
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-30-13 Clairvoyance

Listen to the inner guidance Archangel Raziel is helping you connect with!


Archangel Raziel:“I am helping your spiritual sight to awaken fully so you can clearly see Heavenly Love.”

Additional Message:

“Your clairvoyance may come in different forms:as fleeting mental images in your mind’s eye; as dreams; as recurring sights in the physical world; as auras and energy; or as apparition experiences. All of the facets of clairvoyance are beautiful and varied.Enjoy and trust them.Hold the intention of seeing only love, and that is what you’ll see.”

Working with Raziel:
Raziel’s name means “Secrets of God,” and this archangel will help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. Call upon Raziel to assist your alchemical work—to turn ideas into gold.

Raziel’s aura holds all the colors of the rainbow like a beautiful prism of light.

Working with clear quartz crystals magnifies clairvoyance and helps you feel closer to Raziel.

Archangel Raziel

Secret of God, knows all the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. His clairvoyance through dreams and inner sight helps us gain deeper spiritual understanding and to apply it in practical ways. He will take you soul travelling in your dreams to discover truths and ancient wisdom that will become part of your subconscious and be with you when you wake up and help you understand esoteric material and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance.

The Color Associated with Raziel are All Colors of the Rainbow.

The Gemstone Associated with Raziel is Quartz

Angel of Energy
Crystal Quartz - Angel of Energy

Gemstone Properties:Crystal Quartz is excellent for unblocking energy. It amplifies the energy of all other stones and increases your emotional energy. It is said to bring out a person's strengths, originality, and relating to others. It is also believed help one's understanding of difficult situations and enhancing creativity.

Angel of Energy Earrings

Healing Attributes:
The most powerful, versatile multi-purpose healing stone, especially regarding self-esteem, and healing the wounds of a neglectful or abusive childhood.You just have to hold and gaze into a crystal to feel your mind becoming tranquil. This gemstone should be used by anyone in need of more patience or perseverance.

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-29-13 Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Great way to start the week - Choose healthly options today
Thank you Archangel Raphael for your love and support.

Archangel Raphael: Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly for optimal health."

Additional Messasge: "You are co-creating your health by following yur inner guidance about lifestyle habits. I give you inner nudges to improve the way you eat, or to exercise or rest more often. My prodding isn't to nag you or rob you of pleasure. Rather, my urging are in response to your prayers for higher energy levels, increased well-being, weight loss, and a happier mood. When you take excellent care of your body, your outlook and self-esteem naturally blossom."

Working with Archangel Raphael: Raphael is Heaven's physician, and he prescribes preventive and curative medicine in the form of Divine intervention and guidance. In the former, he swoops into the situation and surrounds it with his emerald-green healing light and love - and the situation is instantly healed. But in the latter (which is actually more common), Raphael will give you intuition and hunches showing how you can help with the healing.

Archangel Raphael is Heavens Physician he gives
guidance for a healthier lifestyle, helping with anything requiring healing, relief from burdens, and Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas & dreams. Raphael is the Defender of the Element of Air and the East and is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, Custodian of The Tree of Life and of Healing Powers.

The Color Associated with Raphael is Emerald Green.

The Gemstone Associated with Raphael is Emerald or Malachite

Malachite - Angel of Transformation

Gemstone Properties:
Malachite is called a stone of transformation as it can assist in changing and transforming situations. Useful for any kind of change in life. It attracts physical and material benefits and brings prosperity.

Angel of Transformation Earrings

Healing Attributes:
Malachite is renowned for helping arthritis; it is helpful in the treatment of rheumatism and also in regularizing menstruation. Used in the treatment of asthma, toothache and improves eyesight.

Emerald - Angel of Faith
Emerald - Angel of Faith
Gemstone Properties:
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of faith and hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.

Healing Attributes:
Emerald allows cold green radiation to be absorbed by the user enabling him to have perfect control over his nervous and intestinal portions, liver, tissues, lungs, vocal chord, tongue, brain and nervous system. Its use is, therefore ideal in the case of any ailment connected with these functions.

