps us to get in touch with the nature spirits of the sea, promotes safe travel on water.

Aquamarine - Angel of Inspiration Bracelet

Healing Attributes:
Aquamarine is often associated with the thymus gland. Healers use it to help reduce fluid retention. It has been used to calm the nerves. The Romans used aquamarine for diseases of the stomach, and to cure liver and throat troubles. It is traditionally used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears and phobias

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Got Angel?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8-25-13 Moon Cycles


“Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations, and capitalize upon these cycles.”

Additional Message:

“The full moon is a perfect time to release anything you’re done with, the new moon is a the time to focus on manifesting desires and intentions, and the evening before the full moon is an optimal time for healing, and for recharging healing instruments such as crystals and oils.”

“Spend time looking at the moon, and notice how you feel in relationship to its cycles. As you discover the moon’s connection to your vitality and moods, you’ll be more in touch with its Divine Magic.”

Working with Haniel:

Haniel’s name means “Glory of God.”

Haniel helps us honor our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now.

Haniel’s aura is bluish-white, like the full moon’s glow.

The crystal associated with Haniel is moonstone, which has magical nurturing energy associated with it. Wear of hold a moonstone whenever you wish to feel close to Haniel. She will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you.

Archangel Haniel helps to connect with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon. He helps to groom hidden talents and find true passions; to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honoring our cycles and moods, strengths and shadows.
The Color Associated with Haniel is bluish white.
The Gemstone Associated with Haniel is Moonstone

Moonstone - Angel of Long Life and Happiness

Angel of Long Life and Happiness

Gemstone Properties:
Moonstone promotes long life and happiness and is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer. Moonstone is associated with the feminine and is called "The Goddess Stone". It can enhance the intuitive side of the mind.

Angel of Long Life and Happiness Prayer Bracelet
 Healing Attributes:
Moonstone is often used to reduce excess fluid in the body and to reduce the swelling caused by this fluid.
Moonstone is used in women to aid suffering from
pre-menstrual tension, also used to ease childbirth.
Angel of Long Life and Happiness Earrings

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Got Angel?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8-24-13 Clear Your Space

Clear Your Space

Archangel Jophiel: “Get rid of clutter clear the energy around you, and use feng shui”

Additional Message: “Your home and work environments affect you on many levels.  Clutter can erode your energy, creativity, and prosperity.  I’ll help you find the time and motivation to clear interferences from your physical environment. Together, we’ll release anything that’s not serving you.  We’ll donate, recycle, or discard unused items. We’ll open the windows to circulate fresh air in the rooms.  And I’ll escort lower energies away. You’ll notice huge improvements in all areas of your life as a result of this endeavor.”

Working with Archangel Jophiel:  Jophiel’s aura is deep rose pink, signifying her beautiful, loving and caring nature. Dark pink crystals, such as pink rubellite are associated with Jophiel’s energy. Anytime you’re involved with redecorating or spring cleaning, call upon Jophiel to help you.It’s like having your own spiritual interior decorator and feng shui consultant!

Archangel Jophiel

Beauty of God, helps to clear both mental physical clutter and negative thinking, clearing energy. He helps us to stay in Higher Self focus of bliss, love and joy, and encourages us to spend time in nature, experiencing more grace and peace in life. The Patron Angel of Artists, Jophiel helps us to think beautiful thoughts, thus creating, manifesting and attracting more beauty into our lives.

The Color Associated with Jophiel is Deep Rose or Magenta Pink.
The Gemstone Associated with Jophiel is Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline Angel of Comfort and Safety
Gemstone Properties:

Pink Tourmaline vibrates a deep resonance with the heart chakra. It has the potential to heal emotional wounds with its soft soothing energy to bring feelings of comfort and safety. Pink Tourmaline is said to strengthen wisdom, help with empathy, aid compassion, help with willpower, creativity, and balance a passive or aggressive nature. Pink tourmaline is believed to bring personal strength, endurance and stamina. Pink tourmaline promotes balance and protection

Healing Attributes:
It is believed that the physical symptoms of anxiety can be relieved by wearing pink tourmaline, especially if the stone is worn in a piece of jewelry that sits over the heart Pink tourmaline will help the wearer face his fears and will help the wearer face his fears and will help to eliminate the sense of dread or panic that often accompanies anxiety.
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Friday, August 23, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 8-23-13 Divine Order

Have faith that everything is working out for the higher good of all involved. Archangel Raguel keep my thoughts positive to speed the resolution along even quicker."

Divine Order

Archangel Raguel:
"Everything is how it needs to be right now.
Look past the illusion, and see underlying order."

Additional Message: "A win-win situation is brewing, one with solutions that are fair to everyone involved. This requires you to have blind faith that Heaven is working behind the scenes to extract the highest good for all. Ask me to buoy your faith if it wavers. Use positive affirmations and prayers to keep your spirits high. Above all, make sure that your conversations about this situation involve positive and optimistic words and phrases. You're so powerful that your positive thoughts can speed the resolution along even quicker."

Working with Archangel Raguel: Raguel has beautiful pale-blue energy, like the sky on a perfect spring morning. He's the archangel who guides people to act in fair and just ways, and Raguel also gives us faith in humanity's essential goodness. Wearing or holding an
aquamarine crystal will align you with Raguel's kind and wise persona.

Archangel Raguel

Friend of God, Clairsentience, helps to distinguish between our own feelings and those of others. He guides us towards situations, people and places that have clear and loving energy and guides us to act fairly and find win-win solutions. Raguel helps to maintain harmony and order in relationships and acts as mediator, helping us to find creative solutions. His chief role in Heaven is to oversee all the other archangels and angels, ensuring that they all work together in a harmonious and orderly fashion, according to Divine order and will.

The Color Associated with Raguel is Light Blue.

The Gemstone Associated with Raguel is Aquamarine

Angel of Inspiration
Angel of Inspiration Pendant

Gemstone Properties:

Aquamarine is associated with cleansing, meditation, serenity, peace, prophecy, and inspiration. Aquamarine is attuned to the ocean and helps us to get in touch with the nature spirits of the sea, promotes safe travel on water.

Healing Attributes:
Angel of Inspiration Bracelet

Aquamarine is often associated with the thymus gland. Healers use it to help reduce fluid retention. It has been used to calm the nerves.

The Romans used aquamarine for diseases of the stomach, and to cure liver and throat troubles. It is traditionally used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears and phobias.

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