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Got Angel?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-28-13 Breathe

I breathe in love and life; I breathe out life's stresses
Archangel Raphael: “Take several deep breaths and exhale slowly to awaken your energy and to release old patterns”

Additional Message:“Often during times of stress, you many unconsciously hold your breath

Yes, as you know, breath is essential to oxygenating your mind, body, spirit, and very life.Write a note to yourself to breathe, as a reminder of the importance of invigorating yourself with deep and steady breaths.Make trips to places where fresh air is plentiful.You’ll also notice an increase in air quality when you’re near water, such as the beach or a lake.Even taking a shower or bath puts you in touch with the positive ions associated with water and air.”

Working with Archangel Raphael:Raphael’s name means “Whom God heals” and he is known as the healing angel in charge of physical healings for all living beings. Often, Raphael gives us Divine guidance (intuition, thoughts, ideas, dreams, and so on) about how we can participate in keeping our bodies healthy.When you call upon Raphael for a healing, pay attention to inner impressions, and be sure to follow through upon guidance that calls you to take action.
Archangel Raphael

Heavens Physician gives guidance for a healthier lifestyle, helping with anything requiring healing, relief from burdens, and Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas & dreams. Raphael is the Defender of the Element of Air and the East and is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, Custodian of The Tree of Life and of Healing Powers.

The Color Associated with Raphael is Emerald Green.

The Gemstone Associated with Raphael is Emerald or Malachite

Malachite - Angel of Transformation

Gemstone Properties:
Malachite is called a stone of transformation as it can assist in changing and transforming situations. Useful for any kind of change in life. It attracts physical and material benefits and brings prosperity.

Healing Attributes:
Malachite is renowned for helping arthritis; it is helpful in the treatment of rheumatism and also in regularizing menstruation. Used in the treatment of asthma, toothache and improves eyesight.

Angel of Transformation Prayer Bracelet

Emerald - Angel of Faith

Emerald - Angel of Faith
Gemstone Properties:
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of faith and hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.

Healing Attributes:
Emerald allows cold green radiation to be absorbed by the user enabling him to have perfect control over his nervous and intestinal portions, liver, tissues, lungs, vocal chord, tongue, brain and nervous system. Its use is, therefore ideal in the case of any ailment connected with these functions.

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Got Angel?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 2-27-13 Creative Writing


Archangel Gabriel
“Make time to write down your thoughts in a journal or pen an article or book.”

Additional Message:
“Your soul longs for creative expression through writing. I can help you schedule this activity. Honor any inner nudges that guide you to write. The writing may be for your own enjoyment, or may be a cathartic experience of self expression in a private journal. As you work with your connection to the written word, you may receive Divine guidance to write articles or books for publication. Call upon me at any time to guide your through this process.”

Working with Gabriel:

Gabriel’s name means “God is My Strength.” As the messenger angel, Gabriel loves to help writers and journalists deliver healing messages. Like a loving coach, she’ll urge you to delegate your time and energy toward writing. Gabriel can also open doors that allow for publication of your articles and books, if you’ll ask for her assistance. Most of all she’ll help you enjoy writing.
Archangel Gabriel
Gabriel, Messenger Angel, loves to coach and help with writing, and being able to open doors for publication, will help in the enjoyment of writing. Gabriel helps to find strength and connect with personal power, and reassures that it is safe to be powerful. He works with mothers and children and helps us to connect with our inner child and play. Gabriel is the Angel of Mercy and the Patron Angel of all who work in the field of communications. Gabriel brings the gift of Hope to keep alive in your heart. He is the Governor of Eden, the ruler of the Cherubim, the Angel of the Resurrection and the Angel of Mercy. The poet Longfellow, in his ‘The Golden Legend’, makes Gabriel the angel of the moon who brings man the gift of hope. Gabriel is the Defender of the Element of Water and of the West, the Angel of Resurrection, Mercy and the Benefactor of Messengers.

Gabriel’s aura is copper, like her trumpet.

When you wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with Gabriel’s energy.
Citrine - Angel of Prosperity:

Angel of Prosperity Pendant
Gemstone Properties: Citrine is able to help those who feel that they have misplaced their path in life and to give them a new sense of direction and rebuild the structure of their earthly existence. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. Used by healers to increase self-esteem and protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse.

Healing Attributes:
Citrine is beneficial to those people suffering from poor circulation and to strengthen the immune system, tissue regeneration, eases toxic conditions particularly in the endocrine and digestive systems.

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-26-13 Peace

Keep Peace in your heart today! Let the light of love within you overpower the darkness


Archangel Chamuel: “Peace comes from remembering that only love is real”
Additional Message:“Look past the surface of this situation and see the underlying truth:that everyone involved is a child of God filled with love.By focusing upon this truth, you elicit loving behavior and solutions.Even though appearances may seem otherwise, trust that a higher wisdom is in charge.Love is the only power that exists, and its light shines away any seeming darkness.Hold the intention to look for examples of this light within yourself and others, and you’ll have more light in your mind, heart, thoughts, and life.This knowledge is the foundation of peace.”
Working with Archangel Chamuel:When you wish to feel more centered, calm, and peaceful, call upon Chamuel.He is the archangel of personal and global peace.He’s very kind, loving, and sweet, and he’ll evoke a pleasant feeling of excitement when he works with you.Know that Chamuel sees your true qualities and loves you unconditionally.
Chamuel He Who Sees God helps us to see clearly and find things, situations and people. Renowned for help in finding the best career, Chamuel is The Angel of Divine Love, both personal and global, and The Patron Angel of All Who Love God. In Druid mythology, Chamuel was originally the God of War. A gatekeeper of Heaven, Chamuel has charge over twelve-thousand fiery Angels of Destruction, all posted there with him at the portals of the sky and thus became known as Chief of the Angels of Destruction.
The Color Associated with Chamuel is Pale Green.
The Gemstone Associated with Chamuel is Fluorite
Fluorite – Angel of Enlightenment
Angel of Enlightenment Pendant

Gemstone Properties:
Fluorite helps bring the spiritual into the material and quickens enlightenment. This stone can help one to remain calm in stressful situations. Fluorite fosters truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection, very protective stone

Healing Attributes:
Aids physical and mental healing. Fluorite helps fight viruses, strengthens the skeletal system and balances the positive and negatives aspects of the mind. It can also help with concentration.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-25-13 Compassion

Archangel Zadkiel help me to show compassion to myself and others today.


Archangel Zadkiel
“Soften your heart with respect to this situation,
and all the people involved, including yourself.”

Additional Message:

I can help you forgive yourself and others or to compassionately see everyone’s point of view.

You needn’t change your stance or behavior. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and allows creative situations to pour forth.

Working with Zadkiel:

Zadkiel’s name means “Righteousness of God,” and he helps us release unforgiveness toward ourselves and others.

Ask him to come into your dreams and act like a chimney sweep, clearing away any emotional toxins from your heart. He’ll ensure that everyone’s needs are met, and that emotional healings occur in miraculous ways.

Zadkiel’s aura is deep indigo blue.

When you wear the mineral Lapis Lazuli you may feel a closer connection to Zadkiel.

Angel of Inner Strength
Angel of Inner Strength
Gemstone Properties:

Lapis is associated with truthfulness, openness, inner power, love, purification, intuition, a sense of wonder and mystery, self-confidence, virility, manifestation, and tranquility. Lapis is thought to bring the gift of strength, self-assurance and increase sensitivity to your higher power. Ancient Egyptians used Lapis as a symbol of Truth.

Angel of Inner Strength Earrings

Healing Attributes:

Lapis is considered strengthening to mind and body. Lapis allows us to tap our own inner power while purifying the soul and the thoughts. Lapis is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed.

Angel of Inner Strength Rosary

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Got Angel?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-24-13 Career Transition

Thank you Archangel Chamuel for reminding us to follow our spiritual path and have a career we find fulfilling.


Archangel Chamuel “Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.”

Additional Message:“You’ve prayed for help with your career, and it’s now occurring. Sometimes change is perceived as stressful, yet I’m helping to clear the old from your life to make way for the new. Pay close attention to your repetitive ideas, dreams, and visions, as these are Divinely inspired roadmaps pointing the way along your desired path.You may not see the entire road (or where it’s leading) but each step will be lit along the way.”

Working with Chamuel: Chamuel’s name means “He who sees God.” His ability to see clearly helps us find things, situation and people.He’s renownd for helping people find the career best suited to their purpose and passions.Call upon Chamuel as your career counselor often!

Chamuel’s energy (aura) is pale green, like a springtime leaf in the morning sunlight.

You can feel close to Chamuel’s loving energy by wearing or carrying a green fluorite crystal.

Fluorite - Angel of Enlightenment

Angel of Enlightenment
Gemstone Properties:

Fluorite helps bring the spiritual into the material and quickens enlightenment. This stone can help one to remain calm in stressful situations. Fluorite fosters truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection, very protective stone

Healing Attributes:

Aids physical and mental healing. Fluorite helps fight viruses, strengthens the skeletal system and balances the positive and negatives aspects of the mind. It can also help with concentration.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-23-13 Nurture


Archangel Gabriel:
“As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child.
Both activities are important for you right now.”

Additional Message:

One reason why it’s important for you to help children is because you’re also helping your own inner child in the process.You’re teaching what you need to learn, so pay particular attention to the messages you deliver to children and their parents. Know those messages are for you as well. Take time to play, laugh and to be silly and carefree.Nurture your inner child with as much love and attention as possible.

Working with Gabriel:

Gabriel’s name means “God is My Strength,” and this phrase describes her well.Gabriel works with mothers and children during all phases of conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting.She helps grown up children as well.If your heart longs for some play time, call upon Gabriel to make all the arrangements. She’ll guide you along as you nurture your inner child.If you ask her, Gabriel will assist with your parenting desires and needs.

Gabriel’s aura is copper, like her trumpet.

When you wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with Gabriel’s energy.

Citrine - Angel of Prosperity:

Angel of Prosperity Prayer Bracelet
Angel of Prosperity Pendant
Gemstone Properties: Citrine is able to help those who feel that they have misplaced their path in life and to give them a new sense of direction and rebuild the structure of their earthly existence. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. Used by healers to increase self-esteem and protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse.

Healing Attributes:
Citrine is beneficial to those people suffering from poor circulation and to strengthen the immune system, tissue regeneration, eases toxic conditions particularly in the endocrine and digestive systems.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Archangel Oracle Card for 4-22-13 Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

Thank you Archangel Michael for this reminder today to not let the tragedies in our world effect who we are. Let us be a shining example of love and be an inspiration to those who cross our path.

Archangel Michael: “You are a powerful, loving, and creative child of God. You are very loved”
Additional Message: “You are made in the image and likeness of your Creator, so you embody aspects of all those qualities. Your inner divine light is pure and bright in truth, and no mistakes can undo God’s handiwork of true perfection. Don’t be afraid of your power, your magnificence, or your wisdom. When you succeed, you inspire others. When you change your life so that it’s more aligned with your interests, you inspire others. Be powerful! Be magnificent! This is who you are.”
Working with Archangel Michael: Michael’s name means “He who is like God,” since he emanates the Creator’s awesome qualities of love, power, strength, and unwavering faith. When you call upon Michael, your own similar qualities are enhanced and magnified. Ask Michael to enter your dreams and clear away any fears that are blocking you from fully enjoying and living your spiritual gifts and qualities. Michael works especially well with us while we’re sleeping, since that’s when we are more open-minded and receptive.

Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael - He who is like God, protects and leads away lower energies in our space. He works with us while we sleep and enters our dreams to allay fears. Michael helps with the qualities of love, power, strength and unwavering faith. He gives guidance and direction for those stuck or lost in the purpose of their life career path. Michael is the Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South, the Leader of the Archangels. He is the Angel of Protection, Justice &
The Color Associated with Michael is Royal Blue and tinges of Purple.

The Gemstone Associated with Michael is Sugilite.

Sugilite Angel of Protection
Angel of Protection Pendant

Gemstone Properties:
Sugilite represents spiritual love and wisdom. This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness. Protects the soul from shocks and trauma, clears disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. Sugilite imparts the ability to face unpleasant conditions, encourages positive thoughts, and releases emotional turmoil. It has a strong protective energy, aids in releasing negative energy, excellent for Psychic protection, as it creates a shield of protection around you.


Angel of Protection Prayer Bracelet
Healing Attributes:
Sugilite is used by healers for dyslexia, pain relief, motor dysfunctions, gently draws out pain, headaches, inflammation, stress, disease, toxins, emotional blocks. Sugilite balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and left/right brain. Light colored Sugilite is used to purify lymph and blood.

Angel of Protection Rosary

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